1/4/10 Raw
Opening segment: Pretty good promo exchange between Breat and HBK.
Maryse vs. Brie Bella: Not a great match.
Mark Henry vs. Jack Swagger vs. MVP vs. Carlito: Pretty good match with MVP winning and becoming #1 contender to the US title.
DX vs. Chris Jericho/Big Show: Pretty good tag title match.
Sheamus vs. Evan Bourne: This was a pretty decent match for what it was.
Randy Orton vs. Kofi Kingston: Pretty good match though Orton winning was questionable as it means that Kofi lost to Orton three times in a row.
Vince/Bret segment: This was the typical Vince promo with a very anticlimatic end in Vince kicking Bret in the testicles. An angle that was based solely on an event that took place 13 years ago didn't interest me, especially considering that a Bret/Vince match would likely be pretty bad.
This was a much better Raw than usual, though very underwhelming for a show that had TNA Impact on against it. Nothing really earth-shattering happened at all and the women's match, final segment, Hornswoggle backstage skit, and finish of Orton/Kofi took away from a solid effort.
Grade: B-
1/11/10 Raw
Opening segment: Pretty good as it made a match for later in the show.
Alicia Fox vs. Kelly Kelly: Very bad match.
Legacy vs. Mark Henry/Evan Bourne: Okay match at best... not that great.
Santino Marella vs. Jack Swagger: Another really weak match and Santino won very quickly...
Randy Orton vs. Kofi Kingston vs. John Cena: Easily the best match of the night although Orton winning was pretty questionable because it means Orton vs. Sheamus, which is a heel vs. heel title match, and Kofi loses to Orton for the third straight time.
Miz/MVP segment: Pretty good segment although I really do feel MVP should be built up a bit more as he lost nearly every match he's had until he won #1 contendership last week.
Eve Torres vs. Katie Lea: Ridiculously short but the second best match of the night by this show's LOW standards.
Vince promo: Very boring... Vince/Bret isn't that interesting as their match will probably be really bad at WM and the Montreal Screwjob took place when I was in 4th grade so it isn't very relevant anymore.
DX vs. Chris Jericho/Mike Tyson: Worst part of the show as the match was pretty bad, pointless, and the booking was ridiculously obvious with Tyson wearing a DX shirt underneath and KO'ing Jericho to make him lose.
Not much of a show as it felt like it was WWE going back to the formula for the shows between the Thanksgiving episode and 1/4 with a lack of quality wrestling, putting Hornswoggle and the guest host over more than anything, and nothing much happening at all.
Grade: D
1/18/10 Raw
Opening segment: Decent enough… dragged when Vince was talking but once it was HBK and Undertaker it was real good.
Sheamus vs. Evan Bourne: Squash.
Mark Henry vs. Jack Swagger: Swagger gets tossed over the top rope in a matter of seconds.
Miz/Big Show/guest hosts segment: Pretty bad as it was filled with lame comedy and made a really bad main event.
John Cena/Kofi Kingston vs. Legacy: Best match of the night, though it was only decent at best.
Maryse/Alicia Fox vs. Gail Kim/Eve Torres: Pretty good match.
Randy Orton vs. Chris Masters: VERY boring filler match.
Big Show/Miz/John Heder vs. DX/Hornswoggle: Terrible main event that didn’t really have a point either, like last week’s main event too, and featured Big Show actually selling the TADPOLE SPLASH. Very weak Rumble build followed with HHH, HBK, Cena, and Big Show all announcing that they're in the Rumble. Like they'd be left off the card of a big 4 PPV...
Once again, it wasn’t a great showing. While more stuff happened, lots of lame guest host and Hornswoggle stuff throughout and younger talent continued to have no real direction. Oh, and the matches were bad too.
Grade: D
1/25/10 Raw
DX vs. Legacy: A pretty good match to open the show.
Big Show vs. MVP: Way to build up the #1 contender for the US title... have him get squashed. At least make him look somewhat decent.
Maryse vs. Eve Torres: Pretty bad match.
Cena/Vince segment: This was a surprisingly good segment considering how lame Cena's promos usually are and how stale Vince's promos usually are.
Miz vs. Kofi Kingston: Pretty decent match.
Carlito vs. Kelly Kelly: Thank God this match didn't happen and Rumble build took place instead.
Gail Kim vs. Alicia Fox: Another subpar women's match.
John Cena vs. Sheamus: Good main event but Cena standing tall over both Orton and Sheamus is a TERRIBLE way to build their title match at the Rumble.
A much better Raw than usual, but still VERY flawed. The Orton/Sheamus WWE title match was built terribly, both women's matches were bad, and the #1 contender to the US title got squashed. It gets an above average score, but nothing too high until serious improvements are made.
Grade: B-
2/1/10 Raw
Opening segment: Very good Edge/Sheamus promo exchange.
John Cena vs. Cody Rhodes: Not a great EC qualifier as Rhodes got squashed pretty much.
HHH vs. Jack Swagger: Pretty good EC qualifier as swagger looked the best he has in quite a while.
Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels: Another solid EC qualifying match.
Ted DiBiase vs. Mark Henry: As good as a Henry match can be as DiBiase worked on his limbs throughout, which is GREAT ring psychology.
Kofi Kingston vs. Big Show: Another solid EC qualifier that was booked perfectly with Kofi winning while Big Show stayed protected. 4 good matches in a row on Raw...
Bret/Vince segment: MUCH better than their segment on 1/4 as it added another dimension to this feud other than them simply feuding over an event that happened 13 years ago and wrestling at Wrestlemania in a match that will probably suck since Bret hasn't wrestled in 10 years and is over 50 years old.
MUCH better Raw than usual... full of good matches, the host didn't suck, and Hornswoggle was only on for like 2 minutes total.
Grade: A
2/8/10 Raw
Opening segment: Very good promo exchange between Christian and Sheamus and it made a match between them... next.
Christian vs. Sheamus: Good match and a much needed clean victory for Sheamus as he hasn't gotten a convincing win since becoming champ (which I feel was too early and sent the wrong message).
Punk promo: This was his typical promo as of late... nothing new whatsoever.
CM Punk/Luke Gallows vs. Miz/Big Show vs. DX: Pretty good elimination match with Miz and Big Show winning the tag titles and DX hinting at a breakup afterwards. Very interesting...
Gail Kim vs. Jillian Hall: Pretty much a squash although the stuff afterwards was the most attention they gave a women's title match on Raw in a LONG time.
Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes: Pretty decent match for what it was and Rhodes actually wins with his finisher. Hopefully they're serious about this now as guys like HHH, HBK, Undertaker, and Batista are now middle aged and won't be there forever.
John Cena vs. Ted DiBiase: No match pretty much as it turned into a promo exchange between Cena and Vince. It was really good and the stuff with Bret after Cena left was even better.
Another really good Raw. This wasn't as good as last week due to the squash and the Punk promo not offering anything new, but it was VERY close. Good matches and great booking throughout.
Grade: A-
2/15/10 Raw
Randy Orton vs. Sheamus: Decent match though Sheamus still only has one convincing win since winning the title.
Bret promo: This was pretty good... until the car crash. Just very poorly done as the whole scene with Bret being put into the ambulance lasted forever and the announcers said that it was the worst day of Bret's life (did they forget about the stroke that ended his career and the day that Owen died?). It cancelled out the whole in-ring part of the segment.
Mark Henry/MVP vs. Big Show/Miz: This match was very "meh".
Springer segment: Utterly pointless segment that wasn't funny at all. The whole thing was a rib and involved stuff like Kelly being pregnant with Hornswoggle after Jerry read the paternity test results, Brie being a man, and Masters cheating on Eve with Kelly. Who thought airing this was a good idea?
Ted DiBiase vs. Kofi Kingston: Another "meh" match where Kofi loses to one of the lackeys of the guy he feuded with a couple months ago in under three minutes.
Cena/Batista promo: This was a pretty good segment to build their feud.
John Cena vs. HHH: Pretty good main event, and Sheamus was finally put over decently against Raw main eventers, but it was a few weeks too late as having him as champ for the road to WM wouldn't be the smartest idea.
Some of the wrestling on this show was good, but was poorly booked and the EC build left a lot to be desired. Don't even get me started on the Springer segment.
Grade: D+
2/22/10 Raw
Opening segment: Was basically two seperate promo exchanges from Edge/Jericho and Cena/Vince... both were good and the latter made the main event for tonight.
Maryse vs. Gail Kim: Very bad Divas title match with Maryse winning.
Kofi Kingston/Yoshi Tatsu/Evan Bourne vs. Legacy: Pretty good six man tag with Orton turning on Rhodes and DiBiase in the end.
HBK/Undertaker segment: Very good segment where the rematch is finally announced... streak vs. career. Interesting...
Christian vs. Carlito: This match never really got going pretty much as Carlito lost as soon as he started getting offense.
Diva Bullriding: About what you'd expect... not a very good segment. Though the next match was made as a result.
Big Show/Miz vs. Mark Henry/MVP: Meh match pretty much.
John Cena vs. Batista: No match as Batista got DQ'ed right after the match began. Good angle as Cena/Batista shouldn't be given away on Raw.
The wrestling wasn't spectacular and the bullriding was your typical guest host segment, but the promos were very good and this started the WM build very well.
Grade: B-
3/1/10 Raw
Opening segment: Very good HHH/HBK promo exchange.
Randy Orton vs. Ted DiBiase: Not a great match.
Jack Swagger vs. Santino Marella: Squash.
Cena/Batista segment: Very good promo exchange between the two.
MVP vs. Zack Ryder: Squash.
Eve Torres vs. Kelly Kelly vs. Alicia Fox vs. Maryse vs. Jillian Hall vs. Gail Kim: Terrible pillow fight match.
Vince/Bret segment: Dull Vince promo until Bret showed up, then it got good.
DX vs. Big Show/Miz: Okay match, nothing special.
Not a great show. Both MITB qualifiers were squashes, a pillow fight, and bad guest host skits outweighed the good.
Grade: D+
3/8/10 Raw
Opening segment: Awesome Undertaker/HBK promo exchange.
Gail Kim/Kelly Kelly/Eve Torres vs. Maryse/Katie Lea/Alicia Fox: Not a great match.
John Morrison/R-Truth vs. Miz/Big Show: Hardly any match as this was all angle.
Randy Orton vs. Legacy: Very average match with Orton getting pinned by DiBiase.
Sheamus/HHH promo: Good segment to progress their feud.
Evan Bourne vs. William Regal: Very rushed MITB qualifier with Bourne basically squashing Regal.
John Cena vs. Vince McMahon/Cronies: Not a very good match as Kozlov, McIntyre, and Swagger all hit moves on Cena only to leave when Vince pins him, Henry comes out and is hesitant to hurt Cena until Batista spears him, then Kofi comes out to get powerbombed, then Cena gets Batistabombed and Vince wins. An overbooked mess.
Very bad show to go against a live TNA Impact in which TNA had a good show and pulled out the stops. Hardly any quality wrestling and there were numerous Criss Angel skits throughout.
Grade: D
3/15/10 Raw
Opening segment: Very good Austin promo.
John Cena vs. Big Show: Okay match outside of Cena losing. Big Show is way below Cena on the totem pole...
Sheamus vs. Evan Bourne: No match as Sheamus destroys Bourne and then cuts a promo. This buries Bourne further.
Maryse vs. Kelly Kelly: Squash.
Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho: Solid match.
HHH vs. Randy Orton: Very good match.
Batista vs. Kofi Kingston: Squash.
Final segment: Very good Bret/Vince contract signing, with Bret revealing that he set up the broken leg so Vince would get in the ring with him.
For a show with Austin as the guest host, it was quite disappointing outside of the contract signing and HHH/Orton.
Grade: C
3/22/10 Raw
Opening segment: Very good HBK promo.
Miz vs. John Morrison: Not a great match as half of it was a Miz resthold.
Kofi Kingston vs. Vladimir Kozlov: Not a great match.
HHH/Randy Orton vs. Sheamus/Legacy: Not a great match.
Bret promo: Very solid promo until Vince came out and cut a great one sentence promo.
Shawn Michaels vs. Kane: Good match.
Eve Torres/Gail Kim/Beth Phoenix vs. Maryse/LayCool: Just a glorified Michelle squash of Gail as nobody else tagged in.
Final segment: Very good Batista/Cena promo exchange.
Average show as all the promos were good, but all the matches aside from one failed to click.
Grade: C
3/29/10 Raw
Opening segment: Very solid Cena/Batista promo until Swagger teases cashing in MITB.
Christian vs. Ted DiBiase: Bland lumberjack match with the focus on the lumberjacks brawling instead of the match.
10 diva tag: Eve pins Maryse in 5 seconds. Yep.
Bret/Miz promo: Very solid promo exchange that made the next match.
Big Show/Miz vs. Hart Dynasty: Okay match, mainly because Big Show was in for most of it.
John Cena/Randy Orton vs. Batista/Jack Swagger: Decent match.
HBK retirement: Awesome segment as expected.
This show will be remembered for HBK's retirement ceremony, but this show was only slightly above average and paled in comparison to the Flair retirement show, as this one featured skits involving the guest hosts in hot tubs with divas, Hornswoggle, and Mark Henry all night.
Grade: B-
4/5/10 Raw
Opening segment: Not very good with Swagger not believable as champ as he was jobbing to Santino just a couple weeks ago, but it made Orton/Swagger and a tag title match.
Sheamus vs. Kofi Kingston: Not a great match as it was a glorified squash.
Sheamus/HHH promo: Very good promo with HHH getting the better of Sheamus.
Dress To Impress Battle Royal: Very bad with all the divas wearing dresses and Eve winning the title shot.
John Cena/Batista vs. Big Show/Miz: All angle as Batista walked off as Cena was going to tag him, and guest host David Otunga named himself Cena's partner against them later.
Ted DiBiase vs. Christian: Decent match, though Christian actually lost this match cleanly.
Randy Orton vs. Jack Swagger: Solid match.
John Cena/David Otunga vs. Big Show/Miz: Very bad match with Cena getting turned on by Otunga and then getting pinned.
Very dull show with a very bad main event.
Grade: C-
4/12/10 Raw
Opening segment: Your typical bad guest host promo.
Eve Torres vs. Maryse: Bad divas title match with Eve winning it.
Miz vs. David Hart Smith: Decent match with a good promo involving Bret before the match.
Evan Bourne vs. Carlito: Decent match, though it was completely pointless too as neither had anything going on.
John Cena vs. David Otunga: Bad match.
Sheamus vs. Kofi Kingston: Much better than last week, though the end continued the burial of Kofi at this time.
Bella Twins vs. Gail Kim/Kelly Kelly vs. Rosa Mendes/Jillian Hall: Terrible "baywatch match" with the Bellas winning and even worse aftermath with Santino "swallowing" the whistle and Hornswoggle hitting the tadpole splash on him to get it out of his body. Yes, this all happened.
Randy Orton vs. Batista: Decent main event.
Not a great show, with too much filler and guest host stuff on it for a UK episode.
Grade: C
4/19/10 Raw
Opening segment: Punk was good in this, but HHH did his usual gay and insider jokes, which hurt this segment, though it made the main event.
Drew McIntyre vs. Matt Hardy: Solid match.
Kozlov promo: Very bad and made a match between him and one of the guest hosts. Ugh.
Undertaker vs. Jack Swagger: Very good match.
Vladimir Kozlov vs. MacGruber/KhalGruber: Terrible "match".
HHH/Edge/Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk/Luke Gallows/Chris Jericho: Very good main event.
Very mediocre show because of the opening promo and the guest host stuff. This didn't build the PPV too well either, but the Raw roster was stuck in Europe so they couldn't do anything about that.
Grade: C
5/3/10 Raw
Opening segment: Very good Batista/Sheamus promo exchange.
Batista vs. Daniel Bryan: Solid match.
John Morrison vs. Ted DiBiase: Good match.
John Cena vs. Wade Barrett: Average match.
Maryse vs. Nikki Bella: Squash.
Mark Henry vs. Zack Ryder: Squash.
Hart Dynasty vs. William Regal/Vladimir Kozlov: Decent match.
Cutting Edge: Very good Edge/Orton promo exchange to close the show.
Decent episode, as it was your typical Beat The Clock episode, though the middle portion really dragged with two squashes and Cena/Barrett.
Grade: B-
5/10/10 Raw
Opening segment: Pretty bad segment due to the guest hosts despite the main event being announced and Vickie announced as the new GM.
Chris Jericho vs. David Hart Smith: Pretty decent match.
R-Truth vs. William Regal: Lasted 30 seconds before the Colons attacked R-Truth, which amounted to nothing because of Carlito's release soon after.
Evan Bourne vs. Zack Ryder: What should have been a good match lasted two minutes at most.
Cena promo: Pretty good promo to build his I Quit match with Batista.
Tyson Kidd vs. Miz: Kidd won in under a minute before Miz announced that he'll face Bret Hart next week. Underwhelming considering that Miz looked weak here.
NXT pros vs. John Morrison/Santino Marella/Goldust/Yoshi Tatsu: Eh match due to a lot of the NXT wrestlers being VERY green, and Morrison really felt out of place in this compared to his teammates.
Batista vs. Mark Henry: More of an angle to put over Batista than a match.
Randy Orton vs. Edge/Ted DiBiase: Eh main event and Vickie resigns the same day she starts as GM. Rushed!
Very rushed show with bad matches and the show's main angle being over during that same show!
Grade: D
5/17/10 Raw
Opening segment: Very good Bret/Jericho promo promoting the US title match, though making it No DQ kinda gave away the result.
Edge vs. Christian: Good match.
Batista promo: He attacks Mark Henry, asks for his spotlight, gets it, and leaves.
Ted DiBiase vs. Yoshi Tatsu: Decent match.
Bret Hart vs. Miz: All angle with the Hart Dynasty, Natalya, Regal, Kozlov, and Jericho all getting involved, and results in Bret making Miz tap quickly to win the US title.
Maryse/LayCool vs. Eve Torres/Bella Twins: This was actually a good match.
Randy Orton vs. Jack Swagger: Solid match.
Zack Ryder/Alicia Fox vs. Evan Bourne/Gail Kim: This was a good match too with a decent promo exchange between Ryder and Aldrin before the match.
John Cena vs. Sheamus: Very good main event.
This was a very good show outside of the US title match. Bret becoming US champ does nothing for his legacy and only made Miz look really weak, especially since he got beat by TYSON KIDD in under a minute last week. Outside of that there was actually nothing bad about this show. A commercial free Raw that spent time on wrestling instead of goofiness.
Grade: A
5/24/10 Raw
Opening segment: Very good segment with Batista announcing his retirement.
Sheamus vs. Mark Henry: Not a great match.
Maryse/Alicia Fox vs. Gail Kim/Eve Torres: Very rushed one minute women's match.
R-Truth vs. Miz: Very good US Title match with Truth winning.
Raw Superstar Search: Very lame guest host skit.
Hart Dynasty vs. William Regal/Vladimir Kozlov: Absolute squash.
NXT segment: Absolute filler.
Edge vs. John Cena vs. Chris Jericho: Good main event with Edge winning and qualifying for the Fatal 4 Way main event.
Two very good matches and Batista's retirement but the rest was either lame or filler.
Grade: C-
5/31/10 Raw
Opening segment: Very good Edge/Orton promo exchange.
R-Truth vs. Chris Jericho: Solid match except for Jericho losing clean.
Santino Marella/Eve Torres vs. Maryse/William Regal: Terrible match with Kozlov turning on Regal.
Bret/Vince promo: This was basically filler with the most notable part being the announcement of Viewrs Choice and DiBiase trying to buy the GM spot from Bret.
Miz vs. Daniel Bryan: Very rushed match with Bryan actually winning.
Usos promo: This was good to build a feud with the Hart Dynasty and introduce themselves.
Ryder/Alicia/Kutcher segment: Ryder demands to know who put a hit out on him, and Kutcher teases Lawler, Khali, and Goldust, until it was revealed that it's Alicia Fox, who gave him her finisher. Lame and pointless.
Sheamus/Edge vs. John Cena/Evan Bourne: Very good main event with Bourne pinning Sheamus.
Very mediocre show. Lots of filler and felt like a complete setup for next week.
Grade: C
6/7/10 Raw
Opening segment: Good segment to make Orton/Edge in a LMS match.
Big Show vs. Chris Jericho: A lame bodyslam challenge match.
Hart Dynasty vs. Great Khali/Hornswoggle: A lame one minute match.
Santino/Kozlov danceoff: This was pretty funny due to Santino's charisma.
Diva Battle Royal: Maryse wins in a rushed 3 minute battle royal.
Sheamus vs. Kane: First good match of the show.
R-Truth/John Morrison vs. Miz/Zack Ryder: Very rushed tag match.
Edge vs. Randy Orton: Edge has one arm tied behind his back and the match the opening segment made lasted ONE MINUTE.
Matt Hardy vs. Drew McIntyre: Another very rushed match.
A-Team skit: Very lame guest host segment.
John Cena vs. CM Punk: Solid main event notable for the debut of Nexus which was very well done.
While this show will be remembered for Nexus' debut, the show itself wasn't very good with rushed matches and lame guest host skits throughout.
Grade: D+
6/14/10 Raw
Opening segment: Very good promo exchange featuring the NXT rookies.
Miz vs. John Morrison vs. R-Truth vs. Zack Ryder: Good match with Miz winning the US title, though Ryder really felt out of place here.
Chris Jericho vs. Evan Bourne: Decent match that set up a PPV match between them.
Cena promo: This was one of his better ones until the NXT rookies tried to attack him again until the rest of the roster chased them off.
Gail Kim/Eve Torres vs. Maryse/Alicia Fox: Your typical Divas match.
Big Show/Mark Feuerstein vs. Ted DiBiase/Virgil: Terrible filler.
Santino Marella vs. William Regal: Santino wins in one minute.
Edge/Sheamus vs. John Cena/Randy Orton: Very good main event and the rookies put Bret into a limo which crashed into many cars to end the show.
Good first hour, but a bad second hour until the main event.
Grade: B
6/21/10 Raw
Opening segment: Very lng and drawn out with the debut of the computer GM and the main event being announced.
Evan Bourne vs. Chris Jericho: Very good match.
Natalya vs. Tamina: All angle with Nexus coming out a minute into this.
Nexus promo: Very solid with the Nexus name debuting here.
John Morrison vs. Zack Ryder: Solid match.
Eve Torres/Great Khali vs. Alicia Fox/Primo: This actually wasn't bad until Khali tagged in.
Orton/Miz promo: Very solid until Edge attacks Orton.
John Cena vs. Sheamus: Very good main event with Sheamus retaining the title.
Final segment: Very good with Nexus attacking Vince.
Very good show that gained momentum throughout.
Grade: B+
6/28/10 Raw
Opening segment: Not very good as it was the typical obnoxious Cena promo.
Hart Dynasty/Natalya vs. Usos/Tamina: This never got started.
Vladimir Kozlov vs. Santino Marella: Squash.
Guest Host segment: The only noteworthy thing was that Rob Zombie named the competitors in thw Raw MITB match, otherwise this was just a pointless promo exchange between he and Edge.
Sheamus vs. Mark Henry: Not a great match.
Nexus segment: Very good with them taking out a bunch of WWE legends.
Alicia Fox/Maryse vs. Eve Torres/Gail Kim: Not a great match.
Edge/Chris Jericho/Miz/Ted Dibiase vs. Randy Orton/Evan Bourne/R-Truth/John Morrison: Very good main event.
Outside of Nexus and the main event this wasn't a good show.
Grade: D+
7/5/10 Raw
Opening segment: Very good promo exchange between Nexus and the Raw main eventers.
John Morrison vs. Ted DiBiase: Solid match outside of DiBiase winning.
Santino Marella/Vladimir Kozlov vs. William Regal/Great Khali: Terrible match.
R-Truth vs. Miz: All angle with Miz injuring R-Truth.
Cutting Edge: Very good and made the next match.
Edge/Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton/Evan Bourne: Very good match with Bourne pinning Jericho.
Eve Torres vs. Alicia Fox: A nothing divas title match with Fox retaining.
Final segment: Very solid Barrett/Cena promo exchange to close the show, with Cena destroying Darren Young as well.
Pretty solid show that built MITB very well.
Grade: B
7/12/10 Raw
Opening segment: Typical Cena promo that made Cena vs. Nexus as the main event.
Alicia Fox vs. Gail Kim: A glorified squash unfortunately.
Usos/Tamina vs. Hart Dynasty/Natalya: Pretty decent mixed tag match.
DiBiase/Morrison promo: Not a very good promo exchange.
Edge vs. Randy Orton: Very good match.
Miz vs. Mark Henry: More of an angle than a match.
Santino Marella/Vladimir Kozlov/Goldust/Great Khali vs. William Regal/Primo/Zack Ryder/Doink The Clown: Very lame comedy match with the "Santino bunch" winning.
John Cena vs. Nexus: Pretty decent match due to Nexus making frequent tags.
Very weak show to build the MITB PPV. Okay matches but everything promo-wise was terrible.
Grade: D+
7/19/10 Raw
Randy Orton vs. Edge vs. Chris Jericho: Good match with Orton becoming the #1 contender.
Edge/Jericho promo: Very solid and resulted in Nexus attacking both.
Eve Torres vs. Maryse: Bad match.
Sheamus/Miz promo: Very solid and resulted in making the next match.
Sheamus vs. Evan Bourne: Solid match.
Santino Marella/Vladimir Kozlov vs. Zack Ryder/William Regal: Not a great match.
Wade Barrett vs. Mark Henry: Not a great match.
Final segment: Very good Cena/Barrett promo exchange.
Very solid show to start the Summerslam build.
Grade: B
7/26/10 Raw
Opening segment: Typical obnoxious Cena promo, comparing himself and the other babyfaces on his team to the Super Friends, until Jericho interrupted.
Randy Orton vs. Jey Uso: Squash.
Edge vs. Great Khali: This was all angle pretty much.
Nexus vs. Jerry Lawler/David Hart Smith/Tyson Kidd/Mark Henry/Yoshi Tatsu/Goldust/Evan Bourne: An elimination squash match pretty much.
Alicia Fox vs. Brie Bella: Squash.
Ted DiBiase vs. John Morrison: Not a good match.
Miz/Sheamus vs. John Cena/Chris Jericho: Good main event.
This show was all about the main event. The rest was very boring.
Grade: D
8/2/10 Raw
Opening segment: Solid Edge/Truth promo exchange.
Edge vs. Wade Barrett: Not a great match.
Gail Kim/Eve Torres/Natalya vs. Alicia Fox/Maryse/Jillian Hall: Bad match.
Sheamus vs. Goldust: Squash.
John Cena vs. Chris Jericho: Very good match.
Great Khali vs. Ted DiBiase: Terrible match.
Randy Orton vs. Miz: Very boring main event.
Very boring show as hardly anything happened and the wrestling was bad outside of Cena/Jericho.
Grade: D+
8/9/10 Raw
Opening segment: Very solid promo exchange that made the main event.
Miz vs. Evan Bourne: Solid match.
Melina vs. Alicia Fox: Decent match.
Mark Henry vs. Ted DiBiase: No match.
Orton/Sheamus promo: This was very solid.
Husky Harris/Michael McGillicutty/Alex Riley vs. Kaval/Percy Watson/Lucky Cannon: Not a great match.
John Morrison/R-Truth vs. William Regal/Zack Ryder: Squash.
Bella Twins vs. Jillian Hall/Maryse vs. Gail Kim/Eve Torres: Very bad Summertime Spectacular match.
Wade Barrett vs. Great Khali: The second non-match of the show.
John Cena/Bret Hart vs. Chris Jericho/Edge: A two minute main event.
This show started off very good and kept pace throughout the first hour but the second hour was pretty much a wash, and two non-matches on the same show?
Grade: C-
8/16/10 Raw
Opening segment: Typical Cena promo with him making bad jokes about the Nexus.
Wade Barrett vs. Chris Jericho: Pretty good match.
Segment: Hart Dynasty get the NEW tag titles, which look bad, and a bad guest host promo.
Daniel Bryan vs. Michael Tarver: Easily Bryan's worst WWE match.
Justin Gabriel vs. Randy Orton: Very rushed match.
Skip Sheffield/David Otunga vs. John Morrison/R-Truth: Squash.
Melina/Eve Torres/Gail Kim vs. Maryse/Alicia Fox/Jillian Hall: Not a great match with the most notable part being that Jillian actually pinned Eve.
Edge vs. Heath Slater: Very bland match.
John Cena vs. Darren Young: Very bland main event with Young losing and being the only one kicked out of Nexus.
VERY boring show with minimal story progression and one good match. The show was focused entirely on Nexus matches, and none of them are real ring generals yet aside from maybe Gabriel, so it predictably meant some bad wrestling.
Grade: D
8/23/10 Raw
Opening segment: Decent Sheamus promo that made the main event.
Edge vs. R-Truth: Decent match.
Chris Jericho vs. Great Khali: As good as a Khali match can be, but that doesn't make it a good match though.
Melina vs. Jillian Hall: Typical divas "match".
Nexus segment: The "GM" says that Nexus' title shots ban is lifted. That was it.
Miz vs. John Cena: Solid match.
Santino Marella/Vladimir Kozlov vs. Usos: Bad filler.
Randy Orton vs. John Morrison vs. Ted DiBiase: Very rushed match.
Sheamus vs. Zack Ryder: Squash and a promo exchange occurs right after that made the NOC main event.
Very dull show, as there was way too much filler.
Grade: C-
8/30/10 Raw
Opening segment: Not a great segment as it made Undertaker vs. Bret for later.
Miz/Alex Riley vs. Kofi Kingston/Michael McGillicutty vs. Daniel Bryan/Kaval: Decent match.
Melina/Eve Torres vs. LayCool: Not much of a match at all.
John Morrison/R-Truth vs. Cody Rhodes/Drew McIntyre: Completely pointless as it hardly got started.
Bret Hart vs. Undertaker: Thankfully this never got started as Nexus beat down the Undertaker.
Jack Swagger vs. Evan Bourne: What should have been a good match was completely focused on Alberto Del Rio. The ultimate disrespect to the guys in the match.
Punk/Big Show promo: Decent promo though the lack of wrestling was starting to wear thin at this point.
Nexus vs. John Cena/Randy Orton/Chris Jericho/Sheamus/Edge: Decent main event though all the eliminations were very rushed.
A VERY oddly paced episode that was severely lacking in wrestling.
Grade: C-
9/6/10 Raw
Opening segment: Decent promo exchange that made the main event.
John Morrison vs. Chris Jericho: Good match with Morrison getting put over well.
Melina vs. Alicia Fox: Terrible "match" as it lasted one minute and before the match was Alicia's "undefined title" promo. Not knowing the name of the title really makes the company look bad.
John Cena vs. Justin Gabriel: Solid match.
Miz/Bryan promo: Pretty good, though this included another screwup as Miz said that Bryan replaced him on Smackdown instead of Summerslam. Ugh.
Edge vs. Great Khali: This was all angle.
Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett: Solid main event.
Good show, despite containing two infamous promo screwups, though the "undefined title" one was MUCH worse.
Grade: B
9/13/10 Raw
Opening segment: Your typical guest host segment.
Miz vs. Daniel Bryan: An angle that turned into Bryan vs. Riley, with Riley tapping out immediately.
Edge vs. Evan Bourne: Lame bodyslam match.
Edge vs. Mark Henry: Another bodyslam match.
R-Truth/Eve Torres vs. Ted DiBiase/Maryse: Terrible song and dance match, though no wrestling was involved at all.
Sheamus vs. John Morrison: Very good FCA match.
Jericho promo: Very solid and made the next match.
Chris Jericho vs. Hart Dynasty: Decent, though confusing as DH Smith escaped the cage, but the match continued until Jericho made Kidd tap.
Goldust vs. William Regal: Squash.
John Cena vs. Randy Orton: Decent tables match though extremely overbooked with Nexus, Edge, Jericho, and Sheamus all interfering at different times.
A very lame show in the first hour, and while the second hour improved, a lot of stuff was either confusing or overbooked.
Grade: D+
9/20/10 Raw
Opening segment: Very good Orton/Sheamus promo exchange.
Cody Rhodes/Drew McIntyre vs. Santino Marella/Vladimir Kozlov: Decent match.
John Morrison vs. Chris Jericho: Very good match.
Miz promo: The usual, which isn't bad.
Edge vs. Daniel Bryan: Solid match.
Layla vs. Melina: Your typical one minute divas match.
R-Truth/Eve Torres vs. Maryse/Ted DiBiase: Bad match.
John Cena vs. Nexus: His matches against Slater and Gabriel were good, while the matches against Tarver and Otunga sucked.
Very good show that was wrestling-oriented.
Grade: B+
9/27/10 Raw
Miz/Alex Riley vs. John Morrison/Daniel Bryan: Solid match.
Divas battle royal: The usual until Natalya wins.
Sheamus vs. Great Khali: Terrible match.
Cutting Edge: Worst edition ever because of the GM computer being the guest and it actually talking. Terrible.
John Cena vs. Edge: Good match, with Edge destroying the laptop after the match. So over the top.
Cody Rhodes/Drew McIntyre vs. Hart Dynasty: Decent match outside of the HD already teasing a breakup after one year.
Jericho promo: Decent though it was almost the same thing as one of his most famous WCW promos with him naming all the people he beat, rather than all his holds.
Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho: Good match to write off Jericho.
Some good wrestling but terrible booking and the Cutting Edge was up there with some of the guest host stuff in terms of badness.
Grade: C
10/4/10 Raw
Opening segment: Decent promo exchange that made the first match.
John Cena/Michael Tarver vs. Evan Bourne/Mark Henry: Terrible match as Cena just left Tarver to get squashed. This was truly the start of Nexus' burial.
Natalya vs. Alicia Fox: Squash.
Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan: The US champ gets destroyed by Sheamus in a minute. Terrible as this made the US title look like an afterthought.
Edge/Cole segment: This was done to reveal that the "GM" will go back to being translated by Cole and that Edge is traded to Smackdown as a result of destroying the laptop. He then attacks Miz and Riley. This segment was all over the place.
LayCool vs. Bella Twins: Bad filler match with LayCool wrestling in headsets that the Bellas actually won. Ugh.
Knoxville promo: Your typical guest host segment and concluded the lame angle with DiBiase and Maryse as the payoff was... Goldust, and his notes were for the Million Dollar Title. Terrible.
Battle Royal: Decent main event with Barrett winning. Decent becas=use the first half was very rushed.
Terrible Raw and probably worst of the year. The US title got devalued, the Nexus angle started to decline, LayCool wrestling in headsets, Edge getting traded because he destroyed a computer, the payoff to DiBiase/Maryse was Goldust and the Million Dollar Title, backstage guest host skits, and just filler, bad angle directions, and bad booking in general all night long.
Grade: F
10/11/10 Raw
Opening segment: Good promo exchange that made the main event.
R-Truth vs. Ted DiBiase: Decent match.
John Morrison vs. Tyson Kidd: Decent match.
Santino Marella vs. Zack Ryder: Squash.
Randy Orton vs. Justin Gabriel: Solid match.
Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan: Solid match.
CM Punk vs. Evan Bourne: Decent match.
LayCool/Natalya promo: Very bad.
Miz vs. John Cena: Solid main event.
Very good show that was focused on wrestling.
Grade: A-
10/18/10 Raw
Opening segment: Not a great segment though it made the main event battle royal.
Cody Rhodes/Drew McIntyre vs. Hart Dynasty: Pretty good match.
Goldust vs. Zack Ryder: Squash.
John Cena/Randy Orton vs. Michael McGillicutty/Husky Harris: Not a great match.
Vickie/Dolph segment: Bad segment which resulted in Gail throwing confetti at Vickie and Bryan dancing with the face divas afterwards.
Natalya vs. Alicia Fox: Squash.
Smackdown/Raw battle royal: Decent battle royal.
Very boring show. The action was weak and the entertainment was mediocre.
Grade: D
10/25/10 Raw
Opening segment: Very good Cena/Barrett promo that results in Otunga laying down for Slater, losing the tag titles that he and Cena held to Slater and Gabriel.
Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler: Very good match.
LayCool vs. Melina/Gail Kim: This was basically Melina getting squashed by Michelle for some reason.
Miz promo: Very good until Eve comes out and cuts a good promo on him.
Miz vs. R-Truth: Solid match.
Sheamus vs. Santino Marella: All angle with Morrison helping Santino get the win, and your typical guest host promo was before this.
John Cena vs. Randy Orton: Very good main event.
Very solid show, mainly because of Bryan/Dolph, Miz/Truth, and Cena/Orton, while only Melina getting squashed really sucked.
Grade: B
11/1/10 Raw
Opening segment: Pretty good Orton/Cena/Barrett promo exhange.
Heath Slater/Justin Gabriel vs. Hart Dynasty: Pretty decent match.
Sheamus vs. Vladimir Kozlov: Glorified squash.
Ezekiel Jackson vs. Zack Ryder: Another squash.
Pee-Wee Herman/Miz promo: Lame guest host promo exchange that made Miz vs. Big Show, AKA "Big Pee". Ugh.
Big Show vs. Miz: Not a great match.
Daniel Bryan vs. Ted DiBiase: Decent match though it was one of Bryan's worst in WWE.
Natalya vs. Michelle McCool: Pretty good women's match.
Vince skit: Very lame skit to promote Linda's election.
R-Truth/Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett/David Otunga: Pretty boring main event.
Not a great show. Weak matches and the Vince skit was the perfect way to make people NOT vote for Linda. Politics should not be used in wrestling that way.
Grade: D+
11/8/10 Raw
Opening segment: Good segment that made the main event.
Bella Twins/Eve Torres vs. Maryse/Alicia Fox/Tamina: Very bad women's match.
Usos vs. Hart Dynasty: Pretty good match.
Goldust vs. Ted DiBiase: Very dull match.
John Cena vs. David Otunga: Very boring match.
Sheamus/Santino "Tea Time with Santino" sement: Very funny segment that also made the next match.
Sheamus vs. Santino Marella: More of an angle than a match with Santino acting heelish by stalling and then lowblowing Sheamus despite being the face.
Nexus vs. Randy Orton/Mark Henry/Daniel Bryan/R-Truth/Miz: Not a great main event.
Very weak show heading into Old School Raw. The Tea Time segment was the only part that stood out, and that led to a very confusing match.
Grade: C-
11/15/10 Raw
Opening segment: Very good promo exchange that made Cena/Miz for later.
Mark Henry vs. Dolph Ziggler: This was mostly angle as Henry was "sexual chocolate" and going after Vickie most of the match.
Justin Gabriel/Heath Slater vs. Hart Dynasty: Solid match.
Ezekiel Jackson vs. Brooklyn Brawler: Squash.
John Cena vs. Alex Riley: Squash.
Volkoff/Sheik promo: Pretty funny segment that results in Santino interrupting.
Santino Marella/Vladimir Kozlov vs. Usos: Decent match.
Kofi Kingston vs. David Otunga: Okay match.
Wade Barrett vs. R-Truth: Solid match.
Alberto Del Rio vs. Sgt. Slaughter: Squash.
Mae Young vs. LayCool: This was all angle.
Daniel Bryan vs. Jack Swagger: Solid match.
Piper's Pit: Very good Barrett/Cena/Orton promo exchange to promote the SS main event.
Good show, as this had some good matches, and while serving as a nostalgia show, actually built Survivor Series very well too. A bit too many squashes but they were trying to get as many people on the show as possible too. The atmosphere really felt like classic WWF too.
Grade: B+
12/6/10 Raw
Opening segment: Good segment with Orton RKO'ing Cole.
Daniel Bryan/Brie Bella vs. Ted DiBiase/Maryse: Not a great match.
Tyson Kidd vs. David Hart Smith: Very disappointing match as Kidd won and ended the "feud" in a few minutes.
Santino Marella/Vladimir Kozlov vs. Usos vs. Mark Henry/Yoshi Tatsu vs. Heath Slater/Justin Gabriel: Very boring elimination match with Santino and Kozlov winning the tag titles.
Sheamus/Morrison segment: Pretty good segment to build their feud.
Natalya vs. Melina: Pretty good match.
Randy Orton vs. Alex Riley: Not a good match.
Final segment: Very confusing segment.
Not a great show. Weak action and poorly booked in parts.
Grade: C-
12/13/10 Raw
Shocker Of The Year: Barrett wins in a good promo outside of DAVID ARQUETTE announcing it.
Big Show vs. Wade Barrett: Not much of a match.
Despicable Me Award: Punk wins for singing happy birthday to Rey's daughter.
Daniel Bryan/Kofi Kingston vs. Ted DiBiase/Dolph Ziggler: Very rushed match.
Guest Star Shining Moment of the Year: Pee Wee Herman wins in a bad segment.
Mark Henry vs. Cody Rhodes: Not much of a match.
Holy S*** Award: Cena wins for AA'ing Batista off the stage, and the stipulations for Cena/Barrett are announced, which telegraphed Cena winning.
WWE Universe Fan Reaction of the Year Award: This goes to Miz's fan girl, in another one announced by Arquette.
Miz vs. Rey Mysterio: Best match of the show.
Oh Snap! Meltdown Moment of the Year: Edge wins for attacking the talking laptop. That was a goofy segment.
Sheamus vs. John Morrison: This was all angle.
Knucklehead Of The Year: LayCool wins for Mae Young attacking them. Ugh.
Divas Battle Royal: Very bad with McCool winning Diva Of The Year.
Edge vs. Jack Swagger: Another rushed match.
WWE Moment of the Year: HBK wins for his last match. A good Slammy segment.
Randy Orton vs. Alex Riley vs. David Arquette: Bad match and bad WWE title match build with ARQUETTE being used. This gave off WCW 2000 vibes.
"And I Quote" Line of the Year: Cole wins, as expected.
Superstar Of The Year: Cena wins it, as expected.
John Cena vs. David Otunga: Bad main event.
Your typical Slammy episode. Hardly any good wrestling and full of lame comedy. Using David Arquette also gave off WCW 2000 vibes.
Grade: F
12/20/10 Raw
Opening segment: Solid segment that hyped Morrison/Miz in ywo weeks and made matches for later.
Melina vs. Alicia Fox vs. Eve Torres: Bad match with Melina becoming #1 contender and turning heel afterwards.
Daniel Bryan vs. William Regal: This was decent though disappointingly short.
Santino Marella/Tamina vs. Ted DiBiase/Maryse: Terrible match.
Cena/Vickie promo: Absolutely terrible although it made the next match.
John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler: Solid match.
Miz/Alex Riley/Sheamus vs. Jerry Lawler/Randy Orton/John Morrison: Good main event despite Lawler pinning the WWE champ.
Very hit/miss show due to the middle portion.
Grade: C
12/27/10 Raw
Opening segment: Very good Cena/Punk promo exchange, though it built to another promo.
Santino Marella vs. Ted DiBiase: Terrible "match".
John Morrison vs. Alex Riley: Bad match.
Mark Henry vs. Tyson Kidd: Squash.
Miz vs. Jerry Lawler: Bad match with Lawler winning by countout because of Morrison.
Melina/Alicia Fox vs. Gail Kim/Eve Torres: Typical divas match.
Daniel Bryan vs. Zack Ryder: Squash with both getting the ultimate disrespect with their match starting already in progress, and Bryan's victory takes a backseat to more Miz/Lawler stuff.
Randy Orton vs. Sheamus: Very good match.
Final segment: The mic work wasn't bad, but Punk is revealed as the leader of the "new" Nexus with Barrett exiled from the group. A bit too NWO-ish and Punk's the leader of another stable months after the failed SES broke up.
Not a great show, as the wrestling was very bad and the storylines just went in bad directions for the most part (Lawler heading into a WWE title feud, Kidd's push squashed before it ever got started, the US title being an afterthought, New Nexus).
Grade: D
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