1/3/11 Raw
John Morrison vs. Miz: Very good FCA match with Miz retaining the title.
Melina/Maryse.Alicia Fox vs. Brie Bella/Eve Torres/Natalya: Typical divas match with Eve pinning the #1 contender for some reason.
Vladimir Kozlov/Santino Marella vs. Usos: Bad filler match.
Punk promo: Pretty decent promo exchange between Punk and Barrett.
Alberto Del Rio vs. R-Truth: Decent match.
Randy Orton vs. Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett: Very good cage match with Orton becoming #1 contender.
Solid show, with a god opener and good main event.
Grade: B
1/10/11 Raw
Opening segment: Solid Punk promo, which results in the first of three initiations into the New Nexus with Michael McGillicutty.
R-Truth vs. Alberto Del Rio: Not a great match.
Lawler/Cole segment: Nothing good as it teased a Lawler/Cole match in the future.
Daniel Bryan/Mark Henry vs. Tyson Kidd/Ted DiBiase: Not much of a match as it was very rushed.
Nexus segment: Otunga gets initiated by taking a beating from the Big Show. Meh.
John Morrison vs. Sheamus: Very good match.
HBK/ADR segment: Nothing noteworthy, as ADR runs down HBK, only to get Sweet Chin Music.
Cena/Punk promo: Good segment that made Cena/Punk for next week.
Randy Orton/Jerry Lawler vs. Miz/Alex Riley: Very lackluster main event.
Not a great show, as there was a little too much talking and the in-ring action wasn't anything to talk about.
Grade: D+
1/17/11 Raw
Opening segment: Solid Punk/Cena/Miz promo exchange.
Santino Marella/Vladimir Kozlov vs. Usos: Bad filler match.
John Morrison vs. Daniel Bryan: Very good match.
Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler: Very good match.
Natalya vs. Maryse: Squash.
Mark Henry vs. Ted DiBiase: DiBiase gets thrown over the top rope in seconds.
CM Punk vs. John Cena: Very good main event.
Solid show, though nothing spectacular.
Grade: B
1/24/11 Raw
Opening segment: Not bad outside of the one minute mini-Rumble where Edge eliminated McIntyre, Swagger, and Tyson Kidd all in that timeframe, thus burying them all.
Sheamus/Alberto Del Rio vs. John Morrison/Mark Henry: Pretty good match.
Natalya vs. Melina: Not as good of a match as their match last month, despite the awesome sharpshooter.
Edge vs. Miz: Very good match.
Daniel Bryan/Bella Twins vs. Ted DiBiase/Maryse/Alicia Fox: Lasted absolutely one minute.
Husky Harris/Michael McGillicutty vs. Santino Marella/Vladimir Kozlov: Not a great match.
CM Punk vs. Wade Barrett: Not much of a match at all as it was an angle.
Very mediocre show with weak Rumble build.
Grade: C-
1/31/11 Raw
Opening segment: Good ADR/Miz/Edge promo exchange.
Husky Harris/Michael McGillicutty vs. Santino Marella/Vladimir Kozlov: Not a great match.
DiBiase promo: Bad segment involving him, Cole, and Lawler.
Daniel Bryan vs. Tyson Kidd: Solid back and forth match despite it lasting less than two minutes.
Edge vs. Miz: Solid match.
Eve Torres/Natalya vs. LayCool: This was actually a good match.
Danceoff: Very lame danceoff involving Great Khali/Mark Henry and the Usos.
Raw Rumble: Very good main event outside of Lawler becoming #1 contender.
Decent show, though it dragged in parts.
Grade: B-
2/7/11 Raw
Opening segment: Pretty good segment that made the main event.
R-Truth vs. Mason Ryan: Squash.
Bella Twins vs. Eve Torres/Gail Kim: Typical rushed WWE women's match.
John Morrison vs. Michael McGillicutty: Very dull match.
Jerry Lawler/Daniel Bryan vs. Miz/Ted DiBiase: Not a great match though the Miz/Lawler promo before the match was good.
Mark Henry/Sheamus segment: A segment to continue Sheamus' losing streak angle.
Alberto Del Rio vs. Santino Marella: A good match actually though it's bad booking for the Rumble winner to have a competitive match with Santino.
John Cena vs. CM Punk: Decent main event though it was only 5 minutes.
Not a great show as it had a lot of filler and the storylines were questionable (Sheamus losing streak, Lawler/Miz).
Grade: D+
2/14/11 Raw
John Cena vs. CM Punk: Very good opener.
ADR/Edge promo: This was decent until Vickie came out and said she had proof that he assaulted Teddy Long.
Eve Torres vs. Natalya: Very solid lumberjill match actually.
Miz vs. Daniel Bryan: Very good match.
John Morrison/R-Truth vs. David Otunga/Michael McGillicutty: Solid match.
Khali kiss cam: Bad as usual, but worse since the guest host was involved.
Randy Orton vs. Sheamus: Good match.
Final segment: Very good Rock promo to close the show.
Very good show that promoted Elimination Chamber very well.
Grade: A
2/21/11 Raw
Opening segment: Your typical Cena promo.
CM Punk vs. John Morrison: Solid match and a good Punk/Orton promo exchange afterwards.
Miz promo: A good promo on Rock and Cena.
Bella Twins vs. Eve Torres/Gail Kim: Your typical divas match.
HHH/Taker promo: This was as awesome as you'd expect it to be.
Mark Henry vs. Sheamus: Bad match with Henry actually winning.
Cole/Lawler promo: Very bad as it means that Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole will have a spot dedicated to them at WM.
Miz/John Cena vs. Justin Gabriel/Heath Slater: All angle with Miz and Cena winning the belts, then losing them in a decent match a few minutes later. What was the point?
Very hit/miss show. Way too much talking and bad booking in the main event and Sheamus losing clean to Mark Henry.
Grade: C-
2/28/11 Raw
Opening segment: Bad opening segment with HHH destroying Sheamus in a way that made him look bad.
Evan Bourne vs. Sheamus: SSP and it was over.
Michael Cole promo: Bad segment where Jack Swagger was announced as his trainer at Wrestlemania. A world champion is in an announcer's corner...
Randy Orton vs. Michael McGillicutty: Long and dull match that lasted 5 minutes too long. Orton's promo at the beginning was good though.
Miz/Cena/Riley promo: One of Cena's worst with lines about Miz owning 200 cats and 1000 pairs of jeans and how Riley locks himself in a closet and eats toilet paper and Riley saying that toilets should be nicknamed "The John".
Divas Battle Royal: Not a great match and Brie Bella gets a title shot.
Rock promo: Very good promo.
John Cena vs. Alex Riley: A very bad cage match that lasts 12 minutes despite the winner being very obvious.
Terrible show to build Wrestlemania. Outside of Rock's pretaped promo, there was nothing good on this show whatsoever.
Grade: F
3/7/11 Raw
Opening segment: Very good Undertaker promo on HHH.
Randy Orton vs. David Otunga: Bad match.
Christian vs. Brodus Clay: Decent match.
Eve Torres vs. Nikki Bella: Bad match that features Cole bashing the match on the microphone while it's going on. Just terrible.
Cole promo: He announces JBL as the guest referee for WM until Austin comes out, notices the contract isn't signed, then signs it himself and stunners JBL.
Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan: All angle.
CM Punk vs. R-Truth: Decent match.
John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler: Solid match.
Final segment: Very good Cena promo until Miz attacks him and cuts a good promo on him and Rock.
Very solid show that built Wrestlemania very well, especially in the second hour.
Grade: B
3/14/11 Raw
Opening segment: Hilarious Rock promo where he mocks Cena with "little Cena".
Miz promo: Very good, though it made the next match.
Miz vs. Great Khali: Very bad and pointless until Miz beats down Khali with a chair.
Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan: Very good match with Sheamus winning the US title, though this title victory was his first win in months.
Cole segment: This was bad as Brian Christopher was used to get heat on Michael Cole and JR then got involved. They're putting more storyline focus on the Raw announce team than over half the roster!
Randy Orton vs. Mason Ryan: Bad match.
Vickie Guerrero vs. Trish Stratus: This was hardly a match as it was all an angle, but it was entertaining due to Trish's antics.
John Cena vs. Alberto Del Rio: Solid main event.
Another good show that built WM very well.
Grade: B
3/21/11 Raw
Opening segment: Good HHH promo until the unnecessary DiBiase burial.
Sheamus vs. Evan Bourne: Squash.
Eve Torres vs. Maryse: Bad match.
Santino Marella/Vladimir Kozlov vs. Heath Slater/Justin Gabriel: Bad match.
Cole/Lawler segment: Not very good.
Dolph Ziggler/Vickie Guerrero/LayCool vs. John Morrison/Trish Stratus: Decent match with Vickie pinning Morrison.
Randy Orton vs. Rey Mysterio: Good match.
Final segment: Solid Miz/Cena promo exchange.
Bad first hour but a much better second hour makes for an average show almost.
Grade: C
3/28/11 Raw
Opening segment: Very good Punk promo until Orton attacked him.
Alberto Del Rio/Brodus Clay vs. Edge/Christian: Solid match.
Santino Marella vs. Justin Gabriel: Not a great match.
Taker/HBK/HHH promo exchange: Awesome segment to build the Taker/HHH match.
Jack Swagger vs. Jerry Lawler: This was all angle as Lawler went after Cole almost immediately.
John Morrison/Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus/Dolph Ziggler: Solid match.
Final segment: Awesome Cena/Miz/Rock promo exchange to end the show.
Very good WM go-home show, with two good matches and all the promos worked.
Grade: B+
4/4/11 Raw
Opening segment: This was basically HHH talking about his match with Undertaker.
Jack Swagger vs. Jerry Lawler: Not a great match and Cole squirts BBQ sauce on JR afterwards. Ugh.
Randy Orton/Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhode/CM Punk: Very good match.
Austin promo: First half was bad with the Tough Enough contestants introducing themselves, second half was a good Austin/Miz promo exchange.
Alberto Del Rio vs. Evan Bourne: Squash.
John Morrison/Trish Stratus vs. Dolph Ziggler/Vickie Guerrero: Not a great match.
Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan: Decent US title match.
Final segment: A good Rock/Cena promo exchange that made their match at the next Wrestlemania, despite Cena's usual schtick showing up at one point.
A mixed bag of a show, because while it did build the next WM, a lot of this show felt like filler and Cole/Lawler continues, this time with JR being involved. Ugh!
Grade: C+
4/11/11 Raw
Opening segment: Pretty solid and made the main event, though R-Truth being involved in this despite doing nothing for months was quite baffling.
Brie Bella vs. Eve Torres: Bad match with Brie winning the Divas title.
Sin Cara vs. Primo: Solid match.
Corre vs. Santino Marella/Daniel Bryan/Mark henry/Evan Bourne: Not a great match with the Corre beatng the "Apple".
Jack Swagger vs. Jerry Lawler: Bad match with Lawler winning, and predictably Cole/Swagger vs. Lawler/JR is made for the next PPV. Ugh.
Edge promo: Very good promo where he announces his retirement.
Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. John Morrison vs. R-Truth vs. John Cena: Good #1 contender's gauntlet, though badly booked with Cena and R-Truth being the final two, then ending in a double DQ with Miz and Riley attacking both, and the show ending with Truth's music closing the show. Very awkward.
A very bizarre show lacking in quality in-ring action.
Grade: C
4/18/11 Raw
John Morrison vs. R-Truth: Good opener with Truth turning heel afterwards.
Dolph Ziggler vs. Evan Bourne: Squash.
John Cena/Sin Cara vs. Miz/Alex Riley: Decent match.
Eve Torres vs. Nikki Bella: Bad match.
Michael Cole segment: Very bad with him getting knighted.
Sheamus vs. Santino Marella: Squash.
Randy Orton vs. CM Punk: Good main event.
Not a great show. The whole middle portion left a lot to be desired.
Grade: C-
4/25/11 Raw
Battle Royal: Not very good and Cena is drafted to Smackdown.
R-Truth promo: A good promo that explained his heel turn.
Eve Torres vs. Layla: Nothing match and Rey Mysterio is drafted to Raw.
Kofi Kingston vs. Sheamus: Rushed match with Orton getting drafted to Smackdown.
Michael Cole vs. Jim Ross: terrible "match" with it building to another Cole/Lawler PPV match, this time with JR being in it too.
Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler: Another rushed match with Mark Henry and Sin Cara getting drafted to Smackdown.
Rey Mysterio vs. Wade Barrett: Yet another rushed match with Alberto Del Rio drafted to Raw.
John Cena/Christian/Mark Henry vs. Miz/CM Punk/Alberto Del Rio: Good main event with Henry turning heel.
Very bad show. The matches were rushed because the draft was on a two hour Raw, which also had to build the PPV because it was next Sunday.
Grade: D
5/2/11 Raw
Opening segment: Okay Rock promo as there was way too much pandering to the crowd.
John Morrison vs. R-Truth: This was all angle.
Maryse vs. Kelly Kelly: Again, no match as Kharma squashes Maryse and gives Kelly a look and laughs.
John Cena vs. Miz: Good match.
Rey Mysterio/Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger/Drew McIntyre: Decent match.
Kane vs. Mason Ryan: Terrible match that only served to advance Mason's push.
Final segment: Like the opening segment, this was okay but ran very long and featured more crowd pandering.
Not a good show. Yes, Rock's one of the greatest of all time, but he's a part timer now and they dedicated the whole show to him. There was maybe 15 minutes of wrestling on the whole show... Rock's birthday should have been better celebrated as a special, rather than dedicating the whole show to someone who won't be on next week. With both Rock promos, the two non-matches after the first one, and all the backstage skits I kept zoning out because of the lack of wrestling.
Grade: D+
5/9/11 Raw
Opening segment: Pretty good segment that made the main event.
Kelly Kelly/Eve Torres vs. Bella Twins: Pretty bad match.
Kane vs. Mason Ryan: Pretty bad match.
Dolph Ziggler vs. Santino Marella: Squash.
John Cena vs. Alex Riley: Very boring match.
Cole/Lawler segment: Very boring promo exchange.
Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger: Pretty solid match.
Miz vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio: Pretty good main event with Miz becoming number one contender to the WWE title.
Very boring show, especially in the first hour. This show had very little substance to it.
Grade: C-
5/16/11 Raw
Opening segment: Pretty good Cena/Riley promo exchange that made the main event.
CM Punk vs. Kofi Kingston: Decent match.
Kelly Kelly vs. Brie Bella: Very bad match.
Rey promo: Not a great promo.
Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio: Pretty good match.
Cole/Lawler contract signing: Very bad segment.
Big Show/Kane vs. David Otunga/Michael McGillicutty: Very dull match.
John Cena vs. Jack Swagger: Pretty good No Holds Barred main event.
VERY boring show with weak PPV build and no substance like last week.
Grade: C
5/23/11 Raw
Opening segment: Good promo exchange, mainly because of heel R-Truth.
Kane/Big Show vs. David Otunga/Michael McGillicutty: Bad tag title match with Otunga and McGillicutty actually winning them, and McGillicutty pinning Big Show wasn't believable at all. Also, Big Show's leg was broken by ADR and Ricardo in a terrible backstage skit afterwards.
Jack Swagger vs. Evan Bourne: Decent match.
Promos: Cole's promo was okay, though announcers shouldn't have any storyline focus on them, and the Miz/Riley promo afterwards was awesome with Riley actually looking like a future star laying out Miz.
Bella Twins/Melina/Maryse vs. Gail Kim/Eve Torres/Kelly Kelly/Beth Phoenix: No match as the purpose of this was for Kharma to come out and cry in front of all of them. Interesting but it did hurt her monster mystique.
Kofi Kingston vs. Drew McIntyre: Solid match.
CM Punk/R-Truth vs. Rey Mysterio/John Cena: Solid main event.
Decent episode though it still had the usual problems.
Grade: B-
5/30/11 Raw
Opening segment: Epic Cena/Truth promo exchange, because of Truth's backstage tirade in the merchandise stand.
Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler: Solid match.
ADR Promo: Very dull promo on the Big Show.
Bella Twins vs. Kelly Kelly/Eve Torres: Bad match.
Cole/Riley promo: Very good with Miz trying to sneak attack Riley only to get run out of the ring by Riley.
CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio: Solid match.
Kharma promo: Very good actually with her announcing her pregnancy and the Bellas mocking her afterwards.
Jack Swagger vs. Evan Bourne: Solid match.
R-Truth vs. John Cena: Mostly an angle, but it was a good angle with Truth getting the countout win and then taking a kid's drink and then throwing it in his dad's face.
Very good episode. Lots of energy, good matches, and this really put R-Truth over.
Grade: B+
6/6/11 Raw
Opening segment: Pretty boring Tough Enough segment aside from R-Truth's schtick.
Santino Marella vs. Michael McGillicutty: Very boring match.
Beth Phoenix/Kelly Kelly vs. Bella Twins: Very boring match.
Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk: Very good match.
Del Rio promo: Not a great promo advancing his feud with Big Show.
Kofi Kingston vs. Zack Ryder: Decent match.
Booker T vs. Jack Swagger: Booker's in-ring return was a rushed match in under three minutes that did nothing for anyone involved.
John Cena/Alex Riley vs. Miz/R-Truth: Decent main event.
Very boring show with hardly anything interesting happening.
Grade: C-
6/13/11 Raw
Opening segment: Pretty good segment that made Piper's Pit for later in the show.
Alberto Del Rio vs. Kane: More of an angle than a match.
Ezekiel Jackson/Daniel Bryan/Sin Cara vs. Cody Rhodes/Wade Barrett/Ted DiBiase: Very rushed 6 man tag.
Truth/Hornswoggle segment: Truth attacks Hornswoggle to get more heat.
Sheamus vs. Santino Marella: Squash.
Orton/Christian promo: Decent promo exchange.
Christian vs. Rey Mysterio: Another rushed match.
R-Truth vs. John Morrison: No match, just an angle.
Kofi Kingston/Evan Bourne vs. Jack Swagger/Dolph Ziggler: ANOTHER rushed match.
Piper's Pit: Okay segment that made Piper vs. Miz.
Roddy Piper vs. Miz: Piper wins $5,000 in a VERY rushed match.
12 Diva tag: Lasts under a minute and the faces do a Broadway dance afterwards. Ugh!
Austin/Punk promo: Good promo exchange with Austin destroying the Raw GM laptop.
John Cena vs. CM Punk: The only good match in three hours, and it's the main event!
Okay PPV build but one good match in three hours just shouldn't happen. EVERYTHING was rushed almost.
Grade: D
6/20/11 Raw
Opening segment: Decent Punk promo that made a triple threat for later.
Kelly Kelly vs. Brie Bella: Bad match with Kelly winning the Divas title.
Mason Ryan vs. Evan Bourne: Squash.
Kane vs. Mark Henry: Boring arm wrestling match.
Truth/Miz/Christian promo: Very good promo exchange that made the main event.
Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler: Solid 2 out of 3 falls match with Dolph retaining the US title.
Alberto Del Rio vs. Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk: Solid FCA match with Punk winning and saying that his contract expires the day of the MITB PPV and that he'll leave the company WWE champion.
Daniel Bryan vs. Cody Rhodes: Very rushed match.
Cole/Vickie danceoff: Very bad.
Christian/Miz/R-Truth vs. John Cena/Randy Orton/Alex Riley: Solid main event.
This show was peaks and valleys as it started off good, then went downhill, then picked up in the middle, then declined until the good main event.
Grade: C
6/27/11 Raw
Opening segment: Very good segment that made the opening match.
CM Punk vs. Kane: Not much of a match as it was more of an angle.
Evan Bourne vs. Sin Cara: Pretty good match.
Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston: Pretty solid match.
Alberto Del Rio vs. Big Show: Not much of a cage match but a good angle involving Mark Henry putting Big Show through the cage.
Kelly Kelly vs. Nikki Bella: Pretty bad submission match.
Miz/Jack Swagger vs. Alex Riley/Rey Mysterio: Very good match.
John Cena vs. R-Truth: Decent tables match but it was more about Punk's epic shoot promo afterwards.
Very good show. Good wrestling though this is most notable for Punk's promo.
Grade: B+
7/4/11 Raw
Opening segment: A very good Cena promo.
Kelly Kelly/Eve Torres vs. Bella Twins: Bad match.
David Otunga/Michael McGillicutty vs. Santino Marella/Vladimir Kozlov: Bad match.
Jack Swagger vs. Sgt. Slaughter: Squash.
Alberto Del Rio vs. R-Truth vs. Rey Mysterio: Solid match.
Dolph Ziggler birthday party: This was okay until the obvious spot of Vickie getting shoved into the cake.
Miz vs. Alex Riley: Average match.
Final segment: Very good Cena/Vince promo exchange that reinstates CM Punk and makes Cena/Punk at MITB, but if Cena loses he's fired.
This whole show felt like filler outside of the beginning and end. No energy whatsoever.
Grade: C-
7/11/11 Raw
Opening segment: Good Cena/Punk promo that made the first match.
John Cena vs. David Otunga/Michael McGillicutty: Bad match with Cena defeating the tag champs cleanly.
Kelly Kelly vs. Melina: Squash.
Promo: Very good promo exchange between the MITB participants that made the next match.
Miz/R-Truth/Jack Swagger vs.Kofi Kingston/Evan Bourne/Alex Riley: Solid match.
Big Show vs. Dolph Ziggler/Drew McIntyre: A glorified beatdown of McIntyre as Dolph cowered away, until Mark Henry came out and all three fell off the stage.
Final segment: Very good Cena/Punk contract signing, with the most notable part being the crowd erupting when Punk said he wanted the WWE ice cream bars back.
A solid show to promote MITB, and Punk carried this whole show basically.
Grade: B
7/18/11 Raw
Opening segment: Very good segment that made all the night's WWE title tournament matches.
Miz vs. Alex Riley: Okay match at best.
Jack Swagger vs. R-Truth: Okay match that was really hurt by the fact that both were heels.
Kofi Kingston vs. Alberto Del Rio: Good match with Kofi getting the upset win.
Rey Mysterio vs. Dolph Ziggler: Very solid match.
14 diva tag: Your typical match with only three tagging in, if that.
Miz vs. Kofi Kingston: Very solid match.
Rey Mysterio vs. R-Truth: Very good match.
Final segment: Vince is about to fire Cena but HHH announces that the board of directors have relieved Vince of his duties and that he will take his place.
Very good show full of good wrestling.
Grade: B+
7/25/11 Raw
Rey Mysterio vs. Miz: Very solid opening match with Rey winning the belt.
Dolph Ziggler vs. Evan Bourne: Squash.
Kelly Kelly/Eve Torres vs. Melina/Maryse: Not a good match.
HHH promo: Pretty good as he reinstated JR, brought back Morrison, and gave Cena his title rematch.
Zack Ryder vs. Michael Cole: Squash.
Alberto Del Rio vs. Kofi Kingston: Good match with ADR getting his win back.
John Cena vs. Rey Mysterio: Cena wins the belt in a very good match and Punk returns after the match to "Cult Of Personality". Good return though it was pretty rushed.
Decent show. Not as good as last week but the matches were still solid and the show had a lot of energy to it.
Grade: B-
8/1/11 Raw
Opening segment: Pretty good Punk/HHH promo exchange
Divas Battle Royal: Very rushed match with Beth winning and turning heel afterwards.
Miz/R-Truth vs. John Morrison/Rey Mysterio: Very solid match.
Ziggler/Riley promo: Very disappointing promo exchange.
Santino Marella/Zack Ryder vs. David Otunga/Michael McGillicutty: Very dull match.
Alberto Del Rio vs. Evan Bourne: Glorified squash.
Final segment: Pretty good with HHH making Punk/Cena at Summerslam.
Not a terrible show but very boring and way below the standards of recent weeks.
Grade: C
8/8/11 Raw
Opening segment: Your typical HHH promo hyping the contract signing.
John Cena vs. Jack Swagger: Decent match.
Miz vs. Rey Mysterio: This was done to write Rey out basically.
Miz vs. Kofi Kingston: Solid match.
CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio: Decent match.
Beth Phoenix vs. Eve Torres: Not a great match.
Dolph Ziggler vs. Alex Riley: Not much of a match.
R-Truth vs. John Morrison: Decent match though Morrison losing like that in his return match to the guy who took him out is just terrible.
Contract signing: Excellent with another solid Cena promo and a good Punk promo as usual.
Average show, as most of this show felt like filler and it just dragged until the contract signing.
Grade: C
8/15/11 Raw
Opening segment: An ADR promo that made his match with Rey Mysterio and didn't feel main event caliber at all.
R-Truth vs. John Morrison: Pretty good Falls Count Anywhere match despite no build for it.
Miz promo: Complete filler as he promoted Subway in the ring.
Kelly Kelly/Eve Torres vs. Bella Twins: Pretty bad match.
Punk/Nash promo: Pretty good though Nash wasn't as good on the mic here as he was in TNA.
Jack Swagger vs. Alex Riley: Very bad match.
David Otunga/Michael McGillicutty vs. Kofi Kingston/Evan Bourne: Very boring match.
Alberto Del Rio vs. Rey Mysterio: Pretty good main event though Cena's promo afterwards didn't click despite it being one of his serious promos.
Very bad show. Lots of filler and Punk feuding with Nash was completely the wrong step after his "pipebomb" in June.
Grade: D
8/22/11 Raw
Opening segment: Pretty good segment that made the main event.
Alberto Del Rio vs. John Morrison: Very solid match.
Eve Torres vs. Nikki Bella: Not a good match.
Alex Riley vs. Jack Swagger: Not as bad as last week but still bad.
HHH/Punk/Nash promo: Very good promo exchange between the three.
Kofi Kingston/Evan Bourne vs. David Otunga/Michael McGillicutty: Meh match.
Miz/R-Truth promo: Very good promo.
John Cena vs. CM Punk: Very good main event.
Solid show. The action was mediocre but all the promos were good.
Grade: B
8/29/11 Raw
Opening segment: Very good Punk/HHH/Nash promo exchange.
Dolph Ziggler vs. Randy Orton: Very solid match.
Cena/Henry/Christian promo: Very mediocre promo exchange because of Cena's schtick.
CM Punk vs. Miz: Very solid match.
Jack Swagger vs. Sin Cara: Very disappointing match.
Kofi Kingston/Evan Bourne vs. David Otunga/Michael McGillicutty: Not a great match.
Kelly Kelly vs. Brie Bella: Not a good natch.
Mark Henry/Christian vs. Sheamus/John Cena: Solid main event.
A very "meh" show for the first show of the Raw supershow era. First hour was better than the second.
Grade: C
9/5/11 Raw
Opening segment: Pretty good despite Nash revealing that he sent the text to himself.
Air Boom vs. Jinder Mahal/Great Khali: Very dull match with an obvious outcome.
Beth Phoenix vs. Eve Torres: Not a great match.
CM Punk vs. R-Truth: Pretty good match.
Jerry Lawler/Zack Ryder vs. David Otunga/Michael McGillicutty: Bad match that served the purpose of burying the heels.
Randy Orton vs. Heath Slater: Very pointless squash match.
John Cena/John Morrison/Sheamus/Alex Riley vs. Jack Swagger/Dolph Ziggler/Christian/Wade Barrett: Very good main event.
Not a great show... weak matches for the most part and very weak PPV build.
Grade: C
9/12/11 Raw
Opening segment: Not great as it made Cena/Bret vs. ADR/Ricardo for later.
John Morrison/Alex Riley vs. Jack Swagger/Dolph Ziggler: Very rushed match.
Miz vs. Kofi Kingston: Pretty good match.
Sheamus/Jerry Lawler vs. David Otunga/Michael McGillicutty: Very bad match.
John Cena/Bret Hart vs. Alberto Del Rio/Ricardo Rodriguez: A complete nothing match.
Kelly Kelly vs. Vickie Guerrero: A bad and pointless match.
Cody Rhodes vs. Randy Orton: Pretty good match with Cody winning.
Final segment: A very good Punk/HHH promo although it was VERY shooty.
Weak matches for the most part and weak NOC build.
Grade: D+
9/19/11 Raw
Opening segment: Very dull Punk/HHH/Laurinaitis promo exchange with Punk getting a title shot after losing his PPV match with HHH.
Sheamus/Air Boom/Justin Gabriel vs. Christian/Wade Barrett/David Otunga/Michael McGillicutty: Solid match.
Alberto Del Rio vs. John Morrison: Morrison gets squashed in a minute.
Hugh Jackman promo: An actual good guest host promo and made Ryder/Ziggler.
Sin Cara vs. Cody Rhodes: All angle as both Sin Caras meet each other. Lame.
Mark Henry promo: Very good with him threatening JR until Lawler makes the save, only to get destroyed.
Divas Of Doom vs. Kelly Kelly/Eve Torres: Complete nothing match.
Zack Ryder vs. Dolph Ziggler: Solid match.
John Cena/CM Punk vs. Miz/R-Truth: Very good main event.
A very hit/miss show with slightly more hit.
Grade: B-
9/26/11 Raw
Opening segment: Pretty good promo exchange between HHH and the midcard heels.
Battle royal: Pretty solid actually with Rhodes retaining the IC title.
Kelly Kelly/Eve Torres vs. Divas Of Doom: Not a great match.
Mark Henry vs. Great Khali: No match as Henry destroyed Khali before walking away.
John Cena vs. Christian: Decent match at best with a typical Cena promo before it.
Zack Ryder vs. Dolph Ziggler: Rushed US title match.
Zack Ryder/Air Boom vs. Dolph Ziggler/Jack Swagger: Solid match.
CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio: Very good main event.
Another solid Raw with good wrestling and storyline development.
Grade: B
10/3/11 Raw
Randy Orton vs. Drew McIntyre: Pretty good match despite the obvious outcome.
Mark Henry vs. John Morrison: Squash.
Del Rio/Christian/Rhodes/Ziggler/Swagger/Vickie/Otunga/HHH Promo: An okay segment though it didn't really advance the conspiracy angle.
Kelly Kelly/Eve Torres vs. Beth Phoenix/Natalya: More of an angle than a match.
Santino Marella vs. Jinder Mahal: An absolute filler squash.
CM Punk/John Cena/Sheamus/Mason Ryan/Evan Bourne/Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger/Dolph Ziggler/Cody Rhodes/Christian/David Otunga/Alberto Del Rio: Very good match.
Final segment: HHH is in the ring with the entire WWE roster surrounding the ring, and all give him a vote of no confidence and walk out on him. Very interesting segment.
Outside of the awesome final 30 minutes most of this show was complete filler.
Grade: C+
10/10/11 Raw
Opening segment: Pretty good opening segment that made the next match.
John Cena vs. Sheamus: Very rushed match that was interrupted by Vince, who announed that John Laurinatis was the new Raw GM.
Christian vs. John Morrison: Absolute squash.
Randy Orton vs. Mark Henry: Not a great match until Cody interfered and put a bag over Orton's head.
Kelly Kelly/Eve Torres vs. Rosa Mendes/Tamina: Very bad women's match. JR was fired after the match by Laurinaitis.
Air Boom/Mason Ryan vs. Jack Swagger/Dolph Ziggler/David Otunga: Very average match with Ryan pinning Ziggler.
CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio: Decent match until it was turned into a tag match by Laurinaitis for no reason.
CM Punk/Alberto Del Rio vs. Miz/R-Truth: Underwhelming return for Miz and R-Truth and the match wasn't very good either.
Very rushed show with bad matches and questionable booking throughout with Morrison getting squashed, Ryan in the IC title picture, and Miz and R-Truth having a very rushed and underwhelming return.
Grade: F
10/17/11 Raw
Opening segment: Very dull Laurinaitis promo.
Randy Orton/Sheamus/John Morrison vs. Mark Henry/Christian/Cody Rhodes: Okay match as it was basically Morrison/Henry for at least half of it with all the others leaving the ring to brawl. Very choreographed.
Eve Torres vs. Natalya: Not a great match.
CM Punk vs. Miz: Good match, though unnecessarily interrupted in the middle by Laurinaitis/HHH stuff.
Zack Ryder vs. Jack Swagger: Squash.
Mason Ryan vs. Dolph Ziggler: Very bad match.
John Cena/Jim Ross vs. Alberto Del Rio/Michael Cole: Not a bad match as it was a glorified Cena/Del Rio match, but JR made Cole tap. Cena made his match with ADR at the PPV a LMS match.
Some good matches but terrible pacing and terrible booking hurt every one of those good matches, along with really weak PPV hype.
Grade: D
10/24/11 Raw
Opening segment: Lasted half an hour and wasn't very good with HHH and Nash in the main angle.
Sheamus/Randy Orton vs. Christian/Cody Rhodes: Very solid match.
Dolph Ziggler vs. Santino Marella: Squash and Mason Ryan comes out for the save afterwards. Ugh.
Punk/ADR/Laurinaitis promo: Punk was good in this though becoming #1 contender despite no major wins recently didn't click with me.
Natalya vs. Alicia Fox: Very weak match with Fox winning.
Wade Barrett vs. John Morrison: Very long and dull filler match.
Michael Cole promo: Cole shows doctored photos of JR on the titantron and announces that he'll face JR next week and if he loses he'll quit. Ugh...
John Cena vs. Miz/R-Truth: More of an angle than a match and Cena announces Rock as his tag partner for Survivor Series.
Very poor show coming off interesting storyline developments at Vengeance. Hardly any good wrestling.
Grade: D-
10/31/11 Raw
Opening segment: Very good Rock/Cena promo exchange.
CM Punk vs. Mark Henry: Not a great match.
Muppets/Vickie segment: Good promo exchange.
Divas Battle Royal: Not a great match.
Wade Barrett/Cody Rhodes vs. Air Boom: Pretty good match.
Big Show vs. Alberto Del Rio: Pretty bad match.
Santino Marella vs. Jack Swagger: Not a great match.
Zack Ryder vs. Dolph Ziggler: Pretty good match.
John Cena vs. Miz: Dull match, bad booking in Cena handling Miz and R-Truth by himself.
Not a great show. Very hit/miss and the end made Awesome Truth look very bad.
Grade: C-
11/7/11 Raw
Opening segment: Solid Cena/Awesome Truth promo exchange that made the main event, outside of Cena's schtick.
Dolph Ziggler vs. John Morrison: Solid match.
Mason Ryan vs. JTG: Squash.
Alberto Del Rio vs. Kofi Kingston: Squash, though a good ADR/Punk promo happens afterwards.
Jack Swagger vs. Santino Marella: Squash.
Kelly promo: Kelly's on the cover of Maxim and it's about to be revealed until the Divas Of Doom interrupt, and Eve and Alicia come out to clean house, and the cover is revealed.
Nash promo: His best one since his return, explaining the history between him and HHH.
Miz/R-Truth vs. John Cena/Zack Ryder: Good main event outside of Cena shrugging off the loss like it was nothing.
Decent Raw and much better than the last month of shows, but still a little flawed in parts.
Grade: B-
11/14/11 Raw
Opening segment: Very bad Michael Cole challenge that involved JR dancing.
Kofi Kingston/Sin Cara vs. Cody Rhodes/Hunico: Pretty good match.
Mason Ryan vs. Dolph Ziggler: Really bad two minute match.
This Is Your Life John Cena: A very disappointing way to bring back Foley.
Sheamus vs. Jack Swagger: Pretty good match.
Kelly Kelly vs. Natalya: This match lasted less than a minute.
Big Show/CM Punk vs. Mark Henry/Alberto Del Rio: Very dull match.
Nash/Santino segment: Complete filler segment.
Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett: Decent three minute match.
Rock/Cena/Awesome Truth segment: Very good promo exchange outside of the Twitter references.
For a show that featured both Rock and Foley, this show was very bad. Very little good wrestling and a very poorly paced show.
Grade: D+
11/21/11 Raw
Opening segment: Very good Punk/Laurinaitis promo exchange.
Alberto Del Rio vs. Zack Ryder: Squash.
Sheamus vs. Jack Swagger: Solid match.
Nash promo: This wasn't good and contained Kliq references too.
Cody Rhodes vs. Santino Marella: Squash.
CM Punk vs. Dolph Ziggler: Very good match.
Big Show promo: This was just a promo on Mark Henry pretty much.
Wade Barrett vs. Kofi Kingston: Very solid match.
Final segment: Pretty good promo exchange between Cena and Awesome Truth, and this wrote Truth off the show for his suspension.
Good storyline progression and good matches make a good show.
Grade: B-
11/28/11 Raw
Opening segment: Very good Cena/Piper promo exchange.
John Morrison vs. Miz: Decent FCA match that wrote Morrison out of storylines and made Miz come off as a badass very well.
Bella Twins vs. Kelly Kelly/Alicia Fox: Complete nothing match.
Randy Orton vs. Doph Ziggler: Very good match with Dolph winning clean.
Cole/Bryan promo: Very good actually with Cole discrediting Bryan, only for Bryan to cut a great promo and get attacked by Mark Henry.
Zack Ryder vs. Jack Swagger: Solid match.
CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio: Very good main event.
Very good show that was very wrestling-oriented.
Grade: A
12/5/11 Raw
Opening segment: Good promo exchange that made most of the show's matches.
Miz vs. Randy Orton: Decent match with Miz advancing to TLC.
Alberto Del Rio vs. Daniel Bryan: ADR advances to TLC, but in a squash match. Storyline injury or not, Bryan deserved better.
Kelly Kelly/Alicia Fox vs. Divas Of Doom: One minute match.
John Cena vs. Zack Ryder: Decent match with Cena advancing to TLC.
Zack Ryder vs. Mark Henry: Nothing match with Ryder becoming #1 contender to the US title after Cena gave Henry the AA. Badly booked as both Ryder and Henry looked weak. Ryder beating Cena would have been stronger booking as it would have put Ryder over and fit into the angle with Cena's boos getting the better of him.
Kevin Nash vs. Santino Marella: Squash.
Sheamus vs. Dolph Ziggler: Decent match.
Contract signing: Very good segment.
Average leaning towards mediocre show. The Smackdown champ should never be used to put over people in matches that have nothing to do with his storyline and Bryan should never be squashed, ever.
Grade: C+
12/12/11 Raw
Opening segment: Very bad Cole/JR rapoff. This was time that should have been spent on guys who actually have a future in the ring.
Slammy 1: Big Show accepts the "holy s***" award for the second ring collapse at Vengeance.
Big Show vs. Wade Barrett: Not much of a match.
Slammy 2: Punk won the "Pipe Bomb of the Year" award and gives a funny tribute to Johnny Ace.
Slammy 3: Kelly won "Diva of the Year" until Beth takes it from her, and Kelly took it right back after slapping her. Bad segment that made the Divas of Doom look very weak.
Slammy 4: HHH won "OMG moment of the year" and cut a promo saying that he ended Undertaker's streak when it actually didn't happen.
Slammy 5: Otunga and Tony Atlas have a bad segment that makes a match for the "Trending Superstar Of The Year" award.
Dolph Ziggler vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Zack Ryder: Good match with Dolph winning the award.
Slammy 6: Cena wins "Game Changer of the Year" award and cuts a good promo on The Rock.
Randy Orton/CM Punk vs. Miz/Alberto Del Rio: Pretty good match.
Slammy 7: Snooki won the "A-Lister of the Year" award. Yawn.
Sheamus vs. Jinder Mahal: No match but a complete filler segent.
Slammy 8: Punk wins "Superstar of the Year" but Laurinaitis accepts it on his behalf.
Mark Henry vs. John Cena: Bad match but a good Kane return.
Very mediocre show. With all the awards the PPV build wasn't what it should be and the wrestling was at the bare minimum. Typical Slammys.
Grade: C-
12/19/11 Raw
Opening segment: Very good segment that mad the main event and put over Punk, Bryan, and Ryder.
Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett: Pretty good match.
Alicia Fox vs. Beth Phoenix: Squash... in Alicia's favor. Yeah...
Sheamus vs. Jinder Mahal: Squash.
Cena/Henry/Kane segment: Good promo exchange until Kane comes out and rips off Cena's shirt.
Primo/Epico vs. Usos: Good match.
Cody Rhodes vs. Santino Marella: Squash.
Miz/Alberto Del Rio/Dolph Ziggler vs. CM Punk/Daniel Bryan/Zack Ryder: Great match with Bryan making ADR tap.
A good feel good show that was focused on people outside of Cena for a change.
Grade: B
12/26/11 Raw
Opening segment: Solid Punk/Laurinaitis promo exchange.
Booker T vs. Cody Rhodes: Good match.
Eve Torres/Zack Ryder vs. Tyson Kidd/Natalya: Not a great match.
John Cena vs. Miz: All angle leading to R-Truth returning and attacking Miz. Your typical Cena promo took place before the "match" too.
Big Show vs. David Otunga: Bad match with one arm tied behind Show's back
ADR promo: This was just there with him announcing being out of action with an injury, and the Bella Twins cut a promo during this too.
CM Punk gauntlet: He beats Jack Swagger but loses to Dolph Ziggler in a good match.
Final segment: Very underwhelming Cena/Kane promo exchange starting the "embrace the hate" storyline.
Very dull and mediocre show, with much of it feeling like filler.
Grade: C-
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