Monday, September 23, 2013

2011 TNA Impact Wrestling Reviews

1/6/11 Impact

Opening segment: Good segment that made the main event.

Double J Double M A challenge: Funny segment as usual, and Angle returns.

AJ Styles/Kazarian vs. Motor City Machine Guns: Pretty good match.

Pope/Joe promo: Very dull promo exchange.

Madison Rayne/Sarita vs. Mickie James/Velvet Sky: Not a great match.

Douglas Williams vs. Rob Terry: Complete nothing match.

Abyss vs. Jay Lethal: Not much of a match as it was more of an angle.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Rob Van Dam: Solid main event.

Very average show heading into Genesis.

Grade: C

1/13/11 Impact

Opening segment: Very good Morgan/Anderson promo.

Beer Money vs. Motor City Machine Guns: Very good match.

Pope/Joe promo: This was the usual between these two as there was just little reason for them to feud.

Angle/Jarrett promo: This was as good as usual.

Winter/Angelina Love vs. Madison Rayne/Tara: Not a great match.

Abyss vs. Matt Morgan: Bad match.

Mr. Anderson/Rob Van Dam vs. Hardy Boyz: Very good main event.

Pretty decent Impact.

Grade: B-

1/20/11 Impact

Opening segment: Not a great segment.

Sarita vs. Velvet Sky vs. Mickie James vs. Madison Rayne: Not a great match.

Rob Terry vs. Matt Morgan: Squash.

Kazarian vs. Jay Lethal: Solid X Division title match.

Jeff/Karen/Kurt promo: Second segment based around this feud.

Jeff Hardy vs. Tommy Dreamer: Not a great match.

Beer Money vs. Rob Van Dam/Mr. Anderson: Very good match.

Devon/Bully Ray segment: Very good segment to advance their feud.

Final segment: Okay segment with Angle and AJ getting the better of Immortal and Abyss walking down the ramp with Janice stuck to his back before collapsing.

Not a great show... weak matches and way too much Kurt/Jeff/Karen.

Grade: D

1/27/11 Impact

Opening segment: Very solid Angle/Bischoff promo.

Sarita/Madison Rayne/Tara vs. Mickie James/Angelina Love/Velvet Sky: Very good elimination match with Angelina surviving.

Amazing Red vs. Max Buck vs. Chris Sabin: Solid match.

Hardy/Anderson promo: This was very good.

Promo: Very bad Velvet promo that led to a brawl with Winter.

Pope promo: Another bad promo on Joe.

Matt Hardy vs. Mr. Anderson: Solid match.

Kurt Angle/Crimson vs. immortal: Very weak main event.

Pretty good Impact, mainly because of the first hour.

Grade: B

2/3/11 Impact

Opening segment: Mediocre Bischoff/Steiner promo that makes a lot of mentions of the past.

Ink Inc. vs. Gunner/Murphy: Bad match.

Bully Ray/D'Angelo Dinero vs. Samoa Joe/Devon: Bad match with a mediocre promo between Pope and Bully talking about their bad feuds.

Jeremy Buck vs. Douglas Williams vs. Jay Lethal: Solid match.

Anderson/Hardy promo: Very good as usual.

Mickie James vs. Sarita: Solid "taped fist" match.

Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy: Good match with Fourtune turning face to give Anderson the win.

Final segment: Very good AJ/Bischoff promo exchange to close the show.

Bad first hour but an awesome second hour makes for a decent show.

Grade: B-

2/10/11 Impact

Opening segment: Your typical Immortal promo, but with Immortal burying the Fourtune members on the mic.

Devon/Rob Van Dam/Samoa Joe vs. D'Angelo Dinero/Matt Hardy/Bully Ray: Very rushed tables match.

Karen/Jeff/Kurt segment: Very bad promo exchange between the three.

Sarita/Rosita/Tara/Madison Rayne vs. Mickie James/Velvet Sky/Angelina Love/Winter: Not a great match.

Mr. Anderson vs. Matt Morgan: Not a great match.

Brian Kendrick vs. Suicide vs. Robbie E: Decent match.

Kurt Angle/AJ Styles vs. Jeff Jarrett/Jeff Hardy: Solid main event.

Not a good show.

Grade: D

2/17/11 Impact

Opening segment: The typical Immortal promo.

Hernandez vs. Douglas Williams: Squash.

Pope/Joe segment: Very bad.

Kazarian vs. Robbie E: Solid match.

Matt Hardy vs. AJ Styles: Solid match outside of AJ losing.

Anderson/Bischoff promo: Very bad.

Beautiful People vs. Sarita/Rosita: Solid match.

Bully Ray promo: Very good.

Rob Van Dam vs. Jeff Hardy: Good match with Hardy retaining the world title.

Very average show, with the promos mostly missing the mark.

Grade: C

2/24/11 Impact

Opening segment: Your typical Immortal promo that makes RVD/Anderson in the main event.

Gunner/Murphy vs. Eric Young/Orlando Jordan: Bad match.

Bully/Devon promo: This was good except for Devon's kids being involved.

Crimson vs. Magnus: Squash.

Steiner/Terry posedown: This was terrible.

Flair/AJ promo: Very good until Hernandez attacks AJ, although nothing else really happened between Hernandez and Immortal after this.

Madison Rayne vs. ODB: Decent match.

Rob Van Dam vs. Mr. Anderson: Solid main event.

Another average show, as this show only picked up after the posedown.

Grade: C

3/3/11 Impact

Opening segment: Your typical Immortal promo to start the show.

Beer Money vs. Gunner/Murphy: Very average match.

Sarita vs. Velvet Sky: Velvet finally gets her win over Sarita in a very bad two minute match. The aftermath made a six Knockout tag involving Angelina from Jersey Shore too.

Jeff/Karen wedding renewal: Very bad segment that had OJ as the flower girl.

Rob Terry vs. Scott Steiner: Pretty bad match.

Hernandez vs. Matt Morgan: Another bad match.

Wedding Renewal 2: This was as bad as the first.

Jeff Hardy vs. Sting: Sting wins the world title in a very average match.

Very bad show that was made to look better than it was due to it being outside the Impact zone.

Grade: F

3/10/11 Impact

Opening segment: Very long Hogan promo that makes the main event.

Samoa Joe vs. D'Angelo Dinero: Decent match.

Madison Rayne vs. Roxxi: Squash.

Beautiful People/Winter vs. Sarita/Cookie/Angelina Pivarnick: Terrible match but at least the Jersey Shore character actually got pinned.

Flair/AJ promo: Very good and makes the next match.

Ric Flair vs. Matt Hardy vs. AJ Styles: Okay match but a glorified handicap match where Styles gets pinned by Flair in 2011.

Generation Me vs. Ink Inc.: Solid match.

Sting/Rob Van Dam vs. Mr. Anderson/Jeff Hardy: Not great and only lasted four minutes.

A much better show than last week, but that wasn't hard. Very little wrestling and the main event scene just feels VERY stale, plus guys like AJ and Joe are just being wasted.

Grade: C-

3/17/11 Impact

Opening segment: Very long and boring segment at times that made the main event.

Madison Rayne vs. Alissa Flash: A 15 second squash though the Madison/Mickie promo afterwards was good.

Pope segment: Very boring and lame segment that tried to put over Pope as a healer and ended with him beating up Okato.

Kurt/Karen/Jeff Jarrett segment: Not a great segment as the Angle/Jarrett feud went south once the MMA challenges were over.

Gunner vs. Murphy vs. Rob Terry: Very boring match with Gunner becoming TV champ.

Hernandez/Sarita/Rosita vs. Matt Morgan/Winter/Angelina Love: Very rushed street fight.

AJ Styles vs. Bully Ray vs. Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam: Good match which resulted in Bully powerbombing AJ off the stage.

VERY bad show outside of the main event.

Grade: F

3/24/11 Impact

Opening segment: Your typical Immortal promo to start the show.

Mickie James vs. Tara: Pretty good match.

D'Angelo Dinero vs. Okato: Very boring squash that was part of a bad angle.

Fourtune/Immortal promo: Pretty good promo exchange as Flair and Bully Ray handled most of it.

Matt Morgan/Devon vs. Mexican America: Not a great street fight.

Ink Inc. vs. Scott Steiner/Crimson: Not a great match.

Rob Van Dam vs. Mr. Anderson: Very average main event.

Not a great show.

Grade: D+

3/31/11 Impact

Opening segment:  Very mediocre opening promo with most of it between Anderson and Earl Hebner, with Anderson bullying Hebner until Sting and RVD come out, and the main event is made.

Scott Steiner vs. Shannon Moore: Squash.

Max Buck vs. Jeremy Buck: Solid match.

Winter vs. Velvet Sky: Terrible match.

Anderson promo: Very solid and resulting in a good brawl with Sting.

Kurt Angle vs. Rob Terry: Squash.

Abyss/Bully Ray/Matt Hardy vs. Sting/Rob Van Dam/Mr. Anderson: Good cage match main event with Immortal winning and continuing the beatdown until Kazarian and Beer Money come out, and get beaten down until Christopher Daniels returns and does a crossbody off the cage onto Immortal.

Better show than the last two weeks, but that isn't hard to do. Outside of the main event and brawl it was your typical Impact lately.

Grade: C

4/7/11 Impact

Opening segment: Solid opening promo explaining Daniels' return and making Daniels/Bully for later.

Mexican America vs. Tommy Dreamer/Devon: Bad match.

Samoa Joe vs. Murphy: Squash.

Sarita/Rosita vs. Beautiful People: Basically a handicap match as Angelina was ina trance thanks to Winter, who ordered her to destroy Velvet, leading to the loss in a bad match.

Sting/RVD promo: This was actually pretty solid.

Robbie E/Generation Me vs. Chris Sabin/Suicide/Brian Kendrick: Solid match with Max turning on his brother, leading to the loss.

Bully Ray vs. Christopher Daniels: Okay lumberjack match but bad booking in Daniels losing his first match back.

Jarrett/Angle promo: Very good as usual.

Rob Van Dam vs. Sting: A two minute main event and it wasn't very good.

Another mediocre show, once again bogged down by a stale main event, weak in-ring action, and bad stories.

Grade: C-

4/14/11 Impact

Opening segment: Very mediocre Anderson/Hogan promo.

Crimson vs. Orando Jordan vs. Jesse Neal vs. Douglas Williams: Bad match.

Matt Hardy vs. Kazarian: Solid match.

Madison/Tara/Mickie promo: Very solid.

Kurt Angle/Matt Morgan/Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Jarrett/Hernandez/D'Angelo Dinero: Solid match.

Hogan promo: His second of the show and it was average at best with him trying to get RVD to join Immortal.

Abyss vs. James Storm: Decent match.

Velvet promo: This was pretty bad until zombie Angelina attacked her.

Mr. Anderson gauntlet: He eliminates Gunner, Murphy, and Rob Terry until he faces Bully Ray. Weak main event.

Another mediocre show, with a horrendous undercard and stale main event still prevalent.

Grade: C-

4/21/11 Impact

Opening segment: Very good AJ/Bully promo exchange.

Beer Money vs. Gunner/Murphy: Not a great match.

Opening segment: Your typical Hogan/Sting/RVD promo exchange.

Sarita/Rosita vs. Madison Rayne/Tara: Mostly an angle to build Tara's face turn.

Jeff/Kurt promo: This was bad with Karen getting covered in poop that fell from the ceiling.

Rob Van Dam vs. Abyss: More of an angle than a good match.

Morgan/Steiner promo: This wasn't bad.

Sting vs. Matt Hardy: Solid main event.

Another mediocre show in a string of them.

Grade: C-

4/28/11 Impact

Opening segment: Bad segment with Karen Jarrett having all the KOs in the ring to find out who Kurt's "mistress" is. This really dragged...

Angelina Love vs. Velvet Sky: More of an angle than a match.

Anarquia vs. Chris Sabin: Not a great match.

Christopher Daniels vs. Gunner: Solid TV title match.

Anderson/Sting/RVD segment: Good promo exchange between the three.

Crimson vs. Samoa Joe: Not a great match.

Mickie promo: Pretty good promo putting over her KO title win.

Sting vs. Bully Ray vs. Mr. Anderson: Pretty good main event.

Very average show.

Grade: C

5/5/11 Impact

Opening segment: Your typical Immortal promo until Roode cut a promo on Hogan and Bischoff.

Suicide vs. Sangriento: Decent for what it was.

Mexican America promo: This was their typical promo pretty much.

Bully Ray/Gunner vs. AJ Styles/Christopher Daniels: Complete backdrop to a Tommy Dreamer heel turn.

Velvet/Karen promo: Bad promo exchange that made the main event.

Rob Terry vs. Murphy: Bad match.

Mickie James vs. Miss Tessmacher: Solid match.

Jeff Jarrett/Winter/Angelina Love vs. Kurt Angle/Velvet Sky: Not a great main event.

Another below average Impact... a Tommy Dreamer heel turn in 2011 and Velvet Sky in the main event.

Grade: D+

5/12/11 Impact

Opening segment: Okay Jarrett/Angle promo exchange that hyped Angle's surprise for later. Oh boy...

Madison Rayne/Tara vs. Mickie James/Miss Tessmacher: Very rushed match.

Dreamer/AJ promo: Average as heel Dreamer just didn't click.

Beer Money promo: Decent promo exchange with Matt Hardy until Matt reveals his partner at Sacrifice- Chris Harris. Interesting though Harris looks like he did as Braden Walker...

Suicide vs. Sangriento: Solid match.

Foley/Immortal promo: Not good as he reveals Chyna as Angle's surprise. Yes, Chyna.

Abyss vs. Crimson vs. Samoa Joe: Bad match.

#1 contendership battle royal: Pretty good with Anderson winning.

Very mediocre show. Outside of the main event the action wasn't much and I don't know what they were thinking with Chyna as she hasn't been relevant in YEARS.

Grade: C-

5/19/11 Impact

Opening segment: Very good opening segment.

Sarita/Rosita/Madison Rayne vs. Mickie James/Tara/Miss Tessmacher: Not a great match.

Kazarian vs. Abyss: Abyss wins the X Division title in a good match.

Samoa Joe vs. Amazing Red: Squash.

AJ/Dreamer segment: Okay at best as I couldn't buy Dreamer as a heel.

Angle/Jarrett segment: This was good to build their Slammiversary match.

Matt Hardy/Eric Bischoff vs. Generation Me: Bad match with Bischoff pinning Max Buck CLEAN.

Velvet Sky vs. Angelina Love/Winter: Velvet wins a very bad handicap match.

Flair/Roode segment: Very good promo segment.

Final segment: Sting cuts a good promo until Anderson attacks him while dressed as "surfer" Sting.

Not a great show... the promos were mostly good but the matches were terrible and the X Division looked weak in their matches. Not good for the first "wrestling matters" show.

Grade: C-

5/26/11 Impact

AJ Styles/Christopher Daniels vs. Bully Ray/Tommy Dreamer: Pretty good match.

Scorpion Sitdown: Anderson, dressed as surfer Sting, interviews Disco Inferno. Not a great segment as it gave off late WCW vibes.

Velvet/ODB promo: Very bad promo exchange as it featured all the typical language degrading women and neither are the best promos in general.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Matt Morgan: Not a great match.

Promo segment: Foley is revealed as a network executive and he makes Abyss vs. Kendrick for the X Division title later. Good segment.

Mickie James vs. Winter: Solid match.

Abyss vs. Brian Kendrick: Not a great match.

Gunner vs. Eric Young: Gunner does the fingerpoke of doom to EY and loses by rollup when he goes to pin him. Bad segment due to redoing one of the key factors in WCW going out of business and booking Gunner to get outsmarted by Eric Young while being portrayed as a threat.

Kurt Angle vs. Rob Van Dam: Very good main event.

Not a good show for the second "wrestling matters" episode.

Grade: C-

6/2/11 Impact

Opening segment: A very bad ODB/Velvet brawl.

Immortal promo: This was pretty good due to them exchanging with Beer Money and Alex Shelley.

Matt Hardy vs. Crimson: Not a great match.

Angelina Love vs. Miss Tessmacher: Not a great match.

Mr. Anderson vs. Eric Young: Anderson loses to EY in a bad match, who was dressed up as Great Muta. Not the way to build your title challenger.

Kazarian vs. Brian Kendrick: Very good match that was interupted by Abyss.

AJ/Ray promo: Very good promo exchange.

Jeff Jarrett/Scott Steiner vs. Kurt Angle/Matt Morgan: Decent main event.

Not a great show... weak matches and very bad booking.

Grade: C-

6/9/11 Impact

Opening segment: Very bad Sting/Hogan/Anderson promo exchange.

Winter/Angelina Love vs. Mickie James/Tara: Decent match.

Mexican America vs. James Storm/Alex Shelley: Solid match.

Jarrett/Angle promo: Very serious exchange between the two hyping their Slammiversary match.

Rob Van Dam vs. Bully Ray: Good match.

ODB vs. Velvet Sky: Bad match.

Sting/Eric Young vs. Gunner/Mr. Anderson: Very bad main event with Gunner getting the pin on Sting. Yes, Gunner pinned the champ.

Very mediocre show. There were more highlights than the last few weeks, but having Anderson pinned by Eric Young and Sting pinned by Gunner heading into their WORLD TITLE MATCH is just terrible booking. That's the equivalent of the people in the WWE title feud losing to Santino and Mason Ryan heading into their PPV match. Who'd want to buy the PPV for their match when they lost to comedy jobbers and rookies heading into their match? Just terrible.

Grade: C

6/16/11 Impact

Opening segment: Solid promo exchange featuring Anderson and... Gunner. A match is made between them too.

Hernandez vs. Devon: Not a great match.

Angle/Jarrett promo: Very good as expected.

Kid Kash vs. Jimmy Rave vs. Austin Aries: Very solid match.

Velvet Sky/Miss Tessmacher vs. Sarita/Rosita: Not a great match.

Rob Van Dam vs. Samoa Joe: Solid match.

Gunner vs. Mr. Anderson: Not a great match.

Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett: Very good parking lot brawl with Jarrett losing and going to Mexico, writing him off TV.

Much better than the last month or so worth of shows but many of the problems still existed.

Grade: B-

6/30/11 Impact

Opening segment: Your typical Hogan promo, involving Anderson and then Sting, though this featured "Joker" Sting, which was very different.

Devon vs. Samoa Joe: Good match outside of Devon getting the clean win.

Matt Bentley vs. Jimmy Yang vs. Low Ki: Solid match.

Mickie James/Tara/Miss Tessmacher vs. Winter/Angelina Love/Madison Rayne: Solid elimination match.

AJ/Daniels contract signing: Very good contract signing that also made AJ/Daniels/Lynn/RVD for next week.

Gunner vs. AJ Styles: Good match but with Gunner winning after them hyping AJ/Daniels as a dream match. Terrible booking.

Promo exchange: Very solid Mexican America/British Invasion promo exchange.

Scott Steiner vs. Sting: Bad main event.

Solid show again, though Joe losing to Devon and AJ losing to Gunner is beyond idiotic.

Grade: B-

7/14/11 Impact

Opening segment: Very bad opening promo putting over Anderson joining Immortal.

Bobby Roode vs. Samoa Joe vs. D'Angelo Dinero: Solid match despite the screwy finish and Joe still having no BFG series points.

Austin Aries vs. Shannon Moore: Solid match outside of Aries needing a weapon to beat Shannon Moore.

Tara vs. Madison Rayne: Solid match.

Angle promo: This was a decent promo announcing that he's after the world title.

Mexican America vs. British Invasion: Solid match.

Sting vs. Mr. Anderson: Weak main event with Sting winning back the belt after they made a big deal about Anderson joining Immortal. Terrible booking.

Some good wrestling on this show, but the booking was just terrible.

Grade: C

7/21/11 Impact

Opening segment: Very mediocre promo exchange that made the main event.

Rob Van Dam vs. Scott Steiner: Okay match.

Mickie/Velvet promo: Very mediocre promo exchange until Winter and Angelina interrupted.

Sarita/Rosita vs. Tara/Miss Tessmacher: Decent match with Tara and Tessmacher winning the KO tag titles.

AJ Styles vs. Gunner vs. Matt Morgan vs. Samoa Joe: Decent ladder match.

Brian Kendrick vs. Alex Shelley: Solid X Division title match.

Beer Money/Mexican America promo: Very solid actually.

Mickie James vs. Velvet Sky: No match as this was just a brawl since it never got started.

Mr. Anderson/Bully Ray vs. Sting/Kurt Angle: Very mediocre main event as it only lasted four minutes.

Very mediocre episode, mainly because of the STILL stale main event scene.

Grade: C-

7/28/11 Impact

Opening segment: Very solid Hogan/Angle promo exchange.

Rob Van Dam vs. Gunner: Decent match.

Aries/Shelley/Kendrick promo: Very good except for Kendrick's schtick.

Crimson vs. Bully Ray: Weak match with Crimson winning after hitting one move while being worked on by Bully the whole match.

Winter vs. Tara: Solid match.

Abyss vs. Brian Kendrick: An Ultimate X match that was mostly angle as Abyss can't climb the cables. Kendrick wins.

Velvet/ODB promo: Very bad and mainly full of cuss words with little substance

Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson: Very good cage match main event.

Solid show, mostly because of the better booking.

Grade: B

8/4/11 Impact

Opening segment: Very good promo exchange between Anderson and Bully Ray.

Madison Rayne vs. Miss Tessmacher: Not a great match.

Devon vs. AJ Styles: Good match though Devon beating AJ with a rollup in 4 minutes is bad booking.

Samoa Joe vs. D'Angelo Dinero: Very boring match with Joe getting -10 points in the BFG series.

Hernandez vs. Robert Roode: Very good street fight.

Austin Aries vs. Alex Shelley: Very good match.

Rob Van Dam/Crimson vs. Scott Steiner/Gunner: Very dull main event.

Angle/Sting contract signing: Okay at best... good mic work though not nearly enough conflict for a contract signing.

Very average show... maybe a little below as it was very boring and the "Janetty" of Team 3D beating the face of TNA in 4 minutes is just stupid.

Grade: C-

8/11/11 Impact

Opening segment: Not very good as Anderson's kicked out of Immortal WEEKS after joining it.

Mickie James vs. Madison Rayne: Very short and "eh" match.

Brian Kendrick vs. Robbie E: This was more of an angle than a match.

Beer Money vs. AJ Styles/Rob Van Dam vs. Devon/D'Angelo Dinero: Very good match.

Angle promo: Angle explains why he turned heel... which didn't make a whole lot of sense as he aligned with Hogan, who is in the same stable as Jeff and Karen.

Tara/Brooke Tessmacher vs. ODB/Jackie: Another match that was more about the angle around it.

Jarrett promo: He brings out two Mexican landscapers and proceeds to mock their culture while they speak with stereotypical Mexican accents. Bad segment.

Gunner vs. Bully Ray vs. Scott Steiner vs. Crimson: Dull main event with Crimson overcoming the odds against most of Immortal.

Very angle-driven show that didn't work well at all.

Grade: D-

8/18/11 Impact

Opening segment: Very good Sting/Flair promo.

Devon vs. Scott Steiner: Weak match.

X Division gauntlet: Very good with Aries becoming #1 contender.

Mickie James vs. ODB: Solid match.

Rob Van Dam vs. AJ Styles: Solid match.

Angle/Crimson promo: Decent at best as Crimson's push just feels forced.

Beer Money vs. Mexican America: Solid main event.

Very solid show after a few weak shows. Very little BS, if any.

Grade: B+

8/25/11 Impact

Opening segment: Another decent Angle/Crimson promo.

Angelina Love/Sarita/Rosita vs. Velvet Sky/ODB/Jacqueline: More of an angle than a good match.

Kid Kash vs. Jesse Sorensen: Solid match.

Rob Van Dam vs. D'Angelo Dinero: Solid match.

Sting/Flair promo: This was as awesome as last week.

AJ/Daniels promo: This was solid though they're starting to wrestle each other way too much.

Fourtune vs. Immortal: Good FCA match, though AJ got pinned by Bully after the announcement of another roud of AJ/Daniels. Bad booking.

Kurt Angle vs. Crimson: Decent main event where Crimson gets his leg broken to write him out of the BFG series and to protect his streak.

Another solid show.

Grade: B+

9/1/11 Impact

Opening segment: Your typical Hogan/Sting promo.

Rob Van Dam vs. Gunner: Solid match.

Bischoff promo: This was just to announce Karen as head of the KOs instead of Traci.

Austin Aries/Kid Kash vs. Brian Kendrick/Jesse Sorensen: Solid match.

Mickie James vs. Winter: Good KO title match outside of Mickie winning it back right after Winter won it from her.

Morgan/Joe segment: Very good with Joe destroying Morgan.

AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels: Very good match.

Kurt Angle vs. Sting: Good main event.

Very solid Impact on the road.

Grade: B+

9/8/11 Impact

Opening segment: Your typical Anderson/Sting promo.

British Invasion vs. Devon/D'Angelo Dinero: Decent match.

BFG Series segment: Very solid promo exchange to hype the main event.

Eric Young vs. Robbie E: Bad TV title match.

Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson: Solid match.

Angelina Love/Winter vs. Mickie James/Velvet Sky: Solid match.

Aries/Kendrick promo: Solid outside of Kendrick's Warrior-esque schtick.

Gunner vs. Bully Ray vs. Bobby Roode vs. James Storm: Solid main event.

Another very good Impact and TNA's slowly moving away from the WCW 2000 booking that was prevalent a few months ago.

Grade: A-

9/15/11 Impact

Opening segment: Very good Sting/Flair promo exchange that made the main event.

Mexican America vs. Devon/D'Angelo Dinero/Tara/Miss Tessmacher: Not a great match.

Fourtune segment: Good segment that put over Roode as the #1 contender and made Roode vs. Kazarian for later.

Velvet Sky vs. Angelina Love: Not a great match.

Samoa Joe vs. Matt Morgan: Not a great match.

Bobby Roode vs. Kazarian: Good match with Roode retaining his title shot.

Sting vs. Ric Flair: Unfortunately, it was a bad match.

Subpar episode to start the BFG build.

Grade: C-

9/22/11 Impact

Opening segment: Not a great promo exchange between Sting and Hogan.

Mickie James vs. Miss Tessmacher: Pretty good match.

Austin Aries vs. Jesse Sorensen: Solid match.

Angle/Roode/Storm segment: Very good promo exchange that made the main event.

Mr. Anderson vs. Bully Ray/Jerry Lynn: Solid handicap match.

AJ/Daniels segment: Very good promo exchange between the two.

Kurt Angle vs. James Storm: Very good main event.

Pretty good Impact.

Grade: B+

9/29/11 Impact

Opening segment: Good promo exchange to build the AJ/Roode match.

Kid Kash vs. Jesse Sorensen vs. Alex Shelley vs. Zema Ion vs. Brian Kendrick: Good #1 contender's ladder match with Kendrick winning.

Jarrett/Kazarian segment: Good promo exchange that resulted in Gunner attacking Kazarian.

Hernandez vs. Jesse Neal: No match as Mexican America attacked Ink Inc. and spraypainted "MA" on them. Good segment.

Madison Rayne vs. Tara: Not much of a match as it was more about Madison flirting with Earl Hebner.

Crimson/Joe segment: Good promo exchange between the two.

D'Angelo Dinero vs. Mr. Anderson: Pretty good match.

Bobby Roode vs. AJ Styles: Very good match with Roode retaining his title shot.

Final segment: Hogan announces his "retirement" in a good promo.

Very good Impact.

Grade: A

10/6/11 Impact

Opening segment: Very good Beer Money promo to hype thrir match against each other.

Kazarian vs. Gunner: Pretty good match because Kazarian carried it.

Anderson/Ray promo: Very good promo exchange between the two.

Mickie James/Velvet Sky vs. Winter/Madison Rayne: Pretty solid knockouts match.

Bischoff/Hardy promo: Pretty good promo exchange that ends with Bischoff getting the Twist Of Fate.

Crimson vs. Samoa Joe: Very boring match.

James Storm vs. Bobby Roode: Very good match.

Final segment: A very good Sting/Hogan promo exchange.

Very good show. Good matches and excellent BFG build.

Grade: A

10/13/11 Impact

Opening segment: Very good Angle/Roode promo exchange.

AJ Styles/Rob Van Dam vs. Jerry Lynn/Christopher Daniels: Very solid match.

Samoa Joe vs. Matt Morgan: Very rushed match.

Mexican America/Ink Inc. promo: Okay promo exchange... nothing terrible, nothing great.

Austin Aries/Kid Kash vs. Brian Kendrick/Jesse Sorensen: Very solid match.

Knockouts segment: Karen Jarrett gives a motivational speech to the KO title match competitors and bullies Velvet until a catfight starts. Good sement.

Mr. Anderson vs. Scott Steiner: Not a great match.

Bobby Roode vs. Jeff Jarrett/Gunner: Pretty good handicap match.

Sting/Hogan contract signing: Very good segment.

Another very good show.

Grade: B

10/20/11 Impact

Opening segment: Parts of it were good like the Storm part but it lasted 45 MINUTES.

Winter/Angelina Love vs. Tara/Brooke Tessmacher: Pretty decent match.

Jarrett/Hardy segment: Pretty good promo exchange between the two.

Abyss vs. Gunner: Bad match and Gunner cut a bad promo before it too.

Velvet promo: Velvet cut a solid promo until Karen came out, sent out Madison Rayne to teach her a lesson, and swerved her with Gail Kim instead. Good segment.

Bischoff/Hogan promo: Not very good as it introduces Bischoff's son as a major character and he hasn't done anything to earn TV time yet.

Kurt Angle vs. James Storm: While the match only lasted one minute, a TNA original won the world title and the celebration and Storm's promo really put over the win.

VERY hit/miss show. While it wasn't as terrible as many said, it was a clear step down from the last several weeks of shows.

Grade: C

10/27/11 Impact

Opening segment: Good promo exchange that made Roode/Joe for #1 contendership, despite Joe losing nearly every match this year.

Rob Van Dam vs. Christopher Daniels: Solid match.

Gail Kim vs. Tara: Basically an extended squash following a mediocre promo from Gail.

Robbie E vs. Eric Young: A one minute TV title match with Young retaining.

Bischoff promo: Not very good as it pushed the storyline involving his son, which reeks of nepotism.

Jeff Hardy vs. Bully Ray: Solid match.

Bobby Roode vs. Samoa Joe: Good match with Roode becoming #1 contender.

Final segment: Very bad segment involving Garett Bischoff to close the show. Yes, Garett closed the show over Roode and Joe.

Another mediocre episode. Way too much focus on Garett Bischoff.

Grade: C-

11/3/11 Impact

Opening segment: Good Roode/Storm promo exchange to build the main event.

Gail Kim/Madison Rayne vs. Tara/Miss Tessmacher: Good match with Gail/Madison winning the KO tag titles.

Garett/Eric segment: Bad promo exchange as Garett isn't ready for a huge push at all.

Jesse Sorensen vs. Austin Aries: Good match with Sorensen winning and gaining #1 contendership.

Robbie E/Ronnie segment: Bad promo exchange that put Ronnie in a match next week.

Bully Ray/Jeff Jarrett vs. Jeff Hardy/Mr. Anderson: Solid match.

Morgan/Crimson segment: Decent promo exchange to build their Turning Point match.

Bobby Roode vs. James Storm: Very good TNA title match with Roode winning and turning heel, despite it being convoluted booking.

Very good show. Great story progression, lots of good wrestling, and made Roode champ in a role that he's a natural in.

Grade: B+

11/10/11 Impact

Opening segment: Very good Roode promo.

Crimson vs. D'Angelo Dinero: Not a great match.

Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff: Terrible match.

Jesse Sorensen vs. Zema Ion: Very rushed match and Kid Kash cuts a great promo on Sorensen afterwards.

Mickie James/Velvet Sky vs. Gail Kim/Madison Rayne: Very average match.

EricYoung/Ronnie vs. Robbie E/Robbie T: Not a great match.

AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels: Good match, though it was ANOTHER AJ/Daniels match.

Jeff Hardy/Abyss/Mr. Anderson vs. Bully Ray/Scott Steiner/Jeff Jarrett: Solid match.

Bobby Roode vs. James Storm: This was all angle and rightfully so, though AJ got a title shot despite barely being involved in Roode's storyline and the match was made last minute.

Not a great show, as everything until the AJ/Daniels match was very pedestrian outside of Roode's promo.

Grade: C-

11/17/11 Impact

Opening segment: Very good Roode/Storm/AJ promo exchange.

Robbie E vs. Devon: Not a great match.

Austin Aries/Kid Kash vs. Brian Kendrick/Jesse Sorensen: Pretty good tag match.

Knockouts Gauntlet: Very good match with Mickie winning #1 contendership.

Karen/Hardy segment: Good promo exchange.

Crimson/Matt Morgan vs. Mexican America: Bad match with Morgan/Crimson winning the belts.

Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff: Bad match with Garett winning again.

Final segment: Very good Storm/AJ promo exchange that featured the return of Kurt Angle.

Decent show after a PPV.

Grade: B

11/24/11 Impact

Opening segment: Very good Storm/Angle promo exchange to hype the main event elimination match.

Matt Morgan/Crimson vs. Mexican America: Squash.

Knockouts segment: Good promo exchange to make the Thanksgiving thong Thunder match.

Angelina Love/Winter/Madison Rayne vs. Velvet Sky/Tara/Miss Tessmacher: Good match for the gimmick, in which the point of it was to be degrading for storyline purposes.

Hardy/Jarrett segment: Good promo exchange between the two.

Eric Young vs. Robbie E: Not a great match with Robbie T wearing the turkey suit after the match.

AJ Styles/Mr. Anderson/Jeff Hardy/Rob Van Dam vs. Jeff Jarrett/Bully Ray/Bobby Roode/Christopher Daniels: Very good elimination main event.

Pretty good show outside of the turkey suit stuff.

Grade: B

12/1/11 Impact

Opening segment: Very good Roode/Sting/AJ promo exchange.

Ink Inc. vs. Mexican America vs. Pope/Devon: Decent match.

Aries/Kash promo: Very good as expected.

Mickie James vs. ODB: Very good streetfight.

Storm interview: Very good.

Robbie E vs. Rob Van Dam: Solid TV title match with Robbie retaining.

Bobby Roode vs. AJ Styles vs. Jeff Hardy: Very good main event.

Excellent show with good matches and good Final Resolution build.

Grade: A

12/8/11 Impact

Opening segment: Very good Roode/Sting promo exchange.

Samoa Joe vs. Abyss: Okay match.

Promo exchange: Very solid between Pope/Devon and Crimson/Morgan to hype their match.

Mickie James vs. Madison Rayne: Solid match.

Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff: Terrible match.

Storm/Angle promo: Very good.

Gail Kim vs. Traci Brooks: Decent match.

AJ Styles/Jeff Hardy vs. Jeff Jarrett/Bobby Roode: Good main event.

Very solid show outside of Gunner/Bischoff.

Grade: B+

12/15/11 Impact

Bobby Roode vs. AJ Styles: Very good opener with Roode retaining the title.

Abyss/Scott Steiner vs. Hernandez/Robbie T: Bad match.

Angle/Sting promo: Very good.

Zema Ion vs. Anthony Nese: Good match.

Gunner vs. Jesse Neal: All angle.

Hardy/Bully promo: Very good promo exchange that made the main event.

Samoa Joe/Magnus vs. Robbie E/Doug Williams: Solid match.

Devon/Pope promo: Very bad segment involving Devon's kids.

Madison Rayne vs. Traci Brooks: Decent match.

Jeff Hardy vs. Bully Ray: Solid main event.

Very solid show with good wrestling all night.

Grade: B

12/22/11 Impact

Opening segment: Good Hardy/Roode/Bully Ray promo exchange that made the main event.

AJ Styles/Kazarian vs. Rob Van Dam/Christopher Daniels: Pretty good match.

Zema Ion vs. Anthony Nese: Good match for the 2nd match in the best of three series with Nese winning.

Tara vs. Miss Tessmacher: Very bad match.

Storm/Angle segment: Good promo exchange between the two.

Eric Young/ODB vs. Shannon Moore/Anarquia: Bad match.

Bobby Roode/Bully Ray vs. Jeff Hardy/Sting: Solid streetfight main event.

Solid show here. Good matches and feud progression.

Grade: B

12/29/11 Impact

Opening segment: Surprisingly bad Madison/Sting promo exchange because of the raised voices, though it made the main event.

Abyss/Scott Steiner vs. AJ Styles/Kazarian: Not a great match.

Abyss/Ray segment: A good segment that made Abyss vs. Bully Ray at Genesis.

Zema Ion vs. Anthony Nese: Good final match out of the series with Zema getting the title shot.

Gunner vs. Douglas Williams: More of an angle than a match.

Roode segment: Good promo exchange between him and his wife to get him more over as a heel.

Samoa Joe/Magnus vs. Eric Young/ODB: Bad match.

Kurt Angle vs. Rob Van Dam: Good match.

Gail Kim vs. Mickie James: Very good main event with Gail retaining the KO title.

Very average show bordering on decent. The second hour was better than the first.

Grade: B-

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