7/5/99 Raw
Opening segment: Very good promo exchange making Austin/Undertaker at Fully Loaded with Austin never getting a title shot again if he loses.
Hardy Boyz vs. Acolytes: Good match with the Hardys winning the tag titles.
Gangrel vs. Godfather: Okay match.
Test vs. Joey Abs: All angle to continue Test/Shane.
D'Lo Brown vs. Al Snow: Solid hardcore match.
Road Dogg vs. Val Venis: No match as Road Dogg gets arrested along with X-Pac. Interesting.
Jeff Jarrett vs. Chaz: Bad match.
Edge vs. Big Bossman: Okay match.
Billy Gunn vs. Meat: Squash with Terri getting "DX" spraypainted on her rear and Meat and Jackie getting "DX" spraypainted on their backs in the center of the ring.
Big Show/Hardcore Holly vs. Kane: Bad match.
HHH vs. Rock: Good cage match.
Typical 1999 WWF show. Very storyline based and while the in-ring action wasn't anywhere near as good as it would be a year later, the stories were compelling and advanced very well here.
Grade: B-
9/27/99 Raw
Opening segment: This didn't click as Bulldog in the main event scene just didn't work.
Big Show vs. Chris Jericho: Bad match.
Austin/Vince promo: This was pretty decent.
D'Lo Brown vs. Steve Blackman: This was pretty rushed and had a screwy end.
This Is Your Life: This was very good, despite lasting 20 minutes, as both Rock and Mankind did great in this.
Kane/X-Pac vs. New Age Outlaws: Not a great match and ended screwy too.
Ivory vs. Fabulous Moolah/Mae Young: Terrible evening gown match.
Jeff Jarrett/Tom Prichard vs. Chyna/Debra: Bad match.
Rock vs. HHH: Solid main event.
Outside of This Is Your Life, nothing stood out really.
Grade: D+
10/4/99 Raw
Kane/X-Pac vs. Acolytes vs. Hollys vs. New Age Outlaws: Very rushed four corners match.
Bulldog promo: Very average as this main event run iisn't working and Bulldog vs. Chyna for later.
Edge/Christian vs. New Brood: Solid match.
HHH promo: Very good with him bullying JR to get him over as a heel.
Jeff Jarrett/Ivory vs. Mae Young/Fabulous Moolah: Bad match.
Rock/Mankind promo: Very good until Jericho interrupts, making a match for later.
Chyna vs. British Bulldog: All angle, and a bad one.
Mankind/Stevie Richards vs. Dudley Boyz: Bad match.
Vince/Bulldog promo: Meh at best.
Rock vs. Chris Jericho: Good main event.
Hardly any good wrestling and this whole show was built around the British Bulldog to get him over. 5 years ago it would have worked but he was way past his prime in 1999.
Grade: C-
10/11/99 Raw
Opening segment: Very good Austin/Vince promo exchange.
Billy Gunn vs. Crash Holly: Squash.
Ivory vs. Mae Young: Bad match.
Edge/Christian vs. Hardy Boyz: Good match.
X-Pac vs. Faarooq: Decent match.
Chris Jericho/Curtis Hughes vs. Headbangers: Squash.
Godfather vs. Mark Henry: Terrible match.
Big Show vs. Big Bossman: Bad match.
HHH/Chyna vs. Steve Austin/Jim Ross: Bad match.
Mankind/Rock vs. British Bulldog/Val Venis: Not a great main event and ended screwy with the dog poop getting involved.
The promos delivered but not much else on the show did. Bulldog and Val Venis in the main event?
Grade: D
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