1/3/13 Impact
Opening segment: Decent segment with Jeff Hardy winning Wrestler of the Year and Roode and Aries being jealous about it.
James Storm vs. Kazarian: Solid match.
Doc promo: Not very good and ends with a baseball bat falling from the rafters ALA 1997.
Christian York vs. Kid Kash: Decent match.
Hernandez vs. Joey Ryan: Not a great match.
Hogan/Bully/Brooke segment: Hogan family drama as Hogan suspends Bully, who's in love with his daughter. Ugh.
Gail Kim/Tara vs. Mickie James/Miss Tessmacher: Very good match.
Aces and Eights vs. Kurt Angle/Samoa Joe: Mediocre cage match with Mike Knox being revealed.
Very middling show.
Grade: C
1/10/13 Impact
Opening segment: Very poor with Sting vs. Doc announced for Genesis and Anderson being a main focus of Aces and Eights.
Kenny King vs. Zema Ion: Decent match.
Tara/Jesse vs. Miss Tessmacher/Robbie T: Very bad match.
Brian Cage vs. Jay Bradley: Squash.
Hogan/Park/Brooke segment: Very bad as Park thanked Hogan for getting him into wrestling camp and Brooke begging her father to reinstate Bully, which he doesn't.
Bobby Roode/Austin Aries vs. James Storm/Jeff Hardy: Very good tag match.
Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson: No match as Aces and Eights attack Angle.
Sting vs. Knox: Bad match.
Final segment: Bad segment with Bully proposing to Brooke, despite being suspended.
Bad show.
Grade: D-
1/17/13 Impact
Opening segment: Good promo exchange that made Hardy/Storm vs. Daniels/Kazarian later.
Jeff Hardy/James Storm vs. Christopher Daniels/Kazarian: Good match.
Gut Check segment: Jay Bradley gets two yes votes and wins a contract.
Christian York vs. Kenny King: Decent match.
Sting/Hogan segment: More soap opera build for the wedding.
Velvet Sky vs. Gail Kim: Solid match.
Roode/Aries promo: Pretty good as usual until Chavo/Hernandez attack them.
Wedding: Your typical wrestling wedding until the latest big Aces and Eights reveal, Tazz. Say what you want but at least it was an actual surprise unlike Doc and Knox.
The wrestling that was on this show was pretty solid, but all the backstage stuff was dedicated to the wedding, dragging it down a little.
Grade: C
1/24/13 Impact
Opening segment: Good Tazz promo where he explains his reasons for joinging Aces and Eights.
Tara vs. Velvet Sky: Not a great match.
Joseph Park promo: This was basically Park making an open challenge for next week.
Kenny King/Zema Ion vs. Christian York/Rob Van Dam: Solid match.
Bully/Sting promo: Decent promo exchange, especially Bully's part.
Bobby Roode vs. Hernandez: Okay match with an obvious outcome.
Angle/Anderson promo: Okay promo, but Anderson has been misused so much that it's hard to emotionally invest in him.
Jeff Hardy vs. Christopher Daniels: Very good title match with Hardy retaining.
Another average show with Hardy/Daniels being the clear standout.
Grade: C
1/31/13 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Daniels/Kazarian promo that led to Magnus' return.
Magnus vs. Devon: Okay match.
Joseph Park vs. Robbie E: Not a great match.
Chavo Guerrero vs. Austin Aries: Solid match with a good promo exchange between Chavo/Hernandez and Roode/Aries before the match.
Hogan/Sting/Bully segment: Solid segment that resulted in Bully being reinstated into TNA.
James Storm/Velvet Sky vs. Jesse/Tara: Decent match.
Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson: Good cage match that resulted in Garett and Brisco turning on Angle and revealing themselves as Aces and Eights members afterwards.
Solid episode with good story progression.
Grade: B+
2/7/13 Impact
Opening segment: Solid Devon promo putting over the Aces and Eights members, and Wes and Garett explaining why they joined.
Rob Van Dam vs. Kenny King vs. Zema Ion: Solid X Division title match.
James Storm vs. Jesse: Squash.
Chavo Guerrero/Hernandez vs. Austin Aries/Bobby Roode: Good match with Aries and Roode winning the tag titles.
Tara vs. Miss Tessmacher: Average match.
Robbie E/Rockstar Spud promo: Very average and teases a feud between the Robbies.
Sting/Bully Ray vs. Devon/DOC: Bad tables match.
Very hit/miss episode.
Grade: C-
2/14/13 Impact
Opening segment: Good Hogan promo where he announces many of the show's matches.
Christopher Daniels vs. Magnus: solid match.
Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle: Very good match until Aces and Eights attacked both.
Tara/Gail Kim/Jesse vs. Blossom Twins/Party Marty: Solid match with the KO title match for next week announced after the match.
James Storm vs. Rob Van Dam: Solid match.
Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries: Good match despite no result, but the booking made sense.
Final segment: Hogan is ready to announce the title match until Aces and Eights surround him, when Bully Ray saves him. Interesting.
Very good show.
Grade: A
2/21/13 Impact
Opening segment: Good segment with Hogan announcing Bully as the #1 contender, and Bully cuts a good promo afterwards.
Chavo Guerrero/Hernandez/Joseph Park/James Storm vs. Christopher Daniels/Kazarian/Austin Aries/Bobby Roode: Solid match.
Robbie E vs. Rockstar Spud: More of an angle than anything.
Tara vs. Gail Kim vs. Velvet Sky vs. Miss Tessmacher: Good match with Velvet winning the KO title.
Garett Bischoff vs. Samoa Joe: Bad match.
Rob Van Dam vs. Kenny King: Solid match.
Bully Ray/Sting vs. Aces and Eights: Bad main event.
Decent episode.
Grade: B-
2/28/13 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Bully/Hardy/Daniels/Kazarian promo exchange.
Tara vs. Velvet Sky: Not a great match.
Austin Aries vs. Hernandez: Solid match.
Rob Van Dam vs. Kenny King: Good match with King winning the X Division title.
Aces and Eights promo: Very good with Sting, Joe, Magnus, and James Storm being announced for Team TNA, as well as a returning Eric Young.
Ivelisse Velez vs. Lei'd Tapa: Solid match.
Robbie E/Robbie T promo exchange: This wasn't terrible but the result of this match was highly predictable (Robbie T squash).
Jeff Hardy/Bully Ray vs. Christopher Daniels/Kazarian: Very good main event.
Another good show.
Grade: B+
3/7/13 Impact
Opening segment: Very good segment that made the next match.
Jeff Hardy vs. Austin Aries: Very good match.
Angle/Wes Brisco segment: Wasn't bad until D'Lo was revealed as the VP of Aces and Eights.
Devon vs. Sting: Bad match.
Hernandez/Chavo Guerrero/Velvet Sky vs. Christopher Daniels/Kazarian/Gail Kim: Solid match.
Samoa Joe/Magnus vs. DOC/Garett Bischoff: Bad match with DOC getting pinned instead of Garett.
Gut Check segment: Very bad with Tapa getting the "yes" vote despite the crowd not wanting it and LOSING her match last week.
Mr. Anderson vs. James Storm: Not a great match and Storm actually loses.
Final segment: very good Bully/Hardy promo exchange to promote the Lockdown main event.
While this was far from the worst Impact, this show just didn't click at all.
Grade: C-
3/14/13 Impact
Opening segment: Very good with Bully explaining his heel turn.
Gail Kim/Tara vs. Mickie James/Velvet Sky: Solid match.
Rob Terry vs. Robbie E: Squash.
James Storm vs. Christopher Daniels: Solid match with a good promo exchange between them before the match and AJ returning to attack all of them after the match.
Park/Morgan promo: This was pretty good actually and made a match between them next week.
Sting vs. Austin Aries: Very good main event.
Final segment: Very good brawl between the babyfaces and Aces and Eights that made the Aces and Eights look strong.
Good show.
Grade: A-
3/21/13 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Hogan promo that made the #1 contender main event.
Austin Aries/Bobby Roode vs. Chavo Guerrero/Hernandez: Good match and Daniels/Kazarian attack Roode/Aries after their win. Interesting considering that both teams are heels.
Kenny King vs. Zema Ion vs. Sonjay Dutt: Good X title match with King retaining.
Taryn/Gail segment: Not very good with Taryn getting fired, only to be rehired by Brooke as a wrestler.
Matt Morgan vs. Joseph Park: Bad match.
Styles/Storm promo: Styles says absolutely nothing and Storm questions AJ saying that the old AJ wouldn't do that. Not a bad segment.
Samoa Joe vs. Magnus vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Kurt Angle: Good match with Hardy getting his rematch.
Very good show, especially with a bunch of Bully vignettes throughout explaining his plan in great detail.
Grade: B+
3/28/13 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Hardy/Bully/Anderson promo that made the main event.
Chavo Guerrero/Hernandez vs. Christopher Daniels/Kazarian: Solid match.
Gail Kim vs. Taryn Terrell: No match but that's a good thing as having this match one week after Taryn became a wrestler is rushing it.
Hogan/Sting promo: Very good promo exchange that continued Hogan's anger at Sting for suggesting that Bully be #1 contender, as he had Sting escorted from the building.
Storm/AJ promo: Solid promo that teased AJ's involvement in the Aces and Eights as they attacked Storm while AJ was staring at him, and he walked away after Storm got attacked.
Garett Bischoff/Wes Brisco/DOC vs. Kurt Angle/James Storm/Eric Young: Not a good match at all despite good workers on the babyface side.
Jeff Hardy vs. Mr. Anderson: Solid main event and Hardy/Bully is announced for two weeks in a Full Metal Mayhem match for the title.
Despite all the talking in this one, it all worked, with the Aces match being the worst part. It's better this way than with repeated squashes.
Grade: A
4/4/13 Impact
Opening segment: Very solid Aces and Eights promo that ends up making a 10 man tag later and reveals that D'Lo's fired from his position.
Tara/Gail Kim vs. Taryn Terrell/Velvet Sky: Very bad match where the focus was on Joey Ryan looking at all the KOs' butts and touching them.
Chavo/Hernandez/Aries/Roode contract signing: Not that good, mainly due to Chavo's mic work.
Adam Pearce vs. Magno: Decent match.
AJ/Storm/Hogan promo: Very good promo that teases AJ joining the Aces and Eights.
Sonjay Dutt vs. Mason Andrews vs. Petey Williams: Solid match with the Canadian Destroyer winning the match for Petey.
Aces and Eights vs. Kurt Angle/Samoa Joe/Magnus/Eric Young/Joseph Park: Not bad actually as the good workers in Aces and Eights got more of the ring time instead of last week.
Final segment: AWESOME Brooke/Bully promo exchange that hypes next week's main event, carried by Bully the whole way. Brooke gets a front row seat for the match next week. Hmmm...
A solid show that picked up at the end. I totally see Brooke turning heel next week and forming the TNA version of the McMahon-Helmsley regime.
Grade: B+
4/11/13 Impact
Chavo Guerrero/Hernandez vs. Bobby Roode/Austin Aries: Good 2 out of 3 falls match, though Chavo and Hernandez winning was bad booking and Chavo pinning both Aries and Roode was hardly believable.
Devon/Park promo: Okay at best though Park had nothing to do with Bully/Brooke before this so it just came out of the blue.
Gail Kim vs. Taryn Terrell: Terrible with Taryn winning in two minutes and ODB chasing Gail out of the ring afterwards.
AJ/Hogan promo: Pretty good with Storm and Bad Influence (Kazarian/Daniels) coming out, and Kazarian/Daniels trying to get AJ to join them. AJ makes no decision so AJ will face Storm next week, despite Hogan saying that AJ would be gone if he didn't make a decision. Logic gaps...
Rob Terry vs. Joey Ryan: Squash.
Gutcheck segment: Magno doesn't get the contract. Like Ivelisse/Tapa, the winner gets eliminated, making the whole match pointless.
Bully Ray vs. Jeff Hardy: Very good Full Metal Mayhem match with Bully retaining the title, though having Brooke out there only to slap Bully was a HUGE buzzkill.
Even though the main event was one of TNA's best matches this year, I just can't say this show was good at all. They teased a bunch of surprises and interesting developments, yet delivered nothing. Why have Brooke at ringside if all she was going to do was slap Bully once? If they weren't going to have AJ make his decision or get storyline fired, why advertise it? Ugh.
Grade: C-
4/18/13 Impact
Kurt Angle vs. Wes Brisco/Garett Bischoff: Bad handicap match with Angle getting pinned by Garett.
Kenny King vs. Petey Williams vs. Zema Ion: Solid match with King retaining his belt.
Devon vs. Magnus: All angle.
Mickie James vs. Miss Tessmacher: Bad match as it was focused too much on ODB, which killed any flow the match had.
Bad Influence promo: Good as usual and the threeway feud between them, Aries/Roode, and Chavo/Hernandez continues.
Devon vs. Samoa Joe: Bad match with Devon retaining the TV title.
AJ Styles vs. James Storm: Very good main event with AJ winning and then walking out before Aces and Eights take out Storm, and then Bad Influence, and another awesome Bully promo takes place to close the show.
Very hit/miss show that lacked energy all night.
Grade: C
4/25/13 Impact
Opening segment: Good Storm/Bad Influence promo until the Aces and Eights attacked Storm and tried to put him through a table until Joseph Park showed up, only to get 3D'ed through a table. Bully cut a great promo as usual afterwards.
Taryn Terrell vs. Tara: Bad match with an even worse finish as Tara blatantly called a spot before trying her standing moonsault, leading to Taryn predictably getting the rollup win. Terrible.
Rob Terry vs. Jessie Godderz: Bad match.
Chavo Guerrero/Hernandez vs. Austin Aries/Bobby Roode: Good match, but terribly booked in the end with Chavo/Hernandez overcoming Aries/Roodedespite Bad Influence interference TWICE. Chavo and Hernandez overcame four TNA originals...
Morgan/Hogan promo: This dragged with Morgan begging Hogan to give him a title match against Bully but Hogan denied it.
Mickie James vs. Velvet Sky: A KO title match that was actually good with Velvet retaining.
Final segment: A good Bully/Hogan promo exchange until Bully spit in Hogan's face, causing him to hulk up, and actually get the better of Bully until the rest of the Aces showed up. Hogan was surrounded until the lights went out and Sting appeared. Sting and Hogan cleaned house on the top heel stable to end the show.
Another in a string of mediocre Impacts. The title matches delivered and the opening and closing promos delivered, but the rest felt like filler and the booking was terrible, with Chavo and Hernandez overcoming FOUR guys and Hogan and Sting cleaning house on the Aces and Eights. A 60 year old whose prime was in 1987 before I was even born and a 50 year old whose prime was in 1997 did what Samoa Joe, Magnus, Kurt Angle, James Storm, and Jeff Hardy have failed to do. Words cannot describe how stupid that sounds but it happened.
Grade: C-
5/2/13 Impact
Opening segment: Solid Hogan/Sting/Morgan promo exchange that made the main event.
Chris Sabin vs. Zema Ion vs. Sonjay Dutt: Solid match with Sabin winning and looking good after two torn ACLs.
Rob Terry vs. Robbie E/Jessie Godderz/Joey Ryan: Squash that buried all three.
Bad Influence/Roode/Aries promo: Very good as usual until Chavo and Hernandez came out. Storm as guest ref is interesting.
Kurt Angle vs. D'Lo Brown: An I Quit match that was actually good. D'Lo can still put on a good match in 2013... D'Lo quit so I bet he won't be VP anymore, which is interesting.
Taryn Terrell/Mickie James vs. Gail Kim/Tara: Decent match with a good brawl afterwards that featured Gail giving Eat Defeat to Taryn and putting her in a figure four with the ringpost.
Matt Morgan vs. Sting: Bad main event with Sting becoming #1 contender, which is the better of the two options as Sting has more experience putting on PPV quality matches than Morgan.
Very solid show. Lots of good matches and good angle development.
Grade: B
5/9/13 Impact
Opening segment: Solid Sting/Angle/AJ promo exchange.
Mickie James/Velvet Sky vs. Gail Kim/Tara: Not much of a match as it was more about Gail putting Tara in the ringpost figure four after the match. Tara face turn?
Aces and Eights promo: Solid with Bully cutting another awesome promo and giving D'Lo one more chance to keep his colors.
Doc vs. Magnus: Decent match with D'Lo costing Doc the match on accident.
Bad Influence vs. Austin Aries/Bobby Roode: Great match but no ending either. Screwy booking...
Sabin/Kenny King promo: This actually wasn't bad and promoted next week's X Division title match very well.
Bully Ray/Devon/Mr. Anderson vs. Kurt Angle/Sting: Good main event with Abyss being revealed as the mystery partner and pinning Devon for the win. Great continuity.
Very good show. Great story progression and great wrestling.
Grade: A-
5/16/13 Impact
Opening segment: Decent opening promo between Hogan/Devon/Park and Park/D'Lo is made.
Bobby Roode vs. Chavo Guerrero: Solid match until the screwy finish with Storm's beer.
Angle/Anderson promo: Very solid and teased AJ being patched into the Aces and Eights next week.
Jay Bradley vs. Christian York: Decent match.
Gail Kim vs. Velvet Sky: Solid match with Velvet getting the ringpost figure four after the match.
Chris Sabin vs. Petey Williams vs. Kenny King: Solid match with King retaining the X Division title.
Hernandez vs. Christopher Daniels: Decent match.
Joseph Park vs. D'Lo Brown: Decent match once again for D'Lo despite losing.
Final segment: Very solid Bully/Sting contract signing with Sting never getting a title shot again if he loses, making Sting look like he has a chance when he really doesn't.
Very solid show that built up Slammiversary very well and didn't have a bad match o it.
Grade: A
5/23/13 Impact
Opening segment: Bad Hogan/Sting/Brooke promo exchange.
Suicide vs. Joey Ryan vs. Petey Williams: Decent match.
Magnus vs. Wes Brisco: Not a great match.
Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson: Solid match.
Segment: Storm's partner is announced and after hilarious Shark Boy and Robbie promos it's Gunner. Yeah.
Mickie James vs. Velvet Sky: Decent match with Mickie finally beating Velvet and winning the KO title.
Final segment: Very good with AJ being patched into Aces and Eights, attacking Angle, then attacking the Aces and running away.
Another solid Impact, despite it being a little promo-heavy.
Grade: B
5/30/13 Impact
Opening segment: Your typical Bully promo to start the show.
Team 3D vs. Sting/Joseph Park: Decent at best.
Dixie promo: Very dull until Garett Bischoff interrupted with Wes and Doc and cut a promo on her.
Samoa Joe vs. Garett Bischoff: More of an angle as it lead to Jeff Hardy's return being announced for Slammiversary.
Bobby Roode/Austin Aries/Bad Influence vs. Chavo Guerrero/Hernandez/James Storm/Gunner: Solid match.
Mickie/Velvet promo: Very average until Gail interrupted, cut a promo, and tried another ringpost figure four until Taryn Terrell saved her, leading to the next match.
Chris Sabin/Taryn Terrell vs. Kenny King/Gail Kim: Solid match.
AJ Styles vs. Mr. Anderson: Shockingly boring main event.
Very dull go-home Impact as the booking was very pedestrian all night.
Grade: C-
6/6/13 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Hogan/Bully promo exchange that makes the main event.
Hernandez vs. Chavo Guerrero: Solid match.
Devon/Park promo: This was pretty good and teases Park and Abyss being the same person as Abyss didn't come down to save his "brother".
Samoa Joe vs. Robbie E: Squash.
Rampage Jackson segment: This was basically to start a storyline with Kurt Angle.
James Storm/Gunner/Chris Sabin vs. Austin Aries/Bobby Roode/Kenny King: Good match.
Mickie James vs. Taeler Hendrix: Basically a squash with Mickie pretending to be nice throughout.
Jeff Hardy vs. Bully Ray: A very good hammer on a pole main event.
Pretty good Impact with a hot crowd, outside of the squashes.
Grade: B+
6/13/13 Impact
Opening segment: Very good promo exchange promoting the BFG series.
Bad Influence vs. James Storm/Gunner: Solid match.
Crimson vs. Joseph Park: Not a great match.
Mickie/Velvet promo: Pretty good with Mickie offiially turning heel.
Magnus vs. Kenny King vs. Matt Morgan vs. Rob Terry: Not a great match.
Sting promo: Very solid with him announcing the return of the Main Event Mafia.
Austin Aries vs. Eric Young: Decent match outside of the stuff with ODB in the middle of the match.
Aces and Eights battle royal: Anderson wins in what was completely an angle.
AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle: Very good main event.
Another solid show with a lot of energy.
Grade: B+
6/20/13 Impact
Opening segment: Very good segment between the BFG Series competitors, making the main event, and allowing the competitors to choose their own match with the Open Fight Night stipulation.
Mr. Anderson vs. Joseph Park: Not a great match.
Austin Aries vs. Jay Bradley: Decent match.
Hernandez vs. Christopher Daniels: Decent but rushed match.
Magnus vs. Kazarian: Pretty much the same as the previous match.
State of the Knockouts address: Poor segment because of Brooke's mic skills, though it made Gail/Taryn in a ladder match in a few weeks.
AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe: Very good match outside of the draw result.
Jeff Hardy vs. Bobby Roode: Very good match.
Final segment: Very good Bully/Sting promo with Angle being revealed as the second member of the new MEM. Works for me.
Another solid Impact. TNA's been on a roll since Slammiversary.
Grade: B+
6/27/13 Impact
Opening segment: Very solid Sting promo that builds up the reveal of the third MEM member.
Chris Sabin vs. Kenny King vs. Suicide: Good match with Suicide winning the X title until it's revealed that an imposter won the match.
Ryan Howe vs. Adam Ohriner: Bad match.
Mickie James vs. Velvet Sky: Solid KO title match.
Bobby Roode vs. Magnus: Solid match.
Storm/Gunner promo: Good promo involving Robbie and Jesse, who are now known as "bro mans".
Samoa Joe vs. Mr. Anderson: Solid match with Joe becoming the third member of MEM.
Final segment: Very good with the imposter Suicide being revealed as Austin Aries.
Another great episode as only the gut check match really sucked.
Grade: A
7/4/13 Impact
Opening segment: Very solid outside of the debut of Manic, who's basically Suicide without the "Suicide" on the front of his costume. Lame.
AJ Styles vs. Kazarian: Solid match.
Mickie promo: Very good promo on top of a ladder talking about the ladder match next week.
Hernandez vs. Jay Bradley: Not a great match.
James Storm/Gunner vs. Bro Mans: This actually wasn't a bad match.
MEM promo: Magnus is revealed as the 4th member in a very good segment.
Jeff Hardy vs. Joseph Park: This was actually a pretty good match.
Gutcheck: Ryan Howe gets two no votes.
Austin Aries vs. Chris Sabin vs. Manic: Very good main event, though Sabin winning means that the entire purpose of last week was just to change Suicide's name. Lame.
Outside of the Suicide/Manic fiasco this was another good Impact. Good wrestling and Magnus is looking more and more legit every week.
Grade: B+
7/11/13 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Angle/Bully promo exchange.
Jeff Hardy/Joseph Park vs. Samoa Joe/AJ Styles: Decent match.
Jay Bradley/Hernandez vs. Magnus/Mr. Anderson: Okay match as it was mostly angle with Magnus overcoming the odds and winning despite Anderson walking away.
Christopher Daniels/Austin Aries vs. Bobby Roode/Kazarian: Very solid match.
Taryn Terrell vs. Gail Kim: Very good ladder match with Gail becoming #1 contender.
Joker's Wild Battle Royal: Very solid with Magnus winning and picking up 25 points.
Final segment: Very good Bully/Sabin promo exchange with Sabin handing over the X Division title to go for the world title. Rampage is the final member of the MEM.
While this show was gimmicky, it was a very good show full of good wrestling.
Grade: A-
7/18/13 Impact (Destination X)
Opening segment: Very good Bully/Brooke promo, because Bully's awesomeness carried it.
Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries: Solid match.
Homicide vs. Petey Williams vs. Sonjay Dutt: Solid match.
Kenny King vs. Manik vs. Chavo Guerrero: Solid match.
Rubix vs. Rockstar Spud vs. Greg Marasciulo: Solid match.
Mickie/Gail promo: Very solid promo exchange to build their match next week.
Bully Ray vs. Chris Sabin: While this was slower than you'd expect, this match was still good because of the psychology in Bully taking off Sabin's kneepad and attacking it. Sabin wins the title in a good feel good moment.
A very wrestling-heavy show with nothing bad whatsoever. Sabin's not exactly main event material but he has done a lot for the company and this is a good reward for coming back and not missing a beat from an ACL tear on each knee, plus this was good to give the ratings a boost.
Grade: A
7/25/13 Impact
Opening segment: Very solid as usual until Bully came out with a lawyer ordering Sabin to surrender the belt or else. Bully brought the hammer in the ring...
Manik vs. Greg Marasciulo vs. Sonjay Dutt: Very good Ultimate X match with Manik winning the belt.
Hernandez vs. Mr. Anderson: Very weak match.
Velvet promo: This was a decent promo on Mickie.
Mickie James vs. Gail kim: Solid KO title match with Mickie retaining.
Samoa Joe vs. Christopher Daniels: Solid match.
AJ Styles vs. Jeff Hardy: Very good match.
Final segment: Good Bully/Sabin promo that resulted in Bully/Sabin for Hardcore Justice.
Very good show outside of Hernandez/Anderson.
Grade: A-
8/1/13 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Roode/Aries promo exchange.
Bobby Roode vs. Hernandez: Solid match with Roode finally picking up points.
Joseph Park vs. Jay Bradley: Not a great match.
Chris Sabin vs. Manik: Very good match.
Gail Kim vs. ODB: Good match.
Austin Aries vs. AJ Styles: very good match outside of the lame finish.
Final segment: Terrible segment to debut Tito Ortiz as the August1Warning guy. Tito hasn't been relevant since 2007 at the latest.
This was actually a very solid show that will unfortunately be remembered solely for Tito Ortiz.
Grade: B
8/8/13 Impact
Opening segment: Your typical Bully/Brooke promo exchange.
Jeff Hardy vs. Samoa Joe: Very good match.
Magnus vs. Mr. Anderson: Not a great match.
Tito/Angle promo: Very mediocre until Bully interrupted.
Mickie James/Bromans vs. James Storm/Gunner/ODB: Not a great match.
Christopher Daniels vs. Kazarian: Solid match until they both get counted out so they don't have to fight each other, and Roode comes out after the match to form EGO with Bad influence.
Chris Sabin/Kurt Angle vs. Team 3D: Very dull and boring main event with mainly striking.
A very boring show with very little substance to it, if any.
Grade: D+
8/15/13 Impact (Hardcore Justice)
Austin Aries vs. Kazarian vs. AJ Styles vs. Jeff Hardy: Very good ladder match.
MEM promo: This was basically to reveal why Angle is no longer on TV.
Mickie James vs. ODB vs. Gail Kim: Very good hardcore match.
Rampage Jackson promo: Very meh as he offers Tito Angle's MEM spot. MMA guys are still getting TV time when it's obvious that it's not working.
Bobby Roode vs. Magnus vs. Samoa Joe vs. Mr. Anderson: Very solid tables match.
Bully Ray vs. Chris Sabin: Solid cage match with Ray winning the title because of Tito Ortiz. Ugh.
Pretty decent show because of the match quality, though MMA guys being focal points of the main storyline isn't working.
Grade: B
8/22/13 Impact (Hardcore Justice)
Opening segment: Very good EGO promo that results in the opening match.
Bobby Roode/Kazarian vs. James Storm/Gunner: Solid match.
Sonjay Dutt vs. Manik: Solid match.
Hernandez vs. Joseph Park vs. Jay Bradley vs. Christopher Daniels: Solid match with Park actually winning.
Bully promo: This basically reveals Tito Ortiz as the newest member of Aces and Eights and Miss Tessmacher as his new girl.
Gail Kim vs. ODB: Solid match.
Aces and Eights vs. Main Event Mafia: Good main event with AJ becoming phenominal again and "retiring" Devon.
Very good show outside of the Bully promo.
Grade: A-
8/29/13 Impact
Opening segment: Solid Bully/Anderson promo that pushes an Anderson face turn after Bully said that he didn't need Devon.
Jeff Hardy vs. Kazarian: Solid match.
Gail Kim vs. ODB: Solid 2 out of 3 falls match outside of Gail tapping to the cloverleaf despite ODB not working on the legs at all.
AJ promo: This was a very good "pipebomb" promo that explained why he went back to being phenomenal.
AJ Styles vs. Bobby Roode: Solid match.
Austin Aries vs. Christopher Daniels: Very good match.
Final segment: Typical run of the mill Hogan/Bully promo that made Bully vs. Sting next week.
Another good Impact with good wrestling and story buildup.
Grade: A-
9/5/13 Impact
Knux vs. Chris Sabin: Very dull opener with Sabin getting DQ'ed by using the hammer.
Mickie/ODB promo: Decent promo exchange to build up their KO title match.
Gauntlet match: Your typical battle royal with AJ getting 20 points.
James Storm/Gunner vs. Wes Brisco/Garett Bischoff: Very dull match.
Bully Ray vs. Sting: Very average No DQ match with Sting making Bully tap out because Anderson teased giving the hammer to him but kept pulling away.
Very dull show with hardly anything happening.
Grade: D-
9/12/13 Impact (No Surrender)
Opening segment: Solid Bully/Anderson promo exchange that made their title match a LMS match.
AJ Styles vs. Austin Aries: Very good match.
Bobby Roode vs. Magnus: Solid match.
Bully Ray vs. Mr. Anderson: Very good LMS match with Ray retaining the title and piledriving Anderson on the ramp afterwards to write him out.
Storm/Gunner promo: Chavo and Hernandez come out and ask for a match where if they win they get a title shot.
AJ Styles vs. Magnus: Very good match with AJ winning the BFG series and facing Bully at BFG.
Very good show with not one bad match.
Grade: A
9/19/13 Impact
Opening segment: Solid MEM/EGO promo exchange that made the main event.
Jeff Hardy vs. Manik: Solid match.
ODB vs. Mickie James: Solid KO title match with ODB winning in Mickie's last match.
Eric Young vs. Robbie E: Complete nothing match.
Joseph Park vs. Robbie E: Complete nothing match.
Bully promo: Wes, Garett, and Knux air grievances with Bully and how he's run the club but he puts them all in their places, causing more friction in the Aces. Good segment.
Hernandez vs. Gunner: Very dull match.
Main Event Mafia vs. EGO: Very solid main event.
Final segment: Yet another "pupebomb" from AJ until Dixie comes out and basically turns heel. Interesting but this also reeks of ripping off Summer of Punk and the new Corporation, and pipebombs are starting to get way overdone as this is AJ's second in a month, along with one from the other AJ in that same timeframe.
Decent episode though the AJ storyline just reeks of trying to copy WWE's successes.
Grade: B
9/26/13 Impact
Opening segment: Decent Bully promo on the rest of the Aces saying that whoever takes the fall in the six man will be out of the club.
Joseph Park/Eric Young/ODB vs. Bromans/Gail Kim: Very weak match.
Aries/King promo: Very solid though awkward as King hasn't done anything for months and is now in a promo with a former TNA champ. Aries is now clearly a face too.
Austin Aries vs. Kenny King: Very good match.
Hogan promo: Just a promo to build to... another promo.
Manik vs. Chris Sabin: Very good match.
Main Event Mafia vs. Aces and Eights: Very dull match with Brisco submitting, thus getting kicked out of the Aces, but face turns for Garett and Knux are still teased.
Final segment: Decent but very interesting with Dixie ripping up the contract AJ just signed and then giving Hogan a week to join Team Dixie or else. This should prove that AJ resigned with TNA in reality and gives Hogan a writeoff if he doesn't resign with TNA.
Not the best Impact as it was full of talking, but the Aces are FINALLY imploding and Aries/King and Manik/Sabin were very good.
Grade: B-
10/3/13 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Bully/AJ promo exchange that also made Bully/Joe.
Chris Sabin/Kenny King vs. Manik/Jeff Hardy: Solid match that cemented Sabin as a heel now.
Magnus gauntlet: Basically three solid matches against EGO with Magnus coming up short against Roode because Kazarian attacked his leg after their match. Magnus/Sting is made afterwards with a good promo exchange.
Velvet Sky vs. Brooke Tessmacher: No match as Lei'd Tapa debuts and destroys Velvet while Tessmacher bails.
Bully Ray vs. Samoa Joe: Solid match.
Final segment: This was just to write off Hogan as he refused to join Team Dixie.
Very strong show here as this was full of good wrestling and contained great BFG buildup.
Grade: A
10/10/13 Impact
Opening segment: This was mainly to put over evil Dixie until Sting came out, and if Sting and Magnus don't win their match, they won't be at BFG.
Jeff Hardy vs. Austin Aries: Very good match. Joe's now in the Ultimate X.
Jesse vs. ODB: Bad "match" until Tapa comes out and destroys ODB.
Bad Influence promo: Very good with Angle returning and Roode/Angle being made for BFG.
Velvet Sky vs. Brooke Tessmacher: Not a great match.
Sting/Magnus vs. Bad Influence: Solid match with Sting and Magnus winning.
AJ Styles vs. Knux/Garett Bischoff: Weak match with AJ winning and getting attacked afterwards.
This show was all about angles, but it worked.
Grade: B
10/17/13 Impact
Opening segment: Very dull promo exchange outside of the $50,000 bounty on AJ announcement from Dixie, that made Bully/Magnus.
Hernandez vs. Robbie E vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Eric Young: Very weak match as Daniels got the least amount of in-ring time.
AJ promo: This was a promo on Bully until Knux and Bischoff attack him to try and get the $50,000.
Gunner vs. Knux: Very dull match.
Samoa Joe vs. Chris Sabin: Very disappointing match as it was well below what either is capable of.
Bully Ray vs. Magnus: Not much of a match as it was mainly to push the Magnus heel turn.
Angle/Roode promo: Very good promo to push their BFG match.
Final segment: Decent Bully/AJ contract signing.
Very, very boring go-home show as there was just no energy and there weren't any good matches.
Grade: D
10/24/13 Impact
Opening segment: Good in parts but VERY long as it had TWO commercial breaks featured in it and most of it was Dixie talking.
Gail Kim/Brooke Tessmacher vs. ODB/Velvet Sky: Not a great match.
Ethan Carter III vs. Dewey Barnes: Squash.
Angle/Roode promo: Very good and made next week's main event.
Bromans promo: This was okay outside of the "DJ Anus" line and until Bad Influence came out.
AJ Styles vs. Bully Ray: Very good match with AJ retaining the title.
Final segment: Another weak promo outside of AJ leaving TNA with the belt... of course this was a work.
Your typical bad post BFG Impact. Hardly any wrestling and just way too much talking in general.
Grade: C-
10/31/13 Impact
Opening segment: Decent Dixie promo that set up the TNA title tournament.
Bromans vs. James Storm/Gunner: Weak tag title match with the Bromans retaining and pinning Storm once again. Storm went from a major feud with Roode to losing to the Bromans in a year...
Ethan Carter III vs. Nord Fernum: Squash.
Gauntlet: Very average with Magnus getting the final spot in the title tournament.
ODB vs. Gail Kim: Solid match with Gail retaining her title.
Bad Influence promo: Very good as usual until Eric Young showed up and Abyss attacked them.
Bobby Roode vs. Kurt Angle: Very good main event outside of the finish, as a lot of fans really do worry about Angle's health and using it in a storyline is a bad idea.
Much better show than last week, though that isn't hard. Some good matches and a title tournament is set up that either Roode or a heel Magnus will likely win.
Grade: B-
11/7/13 Impact
Opening segment: Solid MEM promo with Roode interrupting, continuing the feud with Angle.
Brooke Tessmacher vs. ODB vs. Velvet Sky: Bad match until gail and Tapa interfere and Gail cuts a promo announcing an open challenge to anyone.
Aces and Eights promo: Garett, Knux, and Tazz tease leaving the Aces to side with Anderson until it was all a swerve. Aces and Eights still existing at this point is ridiculously boring and unnecessary.
Ethan Carter III vs. Dewey Barnes: Squash.
Bad Influence vs. Joseph Park/Eric Young: Solid match.
Angle promo: Very solid where Angle/Aries is made for next week.
Jeff Hardy vs. Chris Sabin: Very good Full Metal Mayhem main event.
Another decent show though most of the first hour was just dull filler and Aces and Eights still existing is ridiculous.
Grade: B
11/14/13 Impact
Opening segment: Solid Bully/Anderson promo exchange making a match between them next week, though the Aces will still exist if Bully loses.
Mr. Anderson vs. Knux: Not a great match.
Christopher Daniels vs. Joseph Park: Very average match.
Ethan Carter III vs. Dewey Barnes/Nord Fernum: Squash.
Dixie promo: Very average despite making Storm/Roode and Joe/Magnus next week.
Gail Kim vs. Hannah Blossom: Extended squash.
Park promo: This was just an open challenge to Abyss due to Abyss and Park never being next to each other, making people believe they're the same person.
Kurt Angle vs. Austin Aries: Very good main event.
Outside of the main event, this was an extremely boring show with very little happening at all.
Grade: D
11/21/13 Impact (Turning Point)
Opening segment: Solid Dixie/Storm promo exchange that makes Roode/Storm.
Magnus vs. Samoa Joe: Solid match and Magnus advances in the title tournament.
Joseph Park vs. Abyss: No match as Abyss never showed up and Bad Influence mock Park.
Gail Kim vs. Candice LeRae: Squash.
James Storm vs. Bobby Roode: Very good "Florida Death Match" with Roode winning because of Gunner throwing in the towel. Interesting.
Ethan Carter III vs. Shark Boy: Squash.
Bully Ray vs. Mr. Anderson: Very good main event with Andeson winning, and the Aces and Eights FINALLY disband.
Very good Impact, with THREE very good matches and interesting turns in the storylines. Much better than your typical Impact or Raw lately and the Aces and Eights is finally over.
Grade: B+
11/28/13 Impact
Opening segment: Very solid whre it's announced that the winners of the matches will have turkey.
Ethan Carter III vs. Curry Man: Squash.
Lei'd Tapa vs. Velvet Sky: Squash.
Bromans vs. Norv Fernum/Dewey Barnes: Squash and the faces have to put on the turkey suits for once.
Aces and Eights funeral: Hilarious pretaped skit until Bully tells Anderson that it's not over.
Team Roode vs. Team Angle: Very solid elimination tag match with the heels winning.
Final segment: Very good segment with the heels celebrating their turkey dinner until the faces crash the party.
Very solid show. Not much happened, but this was a Thanksgiving episode, and it had a great elimination tag and two awesome skits.
Grade: B
Monday, September 23, 2013
2012 TNA Impact Wrestling Reviews
1/5/12 Impact
Opening segment: Good promo exchange that made the six man tag main event.
Gail Kim/Madison Rayne vs. Traci Brooks/Mickie James: Solid tag match.
Gunner vs. Rob Van Dam: Very boring match.
Austin Aries/Kid Kash vs. Zema Ion/Jesse Sorensen: Pretty good match.
AJ Styles/Kazarian vs. Samoa Joe/Magnus: Good match with Joe/Magnus becoming #1 contenders.
Jeff Hardy/Abyss/James Storm vs. Bully Ray/Kurt Angle/Bobby Roode: Very good main event.
Very good go-home show with lots of quality wrestling.
Grade: B+
1/12/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very good segment that made Roode/Hardy for the title as the main event.
Matt Morgan/Crimson vs. Robbie E/Robbie T: Squash.
Eric/Garett segment: Bad promo exchange as the feud just isn't clicking.
ODB vs. Winter: Very bad match.
Kazarian/Daniels/AJ segment: Decent promo exchange to build Kazarian's heel turn.
James Storm vs. Kurt Angle: Very good match.
Bobby Roode vs. Jeff Hardy: Very good main event with Roode retaining the belt.
Pretty solid show, mainly because of the beginning and end.
Grade: B-
1/19/12 Impact
Opening segment: Good Storm/Roode/Hardy promo exchange that made the main event.
Gunner vs. AJ Styles: Decent match.
Crimson vs. Magnus: Squash.
Mickie James vs. Madison Rayne: Very good cage match.
Aries/Shelley segment: Good promo exchange between the two.
Eric Young vs. Angelina Love: More of an angle than a match, and a bad one at that.
Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm: Very good main event.
Pretty good show.
Grade: B
1/26/12 Impact
Opening segment: Good Roode/Ray/Hardy/Storm brawl.
Tara vs. Velvet Sky vs. Mickie James: Pretty decent match with Tara winning and becoming #1 contender.
Alex Shelley vs. Zema Ion: Solid match.
Eric Young/ODB vs. Angelina Love/Winter: Terrible match.
AJ/Daniels/Kazarian segment: Good promo exchange between the three.
Samoa Joe vs. Matt Morgan: Not a great match.
Bobby Roode/Bully Ray vs. James Storm/Jeff Hardy: Good tables match main event.
Another good show.
Grade: B
2/2/12 Impact
Opening segment: Great promo exchange that made the AAO main event and the two main events of the show.
Samoa Joe/Magnus vs. Crimson/Matt Morgan: Pretty solid match.
Eric/Garett segment: Meh... Garett should be developed in OVW rather than pushed all the way to the top because of his last name.
Austin Aries vs. Mark Haskins: Very solid match.
James Storm vs. Bobby Roode: Very good match.
Gail Kim vs. Tara: Solid match.
Garett/Eric segment: Hogan's announced as Garett's trainer. Two Garett segments in one show...
James Storm vs. Bully Ray: Very good main event.
Very good episode in the UK due to good matches and a great crowd.
Grade: B+
2/9/12 Impact
Opening segment: Good promo exchange that made the main event.
AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels: Very good match.
Joe/Magnus promo: Very good promo that results in a brawl between them and Morgan/Crimson.
Austin Aries vs. Alex Shelley vs. Douglas Williams: Very good match.
Hogan/Eric/Garett segment: More of the usual, which isn't good.
Mickie James vs. Velvet Sky: This was a decent match.
Sting/James Storm vs. Bobby Roode/Bully Ray: Very good main event.
Great show outside of the Bischoff stuff.
Grade: A
2/16/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Roode/Sting promo exchange that made the next match.
Bobby Roode vs. Jeff Hardy: Very good match with Roode retaining the title.
Austin Aries/Zema Ion vs. Alex Shelley/Shannon Moore: Solid match.
#1 contendership battle royal: Decent battle royal but clever booking in Madison winning after being ringside the whole match after saying that everybody in the ring has a chance while she was in it.
Bischoff promo: Bad segment celebrating the end of Garett Bischoff, meaning that he isn't gone.
Bully Ray vs. James Storm: Great match with Storm becoming #1 contender at Lockdown.
Final segment: Very good Roode/Sting promo exchange.
Excellent show with good wrestling and great long term booking.
Grade: A
2/23/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Roode promo.
Samoa Joe/Magnus vs. Crimson/Matt Morgan: Decent match.
Brandon Jacobs promo: This was actually a solid promo from a celebrity, made better by Bully Ray interrupting.
Zema Ion vs. Alex Shelley: Solid match.
Gail Kim vs. ODB: Solid match.
AJ Styles vs. Robbie E: Decent match until the DQ.
Bully Ray/Bobby Roode vs. Jeff Hardy/James Storm: Very good match.
Final segment: Very good Roode/Sting promo exchange.
Another excellent show with good wrestling and great Victory Road buildup.
Grade: A
3/1/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Angle/Hardy promo exchange.
AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels/Kazarian: Pretty good match.
ODB vs. Madison Rayne: Very average match.
Roode/Bully Ray/Aries segment: Good promo exchange that ended up making the main event.
Zema Ion vs. Shannon Moore: Solid match.
Mickie James/Velvet Sky vs. Angelina Love/Sarita: Pretty good match.
Bobby Roode/Bully Ray/Austin Aries vs. Samoa Joe/Magnus/James Storm: Very good main event.
Excellent show.
Grade: A
3/8/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very dull promo exchange dedicated to the Garett angle.
Eric Young/ODB vs. Madison Rayne/Gail Kim: Bad KO tag title match with the intergender team actually winning and Young proposing to ODB afterwards. Ugh...
Austin Aries vs. Zema Ion: Pretty good match.
Bobby Roode vs. Bully Ray: Pretty good match.
Crimson/Matt Morgan vs. Robbie E/Rob Terry: Squash.
AJ/Daniels/Kaz promo exchange: Pretty good although AJ and Daniels feuding is beyond stale these days.
Kurt Angle/Gunner vs. Jeff Hardy/Garett Bischoff: Not a great main event.
Very disappointing Impact.
Grade: D+
3/15/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Storm/Bully promo exchange.
Madison Rayne vs. Velvet Sky: Not a great match.
Crimson vs. Samoa Joe: Not a great match.
Aries/Zema promo: Very solid promo exchange to build their match.
Mickie James vs. Gail Kim: Solid match.
Mr. Anderson vs. Christopher Daniels: Solid match.
Kurt Angle vs. Garett Bischoff: Very bad 5 minute challenge.
Gunner vs. Jmes Storm: Not a great match.
Final segment: Very good Sting/Roode contract signing.
Decent episode that did a good job of promoting Victory Road.
Grade: B-
3/22/12 Impact
Opening segment: Not very good as it's the typical Dixie promo and Sting resigns while recommending Hogan to replace him.
Austin Aries vs. Zema Ion vs. Kid Kash vs. Anthony Nese: Decent match until Bully Ray attacked everyone so he could cut a promo, making the X Division look second rate.
Eric Young/ODB vs. Sarita/Rosita: Bad KO tag title match with the intergender team winning and Eric and ODB's wedding date revealed. Ugh.
James Storm promo: Very good promo from him and he gave the Last Call to Roode's attorney.
Kurt Angle vs. Garett Bischoff: Very bad three minute challenge.
Samoa Joe/Magnus vs. Mexican America: Pretty good tag title match with the champs retaining and Mexican America's car getting repoed as a result of their loss.
James Storm vs. Kazarian/Christopher Daniels: Decent handicap match though Daniels/Kazarian lost to Storm cleanly, making them look weak.
Final segment: Not very good with Dixie allowing Hogan to be the GM of the show, despite him taking the company away from Dixie last time.
A below average show with weak matches and lots of filler.
Grade: D+
3/29/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Roode/Storm promo exchange.
Velvet Sky vs. Madison Rayne: Bad match.
Bully/Aries promo: Good promo exchange that made the main event.
Crimson vs. Matt Morgan: Bad match.
Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy: Solid match.
Bischoff/Garett promo: Bad promo that continues Garett's push of doom.
Bully Ray/Bobby Roode vs. James Storm/Austin Aries: Good match.
Final segment: Bad segment with Dixie announcing Hogan as the new GM.
Very average show. The promos were better in the first hour, but the matches were better in the second hour.
Grade: C
4/5/12 Impact
Opening segment: Your typical Hogan promo though it made a ton of matches for the show.
Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Hardy: Very good match.
Bully Ray promo: Very solid promo with Aries attacking him afdterwards.
Mickie James vs. Winter vs. Tara vs. Angelina Love vs. Madison Rayne vs. Velvet Sky: Solid match with Velvet becoming #1 contender.
James Storm vs. AJ Styles: Very good match.
Motor City Machine Guns vs. Mexican America: Decent match.
Hogan/Bischoff segment: Bad segment that revealed the stipulation for the Lethal Lockdown match.
Bobby Roode vs. Mr. Anderson: Very average main event.
Very good show with lots of good wrestling on it.
Grade: B
4/12/12 Impact
Opening segment: Okay at best as it ended with Garett on the mic and Eric's now in the Lethal Lockdown match.
Mr. Anderson vs. Gunner: Not a great match.
MCMG/Joe/Magnus promo: Very good promo exchange until Mexican America interrupts and gets beat down by both teams.
Austin Aries vs. Christopher Daniels: Very good match.
EY/ODB wedding: As bad as expected.
Bully Ray vs. AJ Styles: Solid match.
Mickie James/Velvet Sky vs. Madison Rayne/Gail Kim: Decent match.
Final segment: Very good Roode/Storm promo exchange.
Decent show for a show with a wedding on it.
Grade: B-
4/19/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Roode/Anderson/Hardy promo exchange that made the main event.
Crimson/Bully Ray vs. Austin Aries/Matt Morgan: Very average match.
Garett/Flair promo: Pretty bad as expected.
Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles: Very good match.
Hogan segment: He announces Open Fight Night. Not a bad segment at all.
Gail Kim/Madison Rayne/Sarita/Rosita vs. Tara/Mickie James/Brooke Tessmacher/Velvet Sky: Solid tag match.
Devon vs. Gunner: Not a great TV title match.
Storm promo: Very good sympathetic promo from him after losing to Roode.
Rob Van Dam vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Mr. Anderson: Solid main event with RVD becoming #1 contender.
Very solid show with lots of good matches.
Grade: B
4/26/12 Impact
Devon vs. Bully Ray: Decent TV title match with Devon actually winning.
Eric Bischoff vs. Jeremy Borash: More of an angle than a match, and a bad angle at that.
Kurt Angle vs. Anarquia: Squash.
Robbie E vs. Alex Silva: Squash.
Brooke Tessmacher vs. Gail Kim: Solid match.
Samoa Joe/Magnus vs. Jeff Hardy/Mr. Anderson Pretty good tag title match.
Final segment: Bad segment with Borash and Garett Bischoff putting Eric into a portapotty, tipping it over, and getting sewage all over him in the process.
While this was not a great show, at least the stuff outside of the main event scene actually feels important, unlike on Smackdown.
Grade: C-
5/3/12 Impact
Opening segment: Okay Hogan/Flair promo exchange as Hogan basically asks Flair to be a judge in the gut check challenge.
Gail Kim/Madison Rayne vs. Velvet Sky/Brooke Tessmacher: Pretty solid match.
Roode/RVD promo exchange: Good as it made Roode and RVD's matches for the show.
Devon vs. Robbie T: Bad TV title match.
Jeff Hardy vs. Rob Van Dam: Very solid match.
Ray/Borash/Aries segment: Very good with Bully Ray bullying Borash until Aries saves him and they cut promos on each other.
Kurt Angle/Christopher Daniels/Kazarian vs. AJ Styles/Samoa Joe/Magnus: Good tag match.
Gut Check: Very underwhelming as Alex Silva gets a contract, despite getting squashed by Robbie E, a jobber.
Bobby Roode vs. Mr. Anderson: Much better match than the one they had a few weeks ago.
Solid show.
Grade: B
5/10/12 Impact
Opening segment: Good Roode promo that made the main event.
Velvet Sky vs. Brooke Tessmacher: Not a great match.
Matt Morgan vs. Crimson: No match as Bully Ray takes out Morgan.
Austin Aries vs. Zema Ion: Decent match.
Daniels/Kazarian/AJ promo exchange: Bad segment that resulted in Daniels showing a picture of AJ and Dixie making out, meaning that AJ and Daniels are STILL feuding.
Devon vs. Robbie E: Not a great match.
Storm promo: Very good pre-tape that hopefully leads to him beating Roode soon.
Bully Ray/Joseph Park promo exchange: Bully was good as usual but I'm just not feeling the Joseph Park storyline.
Jeff Hardy vs. Mr. Anderson vs. Bobby Roode vs. Rob Van Dam: Good main event with RVD pinning Roode before their PPV match. Abyss returns after the match.
Very average show, but still better than last year's shows at this time.
Grade: C
5/17/12 Impact
Opening segment: Good Roode/Hogan promo exchange that made the matches for the show.
Bully Ray vs. Rob Van Dam: Pretty good match.
Battle Royal: Pretty good with AJ winning.
Styles/Daniels/Kazarian promo exchange: Another bad segment that reveals AJ and Dixie holding hands and walking into a room together.
Jeff Hardy vs. Mr. Anderson: Pretty good match.
Gail Kim vs. Brooke Tessmacher vs. Velvet Sky: Pretty good KO title match.
Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe: Very good main event.
Very good show.
Grade: A
5/24/12 Impact
Eric Young/ODB vs. Madison Rayne/Gail Kim: Not a great match, though Gail cut a very good promo before the match.
Rob Van Dam vs. Gunner: Not a great match.
Devon vs. Garett Bischoff: Very bad match until the Robbies attack both.
Bully/Park promo: Very good promo exchange between the two and Park is getting better.
Austin Aries vs. Joey Ryan: Very solid match.
AJ Styles vs. Bobby Roode: Very good main event with Roode retaining the title.
Final segment: Roode celebrates his win until Sting/Roode is announced for next week.
Decent show with the second half much better than the first.
Grade: B-
5/31/12 Impact
Sting vs. Bobby Roode: Solid match, though the champ tapping out to a 50 year old is very bad booking.
Bully/Park promo: A great promo exchange as usual.
Austin Aries vs. Chris Sabin: Solid match.
Dixie promo: She announces Brooke Hogan as head of the KOs. Ugh.
Devon vs. Jeff Hardy: Decent match at best until the Robbies attack them.
Gut Check segment: The judges vote no on Joey Ryan, in which the aftermath made it obvious that it was just an angle.
AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels: Very good main event until the aftermath.
Decent show, which is kind of a disappointment for LIVE Impact.
Grade: B-
6/7/12 Impact
Opening segment: Bad segment involving Dixie, AJ, Daniels, Kazarian, and Dixie's husband Serg.
Crimson vs. Austin Aries: Okay match.
Roode/Hogan promo: Very good one that results in Sting getting the upper hand on Roode.
Mickie James vs. Tara vs. Brooke Tessmacher vs. Velvet Sky: Solid match with Tessmacher becoming #1 contender.
Bully/Park contract signing: Very good as usual.
Devon vs. Robbie E: Not a great match.
Hogan promo: This was good in that it created RVD vs. Hardy vs. Anderson next week with the winner getting a title shot the same night.
Sting/AJ Styles/Kurt Angle vs. Bobby Roode/Christopher Daniels/Kazarian: Very good main event.
Solid show.
Grade: B
6/14/12 Impact
Austin Aries vs. Chris Sabin vs. Zema Ion: Solid Ultimate X match with Aries winning. Very good promo from Aries after the match too.
Devon vs. Hernandez: Bad match.
Bound For Glory Series Gauntlet Battle Royal: Good with Storm winning and cutting a great promo afterwards.
Miss Tessmacher vs. Madison Rayne: Okay match.
Mr. Anderson vs. Bobby Roode: Good title match with Roode winning.
Sting promo: Good segment with him talking about his induction into the TNA Hall of Fame until masked guys attack him to close the show. Interesting...
Very solid show.
Grade: B+
6/21/12 Impact
Opening segment: Solid Roode/Aries promo exchange.
Mr. Anderson vs. Christopher Daniels: Solid match.
Kurt Angle vs. Robbie E: Squash.
Magnus vs. AJ Styles: Very rushed match.
Tara vs. Taeler Hendrix: Not a great match.
Samoa Joe vs. James torm: Solid match.
Bully Ray vs. D'Angelo Dinero: Squash until the screwy finish.
Mickie James vs. Miss Tessmacher: Solid KO title match.
Rob Van Dam vs. Jeff Hardy: Solid match.
Final segment: Very bad with Claire Lynch debuting and making this storyline worse.
Very average show... some of the matches were okay, some were rushed, and the final segment was just a buzzkill.
Grade: C
6/28/12 Impact
Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam: Okay match at best.
Aries/Roode promo: Very good promo exchange to build their match at Destination X.
Sonjay Dutt vs. Rubix: Decent match.
Bully Ray vs. Samoa Joe: Solid match and a good segment with Bully and Joseph Park afterwards.
Rashad Cameron vs. Mason Andrews: Decent match.
Gut Check segment: Taeler Hendrix gets two yes votes.
Kurt Angle/AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels/Kazarian: Very good main event until terrible Claire Lynch drama afterwards.
Decent show at best as numerous backstage segments involving Claire Lynch dragged it down.
Grade: B-
7/5/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Bully/Park promo.
Devon vs. Crimson: Bad match.
Sabin promo: Very good until Roode interrupts him.
Dakota Darsow vs. Flip Casanova: Okay match.
Tara/Miss Tessmacher vs. Gail Kim/Madison Rayne: Solid match.
AJ/Daniels/Kazarian promo: More of the same Claire Lynch stuff unfortunately.
Kenny King vs. Lars Only: Kind of a sloppy match because of King's opponent.
Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm: Very good match.
Hogan/Aries/Roode pomo: Very good promo exchange to build their PPV match.
Solid episode.
Grade: B-
7/12/12 Impact
Bully Ray vs. Joseph Park: Solid "anything goes" match with Bully getting his win back.
Rob Van Dam vs. Samoa Joe: Solid match.
Daniels/Kazarian/AJ promo: Solid mic work but this just served to keep the Claire Lynch angle going. Ugh.
Dakota Darsow vs. Zema Ion: Decent at best.
Aries/Roode promo: As solid as you'd expect.
Gail Kim vs. Miss Tessmacher: Good match with Tessmacher retaining the KO title.
Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson: Good match.
Sting promo: Sting calls out Hogan but he doesn't come out until it's revealed that he was attacked by the Aces and Eights. Interesting.
Good show once again.
Grade: B+
7/19/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Storm promo where he calls out Kurt Angle, except that Angle was attacked by Aces and Eights.
Samoa Joe vs. D'Angelo Dinero: Decent match but very predictable.
Jeff Hardy vs. Robbie E: Not a great match and very screwy as Robbie wins by countout.
Gut Check segment: Sam Shaw gets attacked by Aces and Eights.
Mr. Anderson vs. AJ Styles: Solid match but terrible Claire Lynch stuff afterwards.
Rob Van Dam vs. Christopher Daniels: Solid match.
Magnus vs. Bully Ray: Decent match.
Austin Aries vs. Bobby Roode: Very good main event.
Very good show.
Grade: A-
7/26/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very good promo featuring all the main event talent regarding Aces and Eights.
Tara/Mickie James vs. Madison Rayne/Gail Kim: Solid match, albeit with a VERY screwy finish.
Doug Williams vs. Sam Shaw: Squash.
Chavo promo: Decent as it starts a feud with Kid Kash and Gunner and introduces Hernandez as his tag partner.
AJ Styles vs. James Storm: Good match that created intrigue as Aces and Eights attacked AJ, but not Storm.
Gut Check segment: Shaw gets two yes votes and is a member of the roster.
Kenny King vs. Zema Ion: Decent match with Ion retaining the X title.
Kurt Angle vs. Bully Ray: Very good main event.
Solid show.
Grade: B+
8/2/12 Impact
Austin Aries/Kenny King vs. Zema Ion/Bobby Roode: Solid opener.
Angle/Storm/Sting promo: Very good as it promoted Angle/Storm and added mystery as to whether Storm is involved with Aces and Eights.
Bully Ray vs. Robbie E: Squash.
Tara vs. Mickie James vs. Madison Rayne vs. Gail Kim: Solid match though hurt by a screwy finish.
Chavo Guerrero vs. Kid Kash: Solid match.
Daniels/Kazarian/Claire Lynch segment: Very bad.
Kurt Angle vs. James Storm: Very good main event.
Solid show, though hurt by the Claire Lynch angle.
Grade: B
8/9/12 Impact
Rob Van Dam vs. Magnus: Solid match.
Garett Bischoff/Devon vs. Christopher Daniels/Kazarian: Okay match.
Robbie E promo: Decent enough though he clearly had no chance of beating Hardy on PPV.
Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles: Good match.
Miss Tessmacher vs. Gail Kim: Solid match.
Roode/Aries contract signing: Very good segment to build their PPV match.
James Storm vs. Bully Ray: Good main event.
Solid go-home show.
Grade: B+
8/16/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Aries/Hardy/Bully promo exchange.
Samoa Joe vs. Magnus: Good match.
Madison/Brooke promo exchange: Not very good until Aces and Eights interrupted to stalk Brooke until the babyfaces showed up.
AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels: Good match as usual.
Roode promo: Very good with him walking out on TNA.
Madison Rayne vs. Miss Tessmacher: Not a great match and Tessmacher wins the belt back right after losing it.
Bully Ray vs. Jeff Hardy: Good main event.
Very good show.
Grade: B+
8/23/12 Impact
Opening segment: Kinda weak with Sting and the other babyfaces beating up Aces and Eights.
Tara vs. Miss Tessmacher: Okay match.
Robbie E vs. Rob Van Dam vs. AJ Styles: Not a great match with Robbie actually winning.
Jeff Hardy vs. Robbie T: Bad match.
AJ/Daniels/Kazarian segment: Not very good even though the Claire Lynch angle is finally over.
Gunner vs. Kris Lewie: Very bad squash.
Mr. Anderson vs. Bully Ray: Decent match.
Final segment: Once again, kinda weak with a bunch of Aces and Eights beating up Aries and then leaving.
Not the worst Impact but kinda weak in-ring and both Aces and Eights segments missed the mark.
Grade: D-
8/30/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Aries/Hogan promo excange.
James Storm vs. Rob Van Dam: Good match.
Madison Rayne vs. ODB: Bad match and Eric Young makes out with ODB in his boxers. Ugh!
AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe: Very good match.
Gut Check segment: Kris Lewie didn't get one yes vote.
Jeff Hardy vs. Kurt Angle: Another good match.
Final segment: Very good segment involving the TNA babyfaces and Aces and Eights, with Aries doing most of the mic work.
Solid show.
Grade: B+
9/6/12 Impact
Jeff Hardy vs. Samoa Joe: Good match, although Joe tapping out to Jeff isn't great booking.
Gail Kim vs. Tara: Solid match.
Snow/Ryan promo: Very good promo exchange to build their eventual BFG match.
Bully Ray vs. Rob Van Dam: Good match with an amazing finish of RVD flying into the Bully Cutter.
Storm/Bully promo: Very good as usual.
Christopher Daniels/Kazarian vs. Chavo Guerrero/Hernandez: Solid match.
Final segment: Very good promo with Aries calling out his Aces and Eights opponent and eventually trading blows with him.
Very good show.
Grade: A
9/13/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very good promo exchange that mad the main event.
Zema Ion vs. Sonjay Dutt: Decent match.
Roode/Storm promo: Very good Roode Promo with Storm beating him up afterwards.n
AJ Styles vs. Kazarian: Good match.
Hogan promo: This was decent in that it set up the stipulation for the main event.
Chavo Guerrero vs. Christopher Daniels: Good match.
Tara/Tessmacher segment: Not very good with Tara's heel turn being too obvious.
Jeff Hardy vs. Bully Ray: Very good main event.
Another very good show.
Grade: A
9/20/12 Impact
AJ Styles/Kurt Angle vs. Chavo Guerrero/Hernandez: Very good opener.
Doug Williams vs. Evan Markopoulos: Squash.
Storm/Roode promo: Excellent promo exchange to build their match.
Bobby Roode vs. James Storm: This was mainly just an awesome brawl.
Tara vs. Christy Hemme: This was all angle.
Hogan promo: This was just to build to next week.
Austin Aries vs. Bully Ray: Very good main event with a solid promo exchange before the match.
Another very good show that built Bound For Glory perfectly.
Grade: B+
9/27/12 Impact
Opening segment: Your typical Hogan promo, though it set up more stuff for BFG.
Kurt Angle vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. Christopher Daniels: Solid match.
Tara vs. ODB: Bad match.
Samoa Joe vs. Mr. Anderson: Solid match with Joe winning the TV title.
Gutcheck: Evan Markopoulos gets two no votes.
Segment: Hogan goes into the Aces and Eights clubhouse and makes two of the best Aces and Eights vs. Sting and another partner at BFG.
Bobby Roode/Bully Ray vs. Jeff Hardy/Austin Aries: Solid main event.
A solid show as it built BFG well, though not on the same level of the last few weeks.
Grade: B
10/4/12 Impact
Mr. Anderson vs. Gunner: Not a great opener.
Tara/Gail Kim vs. ODB/Miss Tessmacher: Very solid match.
Snow/Ryan promo: Very good promo exchange to build their BFG match.
Samoa Joe vs. Rob Van Dam: Solid TV title match with Joe winning.
Chavo Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle: Solid match.
Douglas Williams vs. Zema Ion: Squash, only for Williams to win by reverse decision. Bad booking.
Storm/Roode promo: Very good promo exchange.
Bully Ray vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Austin Aries: Decent main event at best as it was only four minutes.
Final segment: Very weak with Anderson getting attacked only for Bully to come out and suggest that he be Sting's partner instead. The way t played out made it so obvious that Bully was behind this.
Decent show, though some parts didn't click, like the final segment, Anderson/Gunner kicking off the show, and Williams/Ion.
Grade: B-
10/11/12 Impact
Austin Aries vs. James Storm: Very solid opener.
Hogan promo: This was solid and continued to tease a Bully face turn.
Hernandez vs. AJ Styles: Decent match outside of AJ being pinned by Hernandez's Pounce-lite.
Ion/RVD promo: Very solid and made RVD/Zema for the X Division title.
Christopher Daniels/Kazarian vs. Bully Ray/Sting: Very good match.
Gail Kim vs. Miss Tessmacher: Solid match.
Bobby Roode vs. Jeff Hardy: Very good match.
Final segment: Very good Hardy/Aries promo exchange with Aries turning heel.
Very good go-home episode.
Grade: A
10/18/12 Impact
Opening segment: This felt very flat as Devon was the big reveal at the PPV, after being a lower midcarder before.
Samoa Joe vs. Robbie E: Squash.
Tara vs. ODB: Bad match with Tara losing right after winning the KO title.
Kid Kash/Gunner vs. Chavo Guerrero/Hernandez: Okay match, nothing special.
Hardy/Aries promo: Very good promo exchange continuing their feud after Hardy won the title.
AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Kurt Angle: Solid match.
Storm/Roode promo: Good promo exchange, although the feud should have been over after BFG.
Devon vs. Sting: Bad main event.
Very bad show.
Grade: C-
10/25/12 Impact
Rob Van Dam vs. Zema Ion: Decent match with RVD looking motivated after winning the X title.
Daniels/Kazarian promo: Okay but filled with the same old stereotypical remarks towards Mexicans.
Samoa Joe vs. Robbie T: Squash.
Mr. Anderson vs. Austin Aries: Unfortunately, a very screwy match.
Tara vs. Miss Tessmacher: Very rushed match with Jesse being the main focus.
Ray/Devon promo: Very good promo exchange that made Bully vs. Devon next week.
Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Hardy: Very good main event.
Not a great show.
Grade: C
11/1/12 Impact
Opening segment: Okay promo exchange that kinda made it obvious that there wouldn't be a real main event.
Samoa Joe vs. Magnus: Decent match to advance their feud.
Christian York vs. Zema Ion: Solid match.
Daniels/Kazarian promo: Good mic work as usual, though the angle with bullying the Spanish announce team in any feud where Hispanics are babyfaces is beyond tiresome.
Jesse vs. ODB: Very bad "match".
Jeff Hardy vs. Robbie E: Squash though a good Aries promo happened immediately after.
Joey Ryan vs. Rob Van Dam: Not a great match.
Bully Ray vs. Devon: Not really a match as the purpose was to reveal Luke Gallows as one of the Aces and Eights.
Not a great show.
Grade: C-
11/8/12 Impact
AJ Styles vs. Bobby Roode: Very good opener.
Bully/Hogan/Park promo: Solid promo to establish Bully as a face.
ODB vs. Jesse/Tara: Bad match.
Kurt Angle/Sting vs. Devon/Doc: Decent at best.
Gutcheck: Christian York gets two yes votes.
Samoa Joe/Hernandez/Chavo Guerrero vs. Magnus/Christopher Daniels/Kazarian: Very good match.
Final segment: Very good Hardy/Aries promo exchange.
Very solid show that promoted Turning Point very well.
Grade: B
11/15/12 Impact
Opening segment: Solid Roode/Storm promo that made the main event.
Rob Van Dam vs. Kid Kash: Squash.
Jesse vs. Eric Young: Bad match.
Magnus vs. Samoa Joe: No match as Aces and Eights attack Magnus.
Kurt Angle/Garrett Bischoff vs. Aces and Eights: Bad match.
Knockouts Battle Royal: Pretty good with Mickie getting the title shot.
AJ/Daniels/Kazarian segment: Good mic work but ANOTHER AJ/Daniels match.
Bobby Roode vs. James Storm: Decent match at best.
Not a great show.
Grade: C-
11/22/12 Impact
Wes Brisco vs. Garett Bischoff: Bad match.
Chavo Guerrero vs. Joey Ryan: Solid match.
Alex Silva vs. Sam Shaw: Bad match.
Jeff Hardy vs. Christian York: Very good match.
Tara vs. Taeler Hendrix: Bad match.
Eric Young vs. Robbie E vs. Jesse: Not a great match and Jesse has to wear the turkey suit.
AJ Styles vs. Kazarian: Very good match.
Final segment: Very mediocre promo exchange due to Brooke Hogan.
Typical Thanksgiving episode, but with the wrestling not being as good as previous years.
Grade: C-
11/29/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very mediocre opening promo with the Bully/Brooke angle being the main focus.
Mickie James vs. Gail Kim: Solid match.
Bobby Roode vs. Christian York: Solid match with a good Roode promo before it.
AJ Styles/James Storm vs. Christopher Daniels/Kazarian: Very good match.
Matt Morgan vs. Doug Williams: Squash.
Gut Check: Wes Brisco gets two yes votes.
Rob Van Dam vs. Austin Aries: Very good main event.
Much better show than the last two weeks because of very good wrestling.
Grade: B
12/6/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very good opening promo that made the main event.
Samoa Joe vs. Devon: Weak match with Devon regaining the TV title from Joe.
Mickie/Tara promo: This wasn't much as it was just there to redebut Velvet Sky pretty much.
Robbie E/Robbie T vs. Chavo Guerrero/Hernandez: Not a great match.
Kurt Angle vs. Doc: Not a great match.
Kenny King vs. Zema Ion vs. Kid Kash: Very good match.
Bully/Aries promo: Very good outside of Brooke's appeaance at the end.
Bobby Roode/Christopher Daniels/Kazarian vs. Jeff Hardy/James Storm/AJ Styles: Very good main event.
Very average show, mainly because of the mediocre first hour.
Grade: C
12/13/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very average Roode/Devon promo about "family business".
Velvet Sky vs. Madison Rayne: Not a great match.
Robbie E/Robbie T vs. Wes Brisco/Garett Bischoff: Not a great match.
James Storm/Jeff Hardy vs. Aces and Eights: Very average match.
Styles promo: Very interesting with him walking out because of being sick of doing the right thing.
Kenny King vs. Rob Van Dam: Solid match.
Bully Ray vs. Jesse: Not a great match.
Final segment: Very good Hardy/Aries promo.
Another mediocre show, mainly because of the first hour.
Grade: C-
12/20/12 Impact
Kurt Angle vs. Devon: Not a great opener.
Matt Morgan/Joey Ryan vs. Rob Van Dam/Kenny King: Not a great match.
Hogan/Devon promo: Very mediocre.
Storm/Daniels/Kazarian promo: This was below their usual standards as it was the run of the mill Christmas promo.
Tara vs. Mickie James: Solid KO title match.
Jeff Hardy vs. Austin Aries: Very good main event.
Another mediocre show in a string of them. The Aces and Eights storyline is seriously dragging right now.
Grade: D+
12/27/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very bad Hogan/Brooke promo until Aries and Roode interrupted.
Samoa Joe vs. Masked Guy: Not a great match.
Bro-off: This was complete filler outside of teasing a Rob Terry face turn.
Rob Van Dam vs. Christian York: Solid match.
Christopher Daniels/Kazarian vs. Chavo Guerrero/Hernandez: Solid match with a good Daniels/Kazarian promo before it mocking AJ.
Gail Kim vs. Miss Tessmacher: Solid match.
Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries: Very good main event.
Solid show to close out 2012, mostly because of the in-ring action and that this show wasn't as focused on the stagnant Aces and Eights.
Grade: B
Opening segment: Good promo exchange that made the six man tag main event.
Gail Kim/Madison Rayne vs. Traci Brooks/Mickie James: Solid tag match.
Gunner vs. Rob Van Dam: Very boring match.
Austin Aries/Kid Kash vs. Zema Ion/Jesse Sorensen: Pretty good match.
AJ Styles/Kazarian vs. Samoa Joe/Magnus: Good match with Joe/Magnus becoming #1 contenders.
Jeff Hardy/Abyss/James Storm vs. Bully Ray/Kurt Angle/Bobby Roode: Very good main event.
Very good go-home show with lots of quality wrestling.
Grade: B+
1/12/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very good segment that made Roode/Hardy for the title as the main event.
Matt Morgan/Crimson vs. Robbie E/Robbie T: Squash.
Eric/Garett segment: Bad promo exchange as the feud just isn't clicking.
ODB vs. Winter: Very bad match.
Kazarian/Daniels/AJ segment: Decent promo exchange to build Kazarian's heel turn.
James Storm vs. Kurt Angle: Very good match.
Bobby Roode vs. Jeff Hardy: Very good main event with Roode retaining the belt.
Pretty solid show, mainly because of the beginning and end.
Grade: B-
1/19/12 Impact
Opening segment: Good Storm/Roode/Hardy promo exchange that made the main event.
Gunner vs. AJ Styles: Decent match.
Crimson vs. Magnus: Squash.
Mickie James vs. Madison Rayne: Very good cage match.
Aries/Shelley segment: Good promo exchange between the two.
Eric Young vs. Angelina Love: More of an angle than a match, and a bad one at that.
Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm: Very good main event.
Pretty good show.
Grade: B
1/26/12 Impact
Opening segment: Good Roode/Ray/Hardy/Storm brawl.
Tara vs. Velvet Sky vs. Mickie James: Pretty decent match with Tara winning and becoming #1 contender.
Alex Shelley vs. Zema Ion: Solid match.
Eric Young/ODB vs. Angelina Love/Winter: Terrible match.
AJ/Daniels/Kazarian segment: Good promo exchange between the three.
Samoa Joe vs. Matt Morgan: Not a great match.
Bobby Roode/Bully Ray vs. James Storm/Jeff Hardy: Good tables match main event.
Another good show.
Grade: B
2/2/12 Impact
Opening segment: Great promo exchange that made the AAO main event and the two main events of the show.
Samoa Joe/Magnus vs. Crimson/Matt Morgan: Pretty solid match.
Eric/Garett segment: Meh... Garett should be developed in OVW rather than pushed all the way to the top because of his last name.
Austin Aries vs. Mark Haskins: Very solid match.
James Storm vs. Bobby Roode: Very good match.
Gail Kim vs. Tara: Solid match.
Garett/Eric segment: Hogan's announced as Garett's trainer. Two Garett segments in one show...
James Storm vs. Bully Ray: Very good main event.
Very good episode in the UK due to good matches and a great crowd.
Grade: B+
2/9/12 Impact
Opening segment: Good promo exchange that made the main event.
AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels: Very good match.
Joe/Magnus promo: Very good promo that results in a brawl between them and Morgan/Crimson.
Austin Aries vs. Alex Shelley vs. Douglas Williams: Very good match.
Hogan/Eric/Garett segment: More of the usual, which isn't good.
Mickie James vs. Velvet Sky: This was a decent match.
Sting/James Storm vs. Bobby Roode/Bully Ray: Very good main event.
Great show outside of the Bischoff stuff.
Grade: A
2/16/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Roode/Sting promo exchange that made the next match.
Bobby Roode vs. Jeff Hardy: Very good match with Roode retaining the title.
Austin Aries/Zema Ion vs. Alex Shelley/Shannon Moore: Solid match.
#1 contendership battle royal: Decent battle royal but clever booking in Madison winning after being ringside the whole match after saying that everybody in the ring has a chance while she was in it.
Bischoff promo: Bad segment celebrating the end of Garett Bischoff, meaning that he isn't gone.
Bully Ray vs. James Storm: Great match with Storm becoming #1 contender at Lockdown.
Final segment: Very good Roode/Sting promo exchange.
Excellent show with good wrestling and great long term booking.
Grade: A
2/23/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Roode promo.
Samoa Joe/Magnus vs. Crimson/Matt Morgan: Decent match.
Brandon Jacobs promo: This was actually a solid promo from a celebrity, made better by Bully Ray interrupting.
Zema Ion vs. Alex Shelley: Solid match.
Gail Kim vs. ODB: Solid match.
AJ Styles vs. Robbie E: Decent match until the DQ.
Bully Ray/Bobby Roode vs. Jeff Hardy/James Storm: Very good match.
Final segment: Very good Roode/Sting promo exchange.
Another excellent show with good wrestling and great Victory Road buildup.
Grade: A
3/1/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Angle/Hardy promo exchange.
AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels/Kazarian: Pretty good match.
ODB vs. Madison Rayne: Very average match.
Roode/Bully Ray/Aries segment: Good promo exchange that ended up making the main event.
Zema Ion vs. Shannon Moore: Solid match.
Mickie James/Velvet Sky vs. Angelina Love/Sarita: Pretty good match.
Bobby Roode/Bully Ray/Austin Aries vs. Samoa Joe/Magnus/James Storm: Very good main event.
Excellent show.
Grade: A
3/8/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very dull promo exchange dedicated to the Garett angle.
Eric Young/ODB vs. Madison Rayne/Gail Kim: Bad KO tag title match with the intergender team actually winning and Young proposing to ODB afterwards. Ugh...
Austin Aries vs. Zema Ion: Pretty good match.
Bobby Roode vs. Bully Ray: Pretty good match.
Crimson/Matt Morgan vs. Robbie E/Rob Terry: Squash.
AJ/Daniels/Kaz promo exchange: Pretty good although AJ and Daniels feuding is beyond stale these days.
Kurt Angle/Gunner vs. Jeff Hardy/Garett Bischoff: Not a great main event.
Very disappointing Impact.
Grade: D+
3/15/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Storm/Bully promo exchange.
Madison Rayne vs. Velvet Sky: Not a great match.
Crimson vs. Samoa Joe: Not a great match.
Aries/Zema promo: Very solid promo exchange to build their match.
Mickie James vs. Gail Kim: Solid match.
Mr. Anderson vs. Christopher Daniels: Solid match.
Kurt Angle vs. Garett Bischoff: Very bad 5 minute challenge.
Gunner vs. Jmes Storm: Not a great match.
Final segment: Very good Sting/Roode contract signing.
Decent episode that did a good job of promoting Victory Road.
Grade: B-
3/22/12 Impact
Opening segment: Not very good as it's the typical Dixie promo and Sting resigns while recommending Hogan to replace him.
Austin Aries vs. Zema Ion vs. Kid Kash vs. Anthony Nese: Decent match until Bully Ray attacked everyone so he could cut a promo, making the X Division look second rate.
Eric Young/ODB vs. Sarita/Rosita: Bad KO tag title match with the intergender team winning and Eric and ODB's wedding date revealed. Ugh.
James Storm promo: Very good promo from him and he gave the Last Call to Roode's attorney.
Kurt Angle vs. Garett Bischoff: Very bad three minute challenge.
Samoa Joe/Magnus vs. Mexican America: Pretty good tag title match with the champs retaining and Mexican America's car getting repoed as a result of their loss.
James Storm vs. Kazarian/Christopher Daniels: Decent handicap match though Daniels/Kazarian lost to Storm cleanly, making them look weak.
Final segment: Not very good with Dixie allowing Hogan to be the GM of the show, despite him taking the company away from Dixie last time.
A below average show with weak matches and lots of filler.
Grade: D+
3/29/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Roode/Storm promo exchange.
Velvet Sky vs. Madison Rayne: Bad match.
Bully/Aries promo: Good promo exchange that made the main event.
Crimson vs. Matt Morgan: Bad match.
Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy: Solid match.
Bischoff/Garett promo: Bad promo that continues Garett's push of doom.
Bully Ray/Bobby Roode vs. James Storm/Austin Aries: Good match.
Final segment: Bad segment with Dixie announcing Hogan as the new GM.
Very average show. The promos were better in the first hour, but the matches were better in the second hour.
Grade: C
4/5/12 Impact
Opening segment: Your typical Hogan promo though it made a ton of matches for the show.
Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Hardy: Very good match.
Bully Ray promo: Very solid promo with Aries attacking him afdterwards.
Mickie James vs. Winter vs. Tara vs. Angelina Love vs. Madison Rayne vs. Velvet Sky: Solid match with Velvet becoming #1 contender.
James Storm vs. AJ Styles: Very good match.
Motor City Machine Guns vs. Mexican America: Decent match.
Hogan/Bischoff segment: Bad segment that revealed the stipulation for the Lethal Lockdown match.
Bobby Roode vs. Mr. Anderson: Very average main event.
Very good show with lots of good wrestling on it.
Grade: B
4/12/12 Impact
Opening segment: Okay at best as it ended with Garett on the mic and Eric's now in the Lethal Lockdown match.
Mr. Anderson vs. Gunner: Not a great match.
MCMG/Joe/Magnus promo: Very good promo exchange until Mexican America interrupts and gets beat down by both teams.
Austin Aries vs. Christopher Daniels: Very good match.
EY/ODB wedding: As bad as expected.
Bully Ray vs. AJ Styles: Solid match.
Mickie James/Velvet Sky vs. Madison Rayne/Gail Kim: Decent match.
Final segment: Very good Roode/Storm promo exchange.
Decent show for a show with a wedding on it.
Grade: B-
4/19/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Roode/Anderson/Hardy promo exchange that made the main event.
Crimson/Bully Ray vs. Austin Aries/Matt Morgan: Very average match.
Garett/Flair promo: Pretty bad as expected.
Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles: Very good match.
Hogan segment: He announces Open Fight Night. Not a bad segment at all.
Gail Kim/Madison Rayne/Sarita/Rosita vs. Tara/Mickie James/Brooke Tessmacher/Velvet Sky: Solid tag match.
Devon vs. Gunner: Not a great TV title match.
Storm promo: Very good sympathetic promo from him after losing to Roode.
Rob Van Dam vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Mr. Anderson: Solid main event with RVD becoming #1 contender.
Very solid show with lots of good matches.
Grade: B
4/26/12 Impact
Devon vs. Bully Ray: Decent TV title match with Devon actually winning.
Eric Bischoff vs. Jeremy Borash: More of an angle than a match, and a bad angle at that.
Kurt Angle vs. Anarquia: Squash.
Robbie E vs. Alex Silva: Squash.
Brooke Tessmacher vs. Gail Kim: Solid match.
Samoa Joe/Magnus vs. Jeff Hardy/Mr. Anderson Pretty good tag title match.
Final segment: Bad segment with Borash and Garett Bischoff putting Eric into a portapotty, tipping it over, and getting sewage all over him in the process.
While this was not a great show, at least the stuff outside of the main event scene actually feels important, unlike on Smackdown.
Grade: C-
5/3/12 Impact
Opening segment: Okay Hogan/Flair promo exchange as Hogan basically asks Flair to be a judge in the gut check challenge.
Gail Kim/Madison Rayne vs. Velvet Sky/Brooke Tessmacher: Pretty solid match.
Roode/RVD promo exchange: Good as it made Roode and RVD's matches for the show.
Devon vs. Robbie T: Bad TV title match.
Jeff Hardy vs. Rob Van Dam: Very solid match.
Ray/Borash/Aries segment: Very good with Bully Ray bullying Borash until Aries saves him and they cut promos on each other.
Kurt Angle/Christopher Daniels/Kazarian vs. AJ Styles/Samoa Joe/Magnus: Good tag match.
Gut Check: Very underwhelming as Alex Silva gets a contract, despite getting squashed by Robbie E, a jobber.
Bobby Roode vs. Mr. Anderson: Much better match than the one they had a few weeks ago.
Solid show.
Grade: B
5/10/12 Impact
Opening segment: Good Roode promo that made the main event.
Velvet Sky vs. Brooke Tessmacher: Not a great match.
Matt Morgan vs. Crimson: No match as Bully Ray takes out Morgan.
Austin Aries vs. Zema Ion: Decent match.
Daniels/Kazarian/AJ promo exchange: Bad segment that resulted in Daniels showing a picture of AJ and Dixie making out, meaning that AJ and Daniels are STILL feuding.
Devon vs. Robbie E: Not a great match.
Storm promo: Very good pre-tape that hopefully leads to him beating Roode soon.
Bully Ray/Joseph Park promo exchange: Bully was good as usual but I'm just not feeling the Joseph Park storyline.
Jeff Hardy vs. Mr. Anderson vs. Bobby Roode vs. Rob Van Dam: Good main event with RVD pinning Roode before their PPV match. Abyss returns after the match.
Very average show, but still better than last year's shows at this time.
Grade: C
5/17/12 Impact
Opening segment: Good Roode/Hogan promo exchange that made the matches for the show.
Bully Ray vs. Rob Van Dam: Pretty good match.
Battle Royal: Pretty good with AJ winning.
Styles/Daniels/Kazarian promo exchange: Another bad segment that reveals AJ and Dixie holding hands and walking into a room together.
Jeff Hardy vs. Mr. Anderson: Pretty good match.
Gail Kim vs. Brooke Tessmacher vs. Velvet Sky: Pretty good KO title match.
Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe: Very good main event.
Very good show.
Grade: A
5/24/12 Impact
Eric Young/ODB vs. Madison Rayne/Gail Kim: Not a great match, though Gail cut a very good promo before the match.
Rob Van Dam vs. Gunner: Not a great match.
Devon vs. Garett Bischoff: Very bad match until the Robbies attack both.
Bully/Park promo: Very good promo exchange between the two and Park is getting better.
Austin Aries vs. Joey Ryan: Very solid match.
AJ Styles vs. Bobby Roode: Very good main event with Roode retaining the title.
Final segment: Roode celebrates his win until Sting/Roode is announced for next week.
Decent show with the second half much better than the first.
Grade: B-
5/31/12 Impact
Sting vs. Bobby Roode: Solid match, though the champ tapping out to a 50 year old is very bad booking.
Bully/Park promo: A great promo exchange as usual.
Austin Aries vs. Chris Sabin: Solid match.
Dixie promo: She announces Brooke Hogan as head of the KOs. Ugh.
Devon vs. Jeff Hardy: Decent match at best until the Robbies attack them.
Gut Check segment: The judges vote no on Joey Ryan, in which the aftermath made it obvious that it was just an angle.
AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels: Very good main event until the aftermath.
Decent show, which is kind of a disappointment for LIVE Impact.
Grade: B-
6/7/12 Impact
Opening segment: Bad segment involving Dixie, AJ, Daniels, Kazarian, and Dixie's husband Serg.
Crimson vs. Austin Aries: Okay match.
Roode/Hogan promo: Very good one that results in Sting getting the upper hand on Roode.
Mickie James vs. Tara vs. Brooke Tessmacher vs. Velvet Sky: Solid match with Tessmacher becoming #1 contender.
Bully/Park contract signing: Very good as usual.
Devon vs. Robbie E: Not a great match.
Hogan promo: This was good in that it created RVD vs. Hardy vs. Anderson next week with the winner getting a title shot the same night.
Sting/AJ Styles/Kurt Angle vs. Bobby Roode/Christopher Daniels/Kazarian: Very good main event.
Solid show.
Grade: B
6/14/12 Impact
Austin Aries vs. Chris Sabin vs. Zema Ion: Solid Ultimate X match with Aries winning. Very good promo from Aries after the match too.
Devon vs. Hernandez: Bad match.
Bound For Glory Series Gauntlet Battle Royal: Good with Storm winning and cutting a great promo afterwards.
Miss Tessmacher vs. Madison Rayne: Okay match.
Mr. Anderson vs. Bobby Roode: Good title match with Roode winning.
Sting promo: Good segment with him talking about his induction into the TNA Hall of Fame until masked guys attack him to close the show. Interesting...
Very solid show.
Grade: B+
6/21/12 Impact
Opening segment: Solid Roode/Aries promo exchange.
Mr. Anderson vs. Christopher Daniels: Solid match.
Kurt Angle vs. Robbie E: Squash.
Magnus vs. AJ Styles: Very rushed match.
Tara vs. Taeler Hendrix: Not a great match.
Samoa Joe vs. James torm: Solid match.
Bully Ray vs. D'Angelo Dinero: Squash until the screwy finish.
Mickie James vs. Miss Tessmacher: Solid KO title match.
Rob Van Dam vs. Jeff Hardy: Solid match.
Final segment: Very bad with Claire Lynch debuting and making this storyline worse.
Very average show... some of the matches were okay, some were rushed, and the final segment was just a buzzkill.
Grade: C
6/28/12 Impact
Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam: Okay match at best.
Aries/Roode promo: Very good promo exchange to build their match at Destination X.
Sonjay Dutt vs. Rubix: Decent match.
Bully Ray vs. Samoa Joe: Solid match and a good segment with Bully and Joseph Park afterwards.
Rashad Cameron vs. Mason Andrews: Decent match.
Gut Check segment: Taeler Hendrix gets two yes votes.
Kurt Angle/AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels/Kazarian: Very good main event until terrible Claire Lynch drama afterwards.
Decent show at best as numerous backstage segments involving Claire Lynch dragged it down.
Grade: B-
7/5/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Bully/Park promo.
Devon vs. Crimson: Bad match.
Sabin promo: Very good until Roode interrupts him.
Dakota Darsow vs. Flip Casanova: Okay match.
Tara/Miss Tessmacher vs. Gail Kim/Madison Rayne: Solid match.
AJ/Daniels/Kazarian promo: More of the same Claire Lynch stuff unfortunately.
Kenny King vs. Lars Only: Kind of a sloppy match because of King's opponent.
Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm: Very good match.
Hogan/Aries/Roode pomo: Very good promo exchange to build their PPV match.
Solid episode.
Grade: B-
7/12/12 Impact
Bully Ray vs. Joseph Park: Solid "anything goes" match with Bully getting his win back.
Rob Van Dam vs. Samoa Joe: Solid match.
Daniels/Kazarian/AJ promo: Solid mic work but this just served to keep the Claire Lynch angle going. Ugh.
Dakota Darsow vs. Zema Ion: Decent at best.
Aries/Roode promo: As solid as you'd expect.
Gail Kim vs. Miss Tessmacher: Good match with Tessmacher retaining the KO title.
Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson: Good match.
Sting promo: Sting calls out Hogan but he doesn't come out until it's revealed that he was attacked by the Aces and Eights. Interesting.
Good show once again.
Grade: B+
7/19/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Storm promo where he calls out Kurt Angle, except that Angle was attacked by Aces and Eights.
Samoa Joe vs. D'Angelo Dinero: Decent match but very predictable.
Jeff Hardy vs. Robbie E: Not a great match and very screwy as Robbie wins by countout.
Gut Check segment: Sam Shaw gets attacked by Aces and Eights.
Mr. Anderson vs. AJ Styles: Solid match but terrible Claire Lynch stuff afterwards.
Rob Van Dam vs. Christopher Daniels: Solid match.
Magnus vs. Bully Ray: Decent match.
Austin Aries vs. Bobby Roode: Very good main event.
Very good show.
Grade: A-
7/26/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very good promo featuring all the main event talent regarding Aces and Eights.
Tara/Mickie James vs. Madison Rayne/Gail Kim: Solid match, albeit with a VERY screwy finish.
Doug Williams vs. Sam Shaw: Squash.
Chavo promo: Decent as it starts a feud with Kid Kash and Gunner and introduces Hernandez as his tag partner.
AJ Styles vs. James Storm: Good match that created intrigue as Aces and Eights attacked AJ, but not Storm.
Gut Check segment: Shaw gets two yes votes and is a member of the roster.
Kenny King vs. Zema Ion: Decent match with Ion retaining the X title.
Kurt Angle vs. Bully Ray: Very good main event.
Solid show.
Grade: B+
8/2/12 Impact
Austin Aries/Kenny King vs. Zema Ion/Bobby Roode: Solid opener.
Angle/Storm/Sting promo: Very good as it promoted Angle/Storm and added mystery as to whether Storm is involved with Aces and Eights.
Bully Ray vs. Robbie E: Squash.
Tara vs. Mickie James vs. Madison Rayne vs. Gail Kim: Solid match though hurt by a screwy finish.
Chavo Guerrero vs. Kid Kash: Solid match.
Daniels/Kazarian/Claire Lynch segment: Very bad.
Kurt Angle vs. James Storm: Very good main event.
Solid show, though hurt by the Claire Lynch angle.
Grade: B
8/9/12 Impact
Rob Van Dam vs. Magnus: Solid match.
Garett Bischoff/Devon vs. Christopher Daniels/Kazarian: Okay match.
Robbie E promo: Decent enough though he clearly had no chance of beating Hardy on PPV.
Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles: Good match.
Miss Tessmacher vs. Gail Kim: Solid match.
Roode/Aries contract signing: Very good segment to build their PPV match.
James Storm vs. Bully Ray: Good main event.
Solid go-home show.
Grade: B+
8/16/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Aries/Hardy/Bully promo exchange.
Samoa Joe vs. Magnus: Good match.
Madison/Brooke promo exchange: Not very good until Aces and Eights interrupted to stalk Brooke until the babyfaces showed up.
AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels: Good match as usual.
Roode promo: Very good with him walking out on TNA.
Madison Rayne vs. Miss Tessmacher: Not a great match and Tessmacher wins the belt back right after losing it.
Bully Ray vs. Jeff Hardy: Good main event.
Very good show.
Grade: B+
8/23/12 Impact
Opening segment: Kinda weak with Sting and the other babyfaces beating up Aces and Eights.
Tara vs. Miss Tessmacher: Okay match.
Robbie E vs. Rob Van Dam vs. AJ Styles: Not a great match with Robbie actually winning.
Jeff Hardy vs. Robbie T: Bad match.
AJ/Daniels/Kazarian segment: Not very good even though the Claire Lynch angle is finally over.
Gunner vs. Kris Lewie: Very bad squash.
Mr. Anderson vs. Bully Ray: Decent match.
Final segment: Once again, kinda weak with a bunch of Aces and Eights beating up Aries and then leaving.
Not the worst Impact but kinda weak in-ring and both Aces and Eights segments missed the mark.
Grade: D-
8/30/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Aries/Hogan promo excange.
James Storm vs. Rob Van Dam: Good match.
Madison Rayne vs. ODB: Bad match and Eric Young makes out with ODB in his boxers. Ugh!
AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe: Very good match.
Gut Check segment: Kris Lewie didn't get one yes vote.
Jeff Hardy vs. Kurt Angle: Another good match.
Final segment: Very good segment involving the TNA babyfaces and Aces and Eights, with Aries doing most of the mic work.
Solid show.
Grade: B+
9/6/12 Impact
Jeff Hardy vs. Samoa Joe: Good match, although Joe tapping out to Jeff isn't great booking.
Gail Kim vs. Tara: Solid match.
Snow/Ryan promo: Very good promo exchange to build their eventual BFG match.
Bully Ray vs. Rob Van Dam: Good match with an amazing finish of RVD flying into the Bully Cutter.
Storm/Bully promo: Very good as usual.
Christopher Daniels/Kazarian vs. Chavo Guerrero/Hernandez: Solid match.
Final segment: Very good promo with Aries calling out his Aces and Eights opponent and eventually trading blows with him.
Very good show.
Grade: A
9/13/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very good promo exchange that mad the main event.
Zema Ion vs. Sonjay Dutt: Decent match.
Roode/Storm promo: Very good Roode Promo with Storm beating him up afterwards.n
AJ Styles vs. Kazarian: Good match.
Hogan promo: This was decent in that it set up the stipulation for the main event.
Chavo Guerrero vs. Christopher Daniels: Good match.
Tara/Tessmacher segment: Not very good with Tara's heel turn being too obvious.
Jeff Hardy vs. Bully Ray: Very good main event.
Another very good show.
Grade: A
9/20/12 Impact
AJ Styles/Kurt Angle vs. Chavo Guerrero/Hernandez: Very good opener.
Doug Williams vs. Evan Markopoulos: Squash.
Storm/Roode promo: Excellent promo exchange to build their match.
Bobby Roode vs. James Storm: This was mainly just an awesome brawl.
Tara vs. Christy Hemme: This was all angle.
Hogan promo: This was just to build to next week.
Austin Aries vs. Bully Ray: Very good main event with a solid promo exchange before the match.
Another very good show that built Bound For Glory perfectly.
Grade: B+
9/27/12 Impact
Opening segment: Your typical Hogan promo, though it set up more stuff for BFG.
Kurt Angle vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. Christopher Daniels: Solid match.
Tara vs. ODB: Bad match.
Samoa Joe vs. Mr. Anderson: Solid match with Joe winning the TV title.
Gutcheck: Evan Markopoulos gets two no votes.
Segment: Hogan goes into the Aces and Eights clubhouse and makes two of the best Aces and Eights vs. Sting and another partner at BFG.
Bobby Roode/Bully Ray vs. Jeff Hardy/Austin Aries: Solid main event.
A solid show as it built BFG well, though not on the same level of the last few weeks.
Grade: B
10/4/12 Impact
Mr. Anderson vs. Gunner: Not a great opener.
Tara/Gail Kim vs. ODB/Miss Tessmacher: Very solid match.
Snow/Ryan promo: Very good promo exchange to build their BFG match.
Samoa Joe vs. Rob Van Dam: Solid TV title match with Joe winning.
Chavo Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle: Solid match.
Douglas Williams vs. Zema Ion: Squash, only for Williams to win by reverse decision. Bad booking.
Storm/Roode promo: Very good promo exchange.
Bully Ray vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Austin Aries: Decent main event at best as it was only four minutes.
Final segment: Very weak with Anderson getting attacked only for Bully to come out and suggest that he be Sting's partner instead. The way t played out made it so obvious that Bully was behind this.
Decent show, though some parts didn't click, like the final segment, Anderson/Gunner kicking off the show, and Williams/Ion.
Grade: B-
10/11/12 Impact
Austin Aries vs. James Storm: Very solid opener.
Hogan promo: This was solid and continued to tease a Bully face turn.
Hernandez vs. AJ Styles: Decent match outside of AJ being pinned by Hernandez's Pounce-lite.
Ion/RVD promo: Very solid and made RVD/Zema for the X Division title.
Christopher Daniels/Kazarian vs. Bully Ray/Sting: Very good match.
Gail Kim vs. Miss Tessmacher: Solid match.
Bobby Roode vs. Jeff Hardy: Very good match.
Final segment: Very good Hardy/Aries promo exchange with Aries turning heel.
Very good go-home episode.
Grade: A
10/18/12 Impact
Opening segment: This felt very flat as Devon was the big reveal at the PPV, after being a lower midcarder before.
Samoa Joe vs. Robbie E: Squash.
Tara vs. ODB: Bad match with Tara losing right after winning the KO title.
Kid Kash/Gunner vs. Chavo Guerrero/Hernandez: Okay match, nothing special.
Hardy/Aries promo: Very good promo exchange continuing their feud after Hardy won the title.
AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Kurt Angle: Solid match.
Storm/Roode promo: Good promo exchange, although the feud should have been over after BFG.
Devon vs. Sting: Bad main event.
Very bad show.
Grade: C-
10/25/12 Impact
Rob Van Dam vs. Zema Ion: Decent match with RVD looking motivated after winning the X title.
Daniels/Kazarian promo: Okay but filled with the same old stereotypical remarks towards Mexicans.
Samoa Joe vs. Robbie T: Squash.
Mr. Anderson vs. Austin Aries: Unfortunately, a very screwy match.
Tara vs. Miss Tessmacher: Very rushed match with Jesse being the main focus.
Ray/Devon promo: Very good promo exchange that made Bully vs. Devon next week.
Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Hardy: Very good main event.
Not a great show.
Grade: C
11/1/12 Impact
Opening segment: Okay promo exchange that kinda made it obvious that there wouldn't be a real main event.
Samoa Joe vs. Magnus: Decent match to advance their feud.
Christian York vs. Zema Ion: Solid match.
Daniels/Kazarian promo: Good mic work as usual, though the angle with bullying the Spanish announce team in any feud where Hispanics are babyfaces is beyond tiresome.
Jesse vs. ODB: Very bad "match".
Jeff Hardy vs. Robbie E: Squash though a good Aries promo happened immediately after.
Joey Ryan vs. Rob Van Dam: Not a great match.
Bully Ray vs. Devon: Not really a match as the purpose was to reveal Luke Gallows as one of the Aces and Eights.
Not a great show.
Grade: C-
11/8/12 Impact
AJ Styles vs. Bobby Roode: Very good opener.
Bully/Hogan/Park promo: Solid promo to establish Bully as a face.
ODB vs. Jesse/Tara: Bad match.
Kurt Angle/Sting vs. Devon/Doc: Decent at best.
Gutcheck: Christian York gets two yes votes.
Samoa Joe/Hernandez/Chavo Guerrero vs. Magnus/Christopher Daniels/Kazarian: Very good match.
Final segment: Very good Hardy/Aries promo exchange.
Very solid show that promoted Turning Point very well.
Grade: B
11/15/12 Impact
Opening segment: Solid Roode/Storm promo that made the main event.
Rob Van Dam vs. Kid Kash: Squash.
Jesse vs. Eric Young: Bad match.
Magnus vs. Samoa Joe: No match as Aces and Eights attack Magnus.
Kurt Angle/Garrett Bischoff vs. Aces and Eights: Bad match.
Knockouts Battle Royal: Pretty good with Mickie getting the title shot.
AJ/Daniels/Kazarian segment: Good mic work but ANOTHER AJ/Daniels match.
Bobby Roode vs. James Storm: Decent match at best.
Not a great show.
Grade: C-
11/22/12 Impact
Wes Brisco vs. Garett Bischoff: Bad match.
Chavo Guerrero vs. Joey Ryan: Solid match.
Alex Silva vs. Sam Shaw: Bad match.
Jeff Hardy vs. Christian York: Very good match.
Tara vs. Taeler Hendrix: Bad match.
Eric Young vs. Robbie E vs. Jesse: Not a great match and Jesse has to wear the turkey suit.
AJ Styles vs. Kazarian: Very good match.
Final segment: Very mediocre promo exchange due to Brooke Hogan.
Typical Thanksgiving episode, but with the wrestling not being as good as previous years.
Grade: C-
11/29/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very mediocre opening promo with the Bully/Brooke angle being the main focus.
Mickie James vs. Gail Kim: Solid match.
Bobby Roode vs. Christian York: Solid match with a good Roode promo before it.
AJ Styles/James Storm vs. Christopher Daniels/Kazarian: Very good match.
Matt Morgan vs. Doug Williams: Squash.
Gut Check: Wes Brisco gets two yes votes.
Rob Van Dam vs. Austin Aries: Very good main event.
Much better show than the last two weeks because of very good wrestling.
Grade: B
12/6/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very good opening promo that made the main event.
Samoa Joe vs. Devon: Weak match with Devon regaining the TV title from Joe.
Mickie/Tara promo: This wasn't much as it was just there to redebut Velvet Sky pretty much.
Robbie E/Robbie T vs. Chavo Guerrero/Hernandez: Not a great match.
Kurt Angle vs. Doc: Not a great match.
Kenny King vs. Zema Ion vs. Kid Kash: Very good match.
Bully/Aries promo: Very good outside of Brooke's appeaance at the end.
Bobby Roode/Christopher Daniels/Kazarian vs. Jeff Hardy/James Storm/AJ Styles: Very good main event.
Very average show, mainly because of the mediocre first hour.
Grade: C
12/13/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very average Roode/Devon promo about "family business".
Velvet Sky vs. Madison Rayne: Not a great match.
Robbie E/Robbie T vs. Wes Brisco/Garett Bischoff: Not a great match.
James Storm/Jeff Hardy vs. Aces and Eights: Very average match.
Styles promo: Very interesting with him walking out because of being sick of doing the right thing.
Kenny King vs. Rob Van Dam: Solid match.
Bully Ray vs. Jesse: Not a great match.
Final segment: Very good Hardy/Aries promo.
Another mediocre show, mainly because of the first hour.
Grade: C-
12/20/12 Impact
Kurt Angle vs. Devon: Not a great opener.
Matt Morgan/Joey Ryan vs. Rob Van Dam/Kenny King: Not a great match.
Hogan/Devon promo: Very mediocre.
Storm/Daniels/Kazarian promo: This was below their usual standards as it was the run of the mill Christmas promo.
Tara vs. Mickie James: Solid KO title match.
Jeff Hardy vs. Austin Aries: Very good main event.
Another mediocre show in a string of them. The Aces and Eights storyline is seriously dragging right now.
Grade: D+
12/27/12 Impact
Opening segment: Very bad Hogan/Brooke promo until Aries and Roode interrupted.
Samoa Joe vs. Masked Guy: Not a great match.
Bro-off: This was complete filler outside of teasing a Rob Terry face turn.
Rob Van Dam vs. Christian York: Solid match.
Christopher Daniels/Kazarian vs. Chavo Guerrero/Hernandez: Solid match with a good Daniels/Kazarian promo before it mocking AJ.
Gail Kim vs. Miss Tessmacher: Solid match.
Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries: Very good main event.
Solid show to close out 2012, mostly because of the in-ring action and that this show wasn't as focused on the stagnant Aces and Eights.
Grade: B
2011 TNA Impact Wrestling Reviews
1/6/11 Impact
Opening segment: Good segment that made the main event.
Double J Double M A challenge: Funny segment as usual, and Angle returns.
AJ Styles/Kazarian vs. Motor City Machine Guns: Pretty good match.
Pope/Joe promo: Very dull promo exchange.
Madison Rayne/Sarita vs. Mickie James/Velvet Sky: Not a great match.
Douglas Williams vs. Rob Terry: Complete nothing match.
Abyss vs. Jay Lethal: Not much of a match as it was more of an angle.
Jeff Jarrett vs. Rob Van Dam: Solid main event.
Very average show heading into Genesis.
Grade: C
1/13/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Morgan/Anderson promo.
Beer Money vs. Motor City Machine Guns: Very good match.
Pope/Joe promo: This was the usual between these two as there was just little reason for them to feud.
Angle/Jarrett promo: This was as good as usual.
Winter/Angelina Love vs. Madison Rayne/Tara: Not a great match.
Abyss vs. Matt Morgan: Bad match.
Mr. Anderson/Rob Van Dam vs. Hardy Boyz: Very good main event.
Pretty decent Impact.
Grade: B-
1/20/11 Impact
Opening segment: Not a great segment.
Sarita vs. Velvet Sky vs. Mickie James vs. Madison Rayne: Not a great match.
Rob Terry vs. Matt Morgan: Squash.
Kazarian vs. Jay Lethal: Solid X Division title match.
Jeff/Karen/Kurt promo: Second segment based around this feud.
Jeff Hardy vs. Tommy Dreamer: Not a great match.
Beer Money vs. Rob Van Dam/Mr. Anderson: Very good match.
Devon/Bully Ray segment: Very good segment to advance their feud.
Final segment: Okay segment with Angle and AJ getting the better of Immortal and Abyss walking down the ramp with Janice stuck to his back before collapsing.
Not a great show... weak matches and way too much Kurt/Jeff/Karen.
Grade: D
1/27/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very solid Angle/Bischoff promo.
Sarita/Madison Rayne/Tara vs. Mickie James/Angelina Love/Velvet Sky: Very good elimination match with Angelina surviving.
Amazing Red vs. Max Buck vs. Chris Sabin: Solid match.
Hardy/Anderson promo: This was very good.
Promo: Very bad Velvet promo that led to a brawl with Winter.
Pope promo: Another bad promo on Joe.
Matt Hardy vs. Mr. Anderson: Solid match.
Kurt Angle/Crimson vs. immortal: Very weak main event.
Pretty good Impact, mainly because of the first hour.
Grade: B
2/3/11 Impact
Opening segment: Mediocre Bischoff/Steiner promo that makes a lot of mentions of the past.
Ink Inc. vs. Gunner/Murphy: Bad match.
Bully Ray/D'Angelo Dinero vs. Samoa Joe/Devon: Bad match with a mediocre promo between Pope and Bully talking about their bad feuds.
Jeremy Buck vs. Douglas Williams vs. Jay Lethal: Solid match.
Anderson/Hardy promo: Very good as usual.
Mickie James vs. Sarita: Solid "taped fist" match.
Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy: Good match with Fourtune turning face to give Anderson the win.
Final segment: Very good AJ/Bischoff promo exchange to close the show.
Bad first hour but an awesome second hour makes for a decent show.
Grade: B-
2/10/11 Impact
Opening segment: Your typical Immortal promo, but with Immortal burying the Fourtune members on the mic.
Devon/Rob Van Dam/Samoa Joe vs. D'Angelo Dinero/Matt Hardy/Bully Ray: Very rushed tables match.
Karen/Jeff/Kurt segment: Very bad promo exchange between the three.
Sarita/Rosita/Tara/Madison Rayne vs. Mickie James/Velvet Sky/Angelina Love/Winter: Not a great match.
Mr. Anderson vs. Matt Morgan: Not a great match.
Brian Kendrick vs. Suicide vs. Robbie E: Decent match.
Kurt Angle/AJ Styles vs. Jeff Jarrett/Jeff Hardy: Solid main event.
Not a good show.
Grade: D
2/17/11 Impact
Opening segment: The typical Immortal promo.
Hernandez vs. Douglas Williams: Squash.
Pope/Joe segment: Very bad.
Kazarian vs. Robbie E: Solid match.
Matt Hardy vs. AJ Styles: Solid match outside of AJ losing.
Anderson/Bischoff promo: Very bad.
Beautiful People vs. Sarita/Rosita: Solid match.
Bully Ray promo: Very good.
Rob Van Dam vs. Jeff Hardy: Good match with Hardy retaining the world title.
Very average show, with the promos mostly missing the mark.
Grade: C
2/24/11 Impact
Opening segment: Your typical Immortal promo that makes RVD/Anderson in the main event.
Gunner/Murphy vs. Eric Young/Orlando Jordan: Bad match.
Bully/Devon promo: This was good except for Devon's kids being involved.
Crimson vs. Magnus: Squash.
Steiner/Terry posedown: This was terrible.
Flair/AJ promo: Very good until Hernandez attacks AJ, although nothing else really happened between Hernandez and Immortal after this.
Madison Rayne vs. ODB: Decent match.
Rob Van Dam vs. Mr. Anderson: Solid main event.
Another average show, as this show only picked up after the posedown.
Grade: C
3/3/11 Impact
Opening segment: Your typical Immortal promo to start the show.
Beer Money vs. Gunner/Murphy: Very average match.
Sarita vs. Velvet Sky: Velvet finally gets her win over Sarita in a very bad two minute match. The aftermath made a six Knockout tag involving Angelina from Jersey Shore too.
Jeff/Karen wedding renewal: Very bad segment that had OJ as the flower girl.
Rob Terry vs. Scott Steiner: Pretty bad match.
Hernandez vs. Matt Morgan: Another bad match.
Wedding Renewal 2: This was as bad as the first.
Jeff Hardy vs. Sting: Sting wins the world title in a very average match.
Very bad show that was made to look better than it was due to it being outside the Impact zone.
Grade: F
3/10/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very long Hogan promo that makes the main event.
Samoa Joe vs. D'Angelo Dinero: Decent match.
Madison Rayne vs. Roxxi: Squash.
Beautiful People/Winter vs. Sarita/Cookie/Angelina Pivarnick: Terrible match but at least the Jersey Shore character actually got pinned.
Flair/AJ promo: Very good and makes the next match.
Ric Flair vs. Matt Hardy vs. AJ Styles: Okay match but a glorified handicap match where Styles gets pinned by Flair in 2011.
Generation Me vs. Ink Inc.: Solid match.
Sting/Rob Van Dam vs. Mr. Anderson/Jeff Hardy: Not great and only lasted four minutes.
A much better show than last week, but that wasn't hard. Very little wrestling and the main event scene just feels VERY stale, plus guys like AJ and Joe are just being wasted.
Grade: C-
3/17/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very long and boring segment at times that made the main event.
Madison Rayne vs. Alissa Flash: A 15 second squash though the Madison/Mickie promo afterwards was good.
Pope segment: Very boring and lame segment that tried to put over Pope as a healer and ended with him beating up Okato.
Kurt/Karen/Jeff Jarrett segment: Not a great segment as the Angle/Jarrett feud went south once the MMA challenges were over.
Gunner vs. Murphy vs. Rob Terry: Very boring match with Gunner becoming TV champ.
Hernandez/Sarita/Rosita vs. Matt Morgan/Winter/Angelina Love: Very rushed street fight.
AJ Styles vs. Bully Ray vs. Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam: Good match which resulted in Bully powerbombing AJ off the stage.
VERY bad show outside of the main event.
Grade: F
3/24/11 Impact
Opening segment: Your typical Immortal promo to start the show.
Mickie James vs. Tara: Pretty good match.
D'Angelo Dinero vs. Okato: Very boring squash that was part of a bad angle.
Fourtune/Immortal promo: Pretty good promo exchange as Flair and Bully Ray handled most of it.
Matt Morgan/Devon vs. Mexican America: Not a great street fight.
Ink Inc. vs. Scott Steiner/Crimson: Not a great match.
Rob Van Dam vs. Mr. Anderson: Very average main event.
Not a great show.
Grade: D+
3/31/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very mediocre opening promo with most of it between Anderson and Earl Hebner, with Anderson bullying Hebner until Sting and RVD come out, and the main event is made.
Scott Steiner vs. Shannon Moore: Squash.
Max Buck vs. Jeremy Buck: Solid match.
Winter vs. Velvet Sky: Terrible match.
Anderson promo: Very solid and resulting in a good brawl with Sting.
Kurt Angle vs. Rob Terry: Squash.
Abyss/Bully Ray/Matt Hardy vs. Sting/Rob Van Dam/Mr. Anderson: Good cage match main event with Immortal winning and continuing the beatdown until Kazarian and Beer Money come out, and get beaten down until Christopher Daniels returns and does a crossbody off the cage onto Immortal.
Better show than the last two weeks, but that isn't hard to do. Outside of the main event and brawl it was your typical Impact lately.
Grade: C
4/7/11 Impact
Opening segment: Solid opening promo explaining Daniels' return and making Daniels/Bully for later.
Mexican America vs. Tommy Dreamer/Devon: Bad match.
Samoa Joe vs. Murphy: Squash.
Sarita/Rosita vs. Beautiful People: Basically a handicap match as Angelina was ina trance thanks to Winter, who ordered her to destroy Velvet, leading to the loss in a bad match.
Sting/RVD promo: This was actually pretty solid.
Robbie E/Generation Me vs. Chris Sabin/Suicide/Brian Kendrick: Solid match with Max turning on his brother, leading to the loss.
Bully Ray vs. Christopher Daniels: Okay lumberjack match but bad booking in Daniels losing his first match back.
Jarrett/Angle promo: Very good as usual.
Rob Van Dam vs. Sting: A two minute main event and it wasn't very good.
Another mediocre show, once again bogged down by a stale main event, weak in-ring action, and bad stories.
Grade: C-
4/14/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very mediocre Anderson/Hogan promo.
Crimson vs. Orando Jordan vs. Jesse Neal vs. Douglas Williams: Bad match.
Matt Hardy vs. Kazarian: Solid match.
Madison/Tara/Mickie promo: Very solid.
Kurt Angle/Matt Morgan/Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Jarrett/Hernandez/D'Angelo Dinero: Solid match.
Hogan promo: His second of the show and it was average at best with him trying to get RVD to join Immortal.
Abyss vs. James Storm: Decent match.
Velvet promo: This was pretty bad until zombie Angelina attacked her.
Mr. Anderson gauntlet: He eliminates Gunner, Murphy, and Rob Terry until he faces Bully Ray. Weak main event.
Another mediocre show, with a horrendous undercard and stale main event still prevalent.
Grade: C-
4/21/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very good AJ/Bully promo exchange.
Beer Money vs. Gunner/Murphy: Not a great match.
Opening segment: Your typical Hogan/Sting/RVD promo exchange.
Sarita/Rosita vs. Madison Rayne/Tara: Mostly an angle to build Tara's face turn.
Jeff/Kurt promo: This was bad with Karen getting covered in poop that fell from the ceiling.
Rob Van Dam vs. Abyss: More of an angle than a good match.
Morgan/Steiner promo: This wasn't bad.
Sting vs. Matt Hardy: Solid main event.
Another mediocre show in a string of them.
Grade: C-
4/28/11 Impact
Opening segment: Bad segment with Karen Jarrett having all the KOs in the ring to find out who Kurt's "mistress" is. This really dragged...
Angelina Love vs. Velvet Sky: More of an angle than a match.
Anarquia vs. Chris Sabin: Not a great match.
Christopher Daniels vs. Gunner: Solid TV title match.
Anderson/Sting/RVD segment: Good promo exchange between the three.
Crimson vs. Samoa Joe: Not a great match.
Mickie promo: Pretty good promo putting over her KO title win.
Sting vs. Bully Ray vs. Mr. Anderson: Pretty good main event.
Very average show.
Grade: C
5/5/11 Impact
Opening segment: Your typical Immortal promo until Roode cut a promo on Hogan and Bischoff.
Suicide vs. Sangriento: Decent for what it was.
Mexican America promo: This was their typical promo pretty much.
Bully Ray/Gunner vs. AJ Styles/Christopher Daniels: Complete backdrop to a Tommy Dreamer heel turn.
Velvet/Karen promo: Bad promo exchange that made the main event.
Rob Terry vs. Murphy: Bad match.
Mickie James vs. Miss Tessmacher: Solid match.
Jeff Jarrett/Winter/Angelina Love vs. Kurt Angle/Velvet Sky: Not a great main event.
Another below average Impact... a Tommy Dreamer heel turn in 2011 and Velvet Sky in the main event.
Grade: D+
5/12/11 Impact
Opening segment: Okay Jarrett/Angle promo exchange that hyped Angle's surprise for later. Oh boy...
Madison Rayne/Tara vs. Mickie James/Miss Tessmacher: Very rushed match.
Dreamer/AJ promo: Average as heel Dreamer just didn't click.
Beer Money promo: Decent promo exchange with Matt Hardy until Matt reveals his partner at Sacrifice- Chris Harris. Interesting though Harris looks like he did as Braden Walker...
Suicide vs. Sangriento: Solid match.
Foley/Immortal promo: Not good as he reveals Chyna as Angle's surprise. Yes, Chyna.
Abyss vs. Crimson vs. Samoa Joe: Bad match.
#1 contendership battle royal: Pretty good with Anderson winning.
Very mediocre show. Outside of the main event the action wasn't much and I don't know what they were thinking with Chyna as she hasn't been relevant in YEARS.
Grade: C-
5/19/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very good opening segment.
Sarita/Rosita/Madison Rayne vs. Mickie James/Tara/Miss Tessmacher: Not a great match.
Kazarian vs. Abyss: Abyss wins the X Division title in a good match.
Samoa Joe vs. Amazing Red: Squash.
AJ/Dreamer segment: Okay at best as I couldn't buy Dreamer as a heel.
Angle/Jarrett segment: This was good to build their Slammiversary match.
Matt Hardy/Eric Bischoff vs. Generation Me: Bad match with Bischoff pinning Max Buck CLEAN.
Velvet Sky vs. Angelina Love/Winter: Velvet wins a very bad handicap match.
Flair/Roode segment: Very good promo segment.
Final segment: Sting cuts a good promo until Anderson attacks him while dressed as "surfer" Sting.
Not a great show... the promos were mostly good but the matches were terrible and the X Division looked weak in their matches. Not good for the first "wrestling matters" show.
Grade: C-
5/26/11 Impact
AJ Styles/Christopher Daniels vs. Bully Ray/Tommy Dreamer: Pretty good match.
Scorpion Sitdown: Anderson, dressed as surfer Sting, interviews Disco Inferno. Not a great segment as it gave off late WCW vibes.
Velvet/ODB promo: Very bad promo exchange as it featured all the typical language degrading women and neither are the best promos in general.
Jeff Jarrett vs. Matt Morgan: Not a great match.
Promo segment: Foley is revealed as a network executive and he makes Abyss vs. Kendrick for the X Division title later. Good segment.
Mickie James vs. Winter: Solid match.
Abyss vs. Brian Kendrick: Not a great match.
Gunner vs. Eric Young: Gunner does the fingerpoke of doom to EY and loses by rollup when he goes to pin him. Bad segment due to redoing one of the key factors in WCW going out of business and booking Gunner to get outsmarted by Eric Young while being portrayed as a threat.
Kurt Angle vs. Rob Van Dam: Very good main event.
Not a good show for the second "wrestling matters" episode.
Grade: C-
6/2/11 Impact
Opening segment: A very bad ODB/Velvet brawl.
Immortal promo: This was pretty good due to them exchanging with Beer Money and Alex Shelley.
Matt Hardy vs. Crimson: Not a great match.
Angelina Love vs. Miss Tessmacher: Not a great match.
Mr. Anderson vs. Eric Young: Anderson loses to EY in a bad match, who was dressed up as Great Muta. Not the way to build your title challenger.
Kazarian vs. Brian Kendrick: Very good match that was interupted by Abyss.
AJ/Ray promo: Very good promo exchange.
Jeff Jarrett/Scott Steiner vs. Kurt Angle/Matt Morgan: Decent main event.
Not a great show... weak matches and very bad booking.
Grade: C-
6/9/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very bad Sting/Hogan/Anderson promo exchange.
Winter/Angelina Love vs. Mickie James/Tara: Decent match.
Mexican America vs. James Storm/Alex Shelley: Solid match.
Jarrett/Angle promo: Very serious exchange between the two hyping their Slammiversary match.
Rob Van Dam vs. Bully Ray: Good match.
ODB vs. Velvet Sky: Bad match.
Sting/Eric Young vs. Gunner/Mr. Anderson: Very bad main event with Gunner getting the pin on Sting. Yes, Gunner pinned the champ.
Very mediocre show. There were more highlights than the last few weeks, but having Anderson pinned by Eric Young and Sting pinned by Gunner heading into their WORLD TITLE MATCH is just terrible booking. That's the equivalent of the people in the WWE title feud losing to Santino and Mason Ryan heading into their PPV match. Who'd want to buy the PPV for their match when they lost to comedy jobbers and rookies heading into their match? Just terrible.
Grade: C
6/16/11 Impact
Opening segment: Solid promo exchange featuring Anderson and... Gunner. A match is made between them too.
Hernandez vs. Devon: Not a great match.
Angle/Jarrett promo: Very good as expected.
Kid Kash vs. Jimmy Rave vs. Austin Aries: Very solid match.
Velvet Sky/Miss Tessmacher vs. Sarita/Rosita: Not a great match.
Rob Van Dam vs. Samoa Joe: Solid match.
Gunner vs. Mr. Anderson: Not a great match.
Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett: Very good parking lot brawl with Jarrett losing and going to Mexico, writing him off TV.
Much better than the last month or so worth of shows but many of the problems still existed.
Grade: B-
6/30/11 Impact
Opening segment: Your typical Hogan promo, involving Anderson and then Sting, though this featured "Joker" Sting, which was very different.
Devon vs. Samoa Joe: Good match outside of Devon getting the clean win.
Matt Bentley vs. Jimmy Yang vs. Low Ki: Solid match.
Mickie James/Tara/Miss Tessmacher vs. Winter/Angelina Love/Madison Rayne: Solid elimination match.
AJ/Daniels contract signing: Very good contract signing that also made AJ/Daniels/Lynn/RVD for next week.
Gunner vs. AJ Styles: Good match but with Gunner winning after them hyping AJ/Daniels as a dream match. Terrible booking.
Promo exchange: Very solid Mexican America/British Invasion promo exchange.
Scott Steiner vs. Sting: Bad main event.
Solid show again, though Joe losing to Devon and AJ losing to Gunner is beyond idiotic.
Grade: B-
7/14/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very bad opening promo putting over Anderson joining Immortal.
Bobby Roode vs. Samoa Joe vs. D'Angelo Dinero: Solid match despite the screwy finish and Joe still having no BFG series points.
Austin Aries vs. Shannon Moore: Solid match outside of Aries needing a weapon to beat Shannon Moore.
Tara vs. Madison Rayne: Solid match.
Angle promo: This was a decent promo announcing that he's after the world title.
Mexican America vs. British Invasion: Solid match.
Sting vs. Mr. Anderson: Weak main event with Sting winning back the belt after they made a big deal about Anderson joining Immortal. Terrible booking.
Some good wrestling on this show, but the booking was just terrible.
Grade: C
7/21/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very mediocre promo exchange that made the main event.
Rob Van Dam vs. Scott Steiner: Okay match.
Mickie/Velvet promo: Very mediocre promo exchange until Winter and Angelina interrupted.
Sarita/Rosita vs. Tara/Miss Tessmacher: Decent match with Tara and Tessmacher winning the KO tag titles.
AJ Styles vs. Gunner vs. Matt Morgan vs. Samoa Joe: Decent ladder match.
Brian Kendrick vs. Alex Shelley: Solid X Division title match.
Beer Money/Mexican America promo: Very solid actually.
Mickie James vs. Velvet Sky: No match as this was just a brawl since it never got started.
Mr. Anderson/Bully Ray vs. Sting/Kurt Angle: Very mediocre main event as it only lasted four minutes.
Very mediocre episode, mainly because of the STILL stale main event scene.
Grade: C-
7/28/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very solid Hogan/Angle promo exchange.
Rob Van Dam vs. Gunner: Decent match.
Aries/Shelley/Kendrick promo: Very good except for Kendrick's schtick.
Crimson vs. Bully Ray: Weak match with Crimson winning after hitting one move while being worked on by Bully the whole match.
Winter vs. Tara: Solid match.
Abyss vs. Brian Kendrick: An Ultimate X match that was mostly angle as Abyss can't climb the cables. Kendrick wins.
Velvet/ODB promo: Very bad and mainly full of cuss words with little substance
Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson: Very good cage match main event.
Solid show, mostly because of the better booking.
Grade: B
8/4/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very good promo exchange between Anderson and Bully Ray.
Madison Rayne vs. Miss Tessmacher: Not a great match.
Devon vs. AJ Styles: Good match though Devon beating AJ with a rollup in 4 minutes is bad booking.
Samoa Joe vs. D'Angelo Dinero: Very boring match with Joe getting -10 points in the BFG series.
Hernandez vs. Robert Roode: Very good street fight.
Austin Aries vs. Alex Shelley: Very good match.
Rob Van Dam/Crimson vs. Scott Steiner/Gunner: Very dull main event.
Angle/Sting contract signing: Okay at best... good mic work though not nearly enough conflict for a contract signing.
Very average show... maybe a little below as it was very boring and the "Janetty" of Team 3D beating the face of TNA in 4 minutes is just stupid.
Grade: C-
8/11/11 Impact
Opening segment: Not very good as Anderson's kicked out of Immortal WEEKS after joining it.
Mickie James vs. Madison Rayne: Very short and "eh" match.
Brian Kendrick vs. Robbie E: This was more of an angle than a match.
Beer Money vs. AJ Styles/Rob Van Dam vs. Devon/D'Angelo Dinero: Very good match.
Angle promo: Angle explains why he turned heel... which didn't make a whole lot of sense as he aligned with Hogan, who is in the same stable as Jeff and Karen.
Tara/Brooke Tessmacher vs. ODB/Jackie: Another match that was more about the angle around it.
Jarrett promo: He brings out two Mexican landscapers and proceeds to mock their culture while they speak with stereotypical Mexican accents. Bad segment.
Gunner vs. Bully Ray vs. Scott Steiner vs. Crimson: Dull main event with Crimson overcoming the odds against most of Immortal.
Very angle-driven show that didn't work well at all.
Grade: D-
8/18/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Sting/Flair promo.
Devon vs. Scott Steiner: Weak match.
X Division gauntlet: Very good with Aries becoming #1 contender.
Mickie James vs. ODB: Solid match.
Rob Van Dam vs. AJ Styles: Solid match.
Angle/Crimson promo: Decent at best as Crimson's push just feels forced.
Beer Money vs. Mexican America: Solid main event.
Very solid show after a few weak shows. Very little BS, if any.
Grade: B+
8/25/11 Impact
Opening segment: Another decent Angle/Crimson promo.
Angelina Love/Sarita/Rosita vs. Velvet Sky/ODB/Jacqueline: More of an angle than a good match.
Kid Kash vs. Jesse Sorensen: Solid match.
Rob Van Dam vs. D'Angelo Dinero: Solid match.
Sting/Flair promo: This was as awesome as last week.
AJ/Daniels promo: This was solid though they're starting to wrestle each other way too much.
Fourtune vs. Immortal: Good FCA match, though AJ got pinned by Bully after the announcement of another roud of AJ/Daniels. Bad booking.
Kurt Angle vs. Crimson: Decent main event where Crimson gets his leg broken to write him out of the BFG series and to protect his streak.
Another solid show.
Grade: B+
9/1/11 Impact
Opening segment: Your typical Hogan/Sting promo.
Rob Van Dam vs. Gunner: Solid match.
Bischoff promo: This was just to announce Karen as head of the KOs instead of Traci.
Austin Aries/Kid Kash vs. Brian Kendrick/Jesse Sorensen: Solid match.
Mickie James vs. Winter: Good KO title match outside of Mickie winning it back right after Winter won it from her.
Morgan/Joe segment: Very good with Joe destroying Morgan.
AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels: Very good match.
Kurt Angle vs. Sting: Good main event.
Very solid Impact on the road.
Grade: B+
9/8/11 Impact
Opening segment: Your typical Anderson/Sting promo.
British Invasion vs. Devon/D'Angelo Dinero: Decent match.
BFG Series segment: Very solid promo exchange to hype the main event.
Eric Young vs. Robbie E: Bad TV title match.
Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson: Solid match.
Angelina Love/Winter vs. Mickie James/Velvet Sky: Solid match.
Aries/Kendrick promo: Solid outside of Kendrick's Warrior-esque schtick.
Gunner vs. Bully Ray vs. Bobby Roode vs. James Storm: Solid main event.
Another very good Impact and TNA's slowly moving away from the WCW 2000 booking that was prevalent a few months ago.
Grade: A-
9/15/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Sting/Flair promo exchange that made the main event.
Mexican America vs. Devon/D'Angelo Dinero/Tara/Miss Tessmacher: Not a great match.
Fourtune segment: Good segment that put over Roode as the #1 contender and made Roode vs. Kazarian for later.
Velvet Sky vs. Angelina Love: Not a great match.
Samoa Joe vs. Matt Morgan: Not a great match.
Bobby Roode vs. Kazarian: Good match with Roode retaining his title shot.
Sting vs. Ric Flair: Unfortunately, it was a bad match.
Subpar episode to start the BFG build.
Grade: C-
9/22/11 Impact
Opening segment: Not a great promo exchange between Sting and Hogan.
Mickie James vs. Miss Tessmacher: Pretty good match.
Austin Aries vs. Jesse Sorensen: Solid match.
Angle/Roode/Storm segment: Very good promo exchange that made the main event.
Mr. Anderson vs. Bully Ray/Jerry Lynn: Solid handicap match.
AJ/Daniels segment: Very good promo exchange between the two.
Kurt Angle vs. James Storm: Very good main event.
Pretty good Impact.
Grade: B+
9/29/11 Impact
Opening segment: Good promo exchange to build the AJ/Roode match.
Kid Kash vs. Jesse Sorensen vs. Alex Shelley vs. Zema Ion vs. Brian Kendrick: Good #1 contender's ladder match with Kendrick winning.
Jarrett/Kazarian segment: Good promo exchange that resulted in Gunner attacking Kazarian.
Hernandez vs. Jesse Neal: No match as Mexican America attacked Ink Inc. and spraypainted "MA" on them. Good segment.
Madison Rayne vs. Tara: Not much of a match as it was more about Madison flirting with Earl Hebner.
Crimson/Joe segment: Good promo exchange between the two.
D'Angelo Dinero vs. Mr. Anderson: Pretty good match.
Bobby Roode vs. AJ Styles: Very good match with Roode retaining his title shot.
Final segment: Hogan announces his "retirement" in a good promo.
Very good Impact.
Grade: A
10/6/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Beer Money promo to hype thrir match against each other.
Kazarian vs. Gunner: Pretty good match because Kazarian carried it.
Anderson/Ray promo: Very good promo exchange between the two.
Mickie James/Velvet Sky vs. Winter/Madison Rayne: Pretty solid knockouts match.
Bischoff/Hardy promo: Pretty good promo exchange that ends with Bischoff getting the Twist Of Fate.
Crimson vs. Samoa Joe: Very boring match.
James Storm vs. Bobby Roode: Very good match.
Final segment: A very good Sting/Hogan promo exchange.
Very good show. Good matches and excellent BFG build.
Grade: A
10/13/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Angle/Roode promo exchange.
AJ Styles/Rob Van Dam vs. Jerry Lynn/Christopher Daniels: Very solid match.
Samoa Joe vs. Matt Morgan: Very rushed match.
Mexican America/Ink Inc. promo: Okay promo exchange... nothing terrible, nothing great.
Austin Aries/Kid Kash vs. Brian Kendrick/Jesse Sorensen: Very solid match.
Knockouts segment: Karen Jarrett gives a motivational speech to the KO title match competitors and bullies Velvet until a catfight starts. Good sement.
Mr. Anderson vs. Scott Steiner: Not a great match.
Bobby Roode vs. Jeff Jarrett/Gunner: Pretty good handicap match.
Sting/Hogan contract signing: Very good segment.
Another very good show.
Grade: B
10/20/11 Impact
Opening segment: Parts of it were good like the Storm part but it lasted 45 MINUTES.
Winter/Angelina Love vs. Tara/Brooke Tessmacher: Pretty decent match.
Jarrett/Hardy segment: Pretty good promo exchange between the two.
Abyss vs. Gunner: Bad match and Gunner cut a bad promo before it too.
Velvet promo: Velvet cut a solid promo until Karen came out, sent out Madison Rayne to teach her a lesson, and swerved her with Gail Kim instead. Good segment.
Bischoff/Hogan promo: Not very good as it introduces Bischoff's son as a major character and he hasn't done anything to earn TV time yet.
Kurt Angle vs. James Storm: While the match only lasted one minute, a TNA original won the world title and the celebration and Storm's promo really put over the win.
VERY hit/miss show. While it wasn't as terrible as many said, it was a clear step down from the last several weeks of shows.
Grade: C
10/27/11 Impact
Opening segment: Good promo exchange that made Roode/Joe for #1 contendership, despite Joe losing nearly every match this year.
Rob Van Dam vs. Christopher Daniels: Solid match.
Gail Kim vs. Tara: Basically an extended squash following a mediocre promo from Gail.
Robbie E vs. Eric Young: A one minute TV title match with Young retaining.
Bischoff promo: Not very good as it pushed the storyline involving his son, which reeks of nepotism.
Jeff Hardy vs. Bully Ray: Solid match.
Bobby Roode vs. Samoa Joe: Good match with Roode becoming #1 contender.
Final segment: Very bad segment involving Garett Bischoff to close the show. Yes, Garett closed the show over Roode and Joe.
Another mediocre episode. Way too much focus on Garett Bischoff.
Grade: C-
11/3/11 Impact
Opening segment: Good Roode/Storm promo exchange to build the main event.
Gail Kim/Madison Rayne vs. Tara/Miss Tessmacher: Good match with Gail/Madison winning the KO tag titles.
Garett/Eric segment: Bad promo exchange as Garett isn't ready for a huge push at all.
Jesse Sorensen vs. Austin Aries: Good match with Sorensen winning and gaining #1 contendership.
Robbie E/Ronnie segment: Bad promo exchange that put Ronnie in a match next week.
Bully Ray/Jeff Jarrett vs. Jeff Hardy/Mr. Anderson: Solid match.
Morgan/Crimson segment: Decent promo exchange to build their Turning Point match.
Bobby Roode vs. James Storm: Very good TNA title match with Roode winning and turning heel, despite it being convoluted booking.
Very good show. Great story progression, lots of good wrestling, and made Roode champ in a role that he's a natural in.
Grade: B+
11/10/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Roode promo.
Crimson vs. D'Angelo Dinero: Not a great match.
Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff: Terrible match.
Jesse Sorensen vs. Zema Ion: Very rushed match and Kid Kash cuts a great promo on Sorensen afterwards.
Mickie James/Velvet Sky vs. Gail Kim/Madison Rayne: Very average match.
EricYoung/Ronnie vs. Robbie E/Robbie T: Not a great match.
AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels: Good match, though it was ANOTHER AJ/Daniels match.
Jeff Hardy/Abyss/Mr. Anderson vs. Bully Ray/Scott Steiner/Jeff Jarrett: Solid match.
Bobby Roode vs. James Storm: This was all angle and rightfully so, though AJ got a title shot despite barely being involved in Roode's storyline and the match was made last minute.
Not a great show, as everything until the AJ/Daniels match was very pedestrian outside of Roode's promo.
Grade: C-
11/17/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Roode/Storm/AJ promo exchange.
Robbie E vs. Devon: Not a great match.
Austin Aries/Kid Kash vs. Brian Kendrick/Jesse Sorensen: Pretty good tag match.
Knockouts Gauntlet: Very good match with Mickie winning #1 contendership.
Karen/Hardy segment: Good promo exchange.
Crimson/Matt Morgan vs. Mexican America: Bad match with Morgan/Crimson winning the belts.
Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff: Bad match with Garett winning again.
Final segment: Very good Storm/AJ promo exchange that featured the return of Kurt Angle.
Decent show after a PPV.
Grade: B
11/24/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Storm/Angle promo exchange to hype the main event elimination match.
Matt Morgan/Crimson vs. Mexican America: Squash.
Knockouts segment: Good promo exchange to make the Thanksgiving thong Thunder match.
Angelina Love/Winter/Madison Rayne vs. Velvet Sky/Tara/Miss Tessmacher: Good match for the gimmick, in which the point of it was to be degrading for storyline purposes.
Hardy/Jarrett segment: Good promo exchange between the two.
Eric Young vs. Robbie E: Not a great match with Robbie T wearing the turkey suit after the match.
AJ Styles/Mr. Anderson/Jeff Hardy/Rob Van Dam vs. Jeff Jarrett/Bully Ray/Bobby Roode/Christopher Daniels: Very good elimination main event.
Pretty good show outside of the turkey suit stuff.
Grade: B
12/1/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Roode/Sting/AJ promo exchange.
Ink Inc. vs. Mexican America vs. Pope/Devon: Decent match.
Aries/Kash promo: Very good as expected.
Mickie James vs. ODB: Very good streetfight.
Storm interview: Very good.
Robbie E vs. Rob Van Dam: Solid TV title match with Robbie retaining.
Bobby Roode vs. AJ Styles vs. Jeff Hardy: Very good main event.
Excellent show with good matches and good Final Resolution build.
Grade: A
12/8/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Roode/Sting promo exchange.
Samoa Joe vs. Abyss: Okay match.
Promo exchange: Very solid between Pope/Devon and Crimson/Morgan to hype their match.
Mickie James vs. Madison Rayne: Solid match.
Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff: Terrible match.
Storm/Angle promo: Very good.
Gail Kim vs. Traci Brooks: Decent match.
AJ Styles/Jeff Hardy vs. Jeff Jarrett/Bobby Roode: Good main event.
Very solid show outside of Gunner/Bischoff.
Grade: B+
12/15/11 Impact
Bobby Roode vs. AJ Styles: Very good opener with Roode retaining the title.
Abyss/Scott Steiner vs. Hernandez/Robbie T: Bad match.
Angle/Sting promo: Very good.
Zema Ion vs. Anthony Nese: Good match.
Gunner vs. Jesse Neal: All angle.
Hardy/Bully promo: Very good promo exchange that made the main event.
Samoa Joe/Magnus vs. Robbie E/Doug Williams: Solid match.
Devon/Pope promo: Very bad segment involving Devon's kids.
Madison Rayne vs. Traci Brooks: Decent match.
Jeff Hardy vs. Bully Ray: Solid main event.
Very solid show with good wrestling all night.
Grade: B
12/22/11 Impact
Opening segment: Good Hardy/Roode/Bully Ray promo exchange that made the main event.
AJ Styles/Kazarian vs. Rob Van Dam/Christopher Daniels: Pretty good match.
Zema Ion vs. Anthony Nese: Good match for the 2nd match in the best of three series with Nese winning.
Tara vs. Miss Tessmacher: Very bad match.
Storm/Angle segment: Good promo exchange between the two.
Eric Young/ODB vs. Shannon Moore/Anarquia: Bad match.
Bobby Roode/Bully Ray vs. Jeff Hardy/Sting: Solid streetfight main event.
Solid show here. Good matches and feud progression.
Grade: B
12/29/11 Impact
Opening segment: Surprisingly bad Madison/Sting promo exchange because of the raised voices, though it made the main event.
Abyss/Scott Steiner vs. AJ Styles/Kazarian: Not a great match.
Abyss/Ray segment: A good segment that made Abyss vs. Bully Ray at Genesis.
Zema Ion vs. Anthony Nese: Good final match out of the series with Zema getting the title shot.
Gunner vs. Douglas Williams: More of an angle than a match.
Roode segment: Good promo exchange between him and his wife to get him more over as a heel.
Samoa Joe/Magnus vs. Eric Young/ODB: Bad match.
Kurt Angle vs. Rob Van Dam: Good match.
Gail Kim vs. Mickie James: Very good main event with Gail retaining the KO title.
Very average show bordering on decent. The second hour was better than the first.
Grade: B-
Opening segment: Good segment that made the main event.
Double J Double M A challenge: Funny segment as usual, and Angle returns.
AJ Styles/Kazarian vs. Motor City Machine Guns: Pretty good match.
Pope/Joe promo: Very dull promo exchange.
Madison Rayne/Sarita vs. Mickie James/Velvet Sky: Not a great match.
Douglas Williams vs. Rob Terry: Complete nothing match.
Abyss vs. Jay Lethal: Not much of a match as it was more of an angle.
Jeff Jarrett vs. Rob Van Dam: Solid main event.
Very average show heading into Genesis.
Grade: C
1/13/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Morgan/Anderson promo.
Beer Money vs. Motor City Machine Guns: Very good match.
Pope/Joe promo: This was the usual between these two as there was just little reason for them to feud.
Angle/Jarrett promo: This was as good as usual.
Winter/Angelina Love vs. Madison Rayne/Tara: Not a great match.
Abyss vs. Matt Morgan: Bad match.
Mr. Anderson/Rob Van Dam vs. Hardy Boyz: Very good main event.
Pretty decent Impact.
Grade: B-
1/20/11 Impact
Opening segment: Not a great segment.
Sarita vs. Velvet Sky vs. Mickie James vs. Madison Rayne: Not a great match.
Rob Terry vs. Matt Morgan: Squash.
Kazarian vs. Jay Lethal: Solid X Division title match.
Jeff/Karen/Kurt promo: Second segment based around this feud.
Jeff Hardy vs. Tommy Dreamer: Not a great match.
Beer Money vs. Rob Van Dam/Mr. Anderson: Very good match.
Devon/Bully Ray segment: Very good segment to advance their feud.
Final segment: Okay segment with Angle and AJ getting the better of Immortal and Abyss walking down the ramp with Janice stuck to his back before collapsing.
Not a great show... weak matches and way too much Kurt/Jeff/Karen.
Grade: D
1/27/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very solid Angle/Bischoff promo.
Sarita/Madison Rayne/Tara vs. Mickie James/Angelina Love/Velvet Sky: Very good elimination match with Angelina surviving.
Amazing Red vs. Max Buck vs. Chris Sabin: Solid match.
Hardy/Anderson promo: This was very good.
Promo: Very bad Velvet promo that led to a brawl with Winter.
Pope promo: Another bad promo on Joe.
Matt Hardy vs. Mr. Anderson: Solid match.
Kurt Angle/Crimson vs. immortal: Very weak main event.
Pretty good Impact, mainly because of the first hour.
Grade: B
2/3/11 Impact
Opening segment: Mediocre Bischoff/Steiner promo that makes a lot of mentions of the past.
Ink Inc. vs. Gunner/Murphy: Bad match.
Bully Ray/D'Angelo Dinero vs. Samoa Joe/Devon: Bad match with a mediocre promo between Pope and Bully talking about their bad feuds.
Jeremy Buck vs. Douglas Williams vs. Jay Lethal: Solid match.
Anderson/Hardy promo: Very good as usual.
Mickie James vs. Sarita: Solid "taped fist" match.
Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy: Good match with Fourtune turning face to give Anderson the win.
Final segment: Very good AJ/Bischoff promo exchange to close the show.
Bad first hour but an awesome second hour makes for a decent show.
Grade: B-
2/10/11 Impact
Opening segment: Your typical Immortal promo, but with Immortal burying the Fourtune members on the mic.
Devon/Rob Van Dam/Samoa Joe vs. D'Angelo Dinero/Matt Hardy/Bully Ray: Very rushed tables match.
Karen/Jeff/Kurt segment: Very bad promo exchange between the three.
Sarita/Rosita/Tara/Madison Rayne vs. Mickie James/Velvet Sky/Angelina Love/Winter: Not a great match.
Mr. Anderson vs. Matt Morgan: Not a great match.
Brian Kendrick vs. Suicide vs. Robbie E: Decent match.
Kurt Angle/AJ Styles vs. Jeff Jarrett/Jeff Hardy: Solid main event.
Not a good show.
Grade: D
2/17/11 Impact
Opening segment: The typical Immortal promo.
Hernandez vs. Douglas Williams: Squash.
Pope/Joe segment: Very bad.
Kazarian vs. Robbie E: Solid match.
Matt Hardy vs. AJ Styles: Solid match outside of AJ losing.
Anderson/Bischoff promo: Very bad.
Beautiful People vs. Sarita/Rosita: Solid match.
Bully Ray promo: Very good.
Rob Van Dam vs. Jeff Hardy: Good match with Hardy retaining the world title.
Very average show, with the promos mostly missing the mark.
Grade: C
2/24/11 Impact
Opening segment: Your typical Immortal promo that makes RVD/Anderson in the main event.
Gunner/Murphy vs. Eric Young/Orlando Jordan: Bad match.
Bully/Devon promo: This was good except for Devon's kids being involved.
Crimson vs. Magnus: Squash.
Steiner/Terry posedown: This was terrible.
Flair/AJ promo: Very good until Hernandez attacks AJ, although nothing else really happened between Hernandez and Immortal after this.
Madison Rayne vs. ODB: Decent match.
Rob Van Dam vs. Mr. Anderson: Solid main event.
Another average show, as this show only picked up after the posedown.
Grade: C
3/3/11 Impact
Opening segment: Your typical Immortal promo to start the show.
Beer Money vs. Gunner/Murphy: Very average match.
Sarita vs. Velvet Sky: Velvet finally gets her win over Sarita in a very bad two minute match. The aftermath made a six Knockout tag involving Angelina from Jersey Shore too.
Jeff/Karen wedding renewal: Very bad segment that had OJ as the flower girl.
Rob Terry vs. Scott Steiner: Pretty bad match.
Hernandez vs. Matt Morgan: Another bad match.
Wedding Renewal 2: This was as bad as the first.
Jeff Hardy vs. Sting: Sting wins the world title in a very average match.
Very bad show that was made to look better than it was due to it being outside the Impact zone.
Grade: F
3/10/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very long Hogan promo that makes the main event.
Samoa Joe vs. D'Angelo Dinero: Decent match.
Madison Rayne vs. Roxxi: Squash.
Beautiful People/Winter vs. Sarita/Cookie/Angelina Pivarnick: Terrible match but at least the Jersey Shore character actually got pinned.
Flair/AJ promo: Very good and makes the next match.
Ric Flair vs. Matt Hardy vs. AJ Styles: Okay match but a glorified handicap match where Styles gets pinned by Flair in 2011.
Generation Me vs. Ink Inc.: Solid match.
Sting/Rob Van Dam vs. Mr. Anderson/Jeff Hardy: Not great and only lasted four minutes.
A much better show than last week, but that wasn't hard. Very little wrestling and the main event scene just feels VERY stale, plus guys like AJ and Joe are just being wasted.
Grade: C-
3/17/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very long and boring segment at times that made the main event.
Madison Rayne vs. Alissa Flash: A 15 second squash though the Madison/Mickie promo afterwards was good.
Pope segment: Very boring and lame segment that tried to put over Pope as a healer and ended with him beating up Okato.
Kurt/Karen/Jeff Jarrett segment: Not a great segment as the Angle/Jarrett feud went south once the MMA challenges were over.
Gunner vs. Murphy vs. Rob Terry: Very boring match with Gunner becoming TV champ.
Hernandez/Sarita/Rosita vs. Matt Morgan/Winter/Angelina Love: Very rushed street fight.
AJ Styles vs. Bully Ray vs. Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam: Good match which resulted in Bully powerbombing AJ off the stage.
VERY bad show outside of the main event.
Grade: F
3/24/11 Impact
Opening segment: Your typical Immortal promo to start the show.
Mickie James vs. Tara: Pretty good match.
D'Angelo Dinero vs. Okato: Very boring squash that was part of a bad angle.
Fourtune/Immortal promo: Pretty good promo exchange as Flair and Bully Ray handled most of it.
Matt Morgan/Devon vs. Mexican America: Not a great street fight.
Ink Inc. vs. Scott Steiner/Crimson: Not a great match.
Rob Van Dam vs. Mr. Anderson: Very average main event.
Not a great show.
Grade: D+
3/31/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very mediocre opening promo with most of it between Anderson and Earl Hebner, with Anderson bullying Hebner until Sting and RVD come out, and the main event is made.
Scott Steiner vs. Shannon Moore: Squash.
Max Buck vs. Jeremy Buck: Solid match.
Winter vs. Velvet Sky: Terrible match.
Anderson promo: Very solid and resulting in a good brawl with Sting.
Kurt Angle vs. Rob Terry: Squash.
Abyss/Bully Ray/Matt Hardy vs. Sting/Rob Van Dam/Mr. Anderson: Good cage match main event with Immortal winning and continuing the beatdown until Kazarian and Beer Money come out, and get beaten down until Christopher Daniels returns and does a crossbody off the cage onto Immortal.
Better show than the last two weeks, but that isn't hard to do. Outside of the main event and brawl it was your typical Impact lately.
Grade: C
4/7/11 Impact
Opening segment: Solid opening promo explaining Daniels' return and making Daniels/Bully for later.
Mexican America vs. Tommy Dreamer/Devon: Bad match.
Samoa Joe vs. Murphy: Squash.
Sarita/Rosita vs. Beautiful People: Basically a handicap match as Angelina was ina trance thanks to Winter, who ordered her to destroy Velvet, leading to the loss in a bad match.
Sting/RVD promo: This was actually pretty solid.
Robbie E/Generation Me vs. Chris Sabin/Suicide/Brian Kendrick: Solid match with Max turning on his brother, leading to the loss.
Bully Ray vs. Christopher Daniels: Okay lumberjack match but bad booking in Daniels losing his first match back.
Jarrett/Angle promo: Very good as usual.
Rob Van Dam vs. Sting: A two minute main event and it wasn't very good.
Another mediocre show, once again bogged down by a stale main event, weak in-ring action, and bad stories.
Grade: C-
4/14/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very mediocre Anderson/Hogan promo.
Crimson vs. Orando Jordan vs. Jesse Neal vs. Douglas Williams: Bad match.
Matt Hardy vs. Kazarian: Solid match.
Madison/Tara/Mickie promo: Very solid.
Kurt Angle/Matt Morgan/Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Jarrett/Hernandez/D'Angelo Dinero: Solid match.
Hogan promo: His second of the show and it was average at best with him trying to get RVD to join Immortal.
Abyss vs. James Storm: Decent match.
Velvet promo: This was pretty bad until zombie Angelina attacked her.
Mr. Anderson gauntlet: He eliminates Gunner, Murphy, and Rob Terry until he faces Bully Ray. Weak main event.
Another mediocre show, with a horrendous undercard and stale main event still prevalent.
Grade: C-
4/21/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very good AJ/Bully promo exchange.
Beer Money vs. Gunner/Murphy: Not a great match.
Opening segment: Your typical Hogan/Sting/RVD promo exchange.
Sarita/Rosita vs. Madison Rayne/Tara: Mostly an angle to build Tara's face turn.
Jeff/Kurt promo: This was bad with Karen getting covered in poop that fell from the ceiling.
Rob Van Dam vs. Abyss: More of an angle than a good match.
Morgan/Steiner promo: This wasn't bad.
Sting vs. Matt Hardy: Solid main event.
Another mediocre show in a string of them.
Grade: C-
4/28/11 Impact
Opening segment: Bad segment with Karen Jarrett having all the KOs in the ring to find out who Kurt's "mistress" is. This really dragged...
Angelina Love vs. Velvet Sky: More of an angle than a match.
Anarquia vs. Chris Sabin: Not a great match.
Christopher Daniels vs. Gunner: Solid TV title match.
Anderson/Sting/RVD segment: Good promo exchange between the three.
Crimson vs. Samoa Joe: Not a great match.
Mickie promo: Pretty good promo putting over her KO title win.
Sting vs. Bully Ray vs. Mr. Anderson: Pretty good main event.
Very average show.
Grade: C
5/5/11 Impact
Opening segment: Your typical Immortal promo until Roode cut a promo on Hogan and Bischoff.
Suicide vs. Sangriento: Decent for what it was.
Mexican America promo: This was their typical promo pretty much.
Bully Ray/Gunner vs. AJ Styles/Christopher Daniels: Complete backdrop to a Tommy Dreamer heel turn.
Velvet/Karen promo: Bad promo exchange that made the main event.
Rob Terry vs. Murphy: Bad match.
Mickie James vs. Miss Tessmacher: Solid match.
Jeff Jarrett/Winter/Angelina Love vs. Kurt Angle/Velvet Sky: Not a great main event.
Another below average Impact... a Tommy Dreamer heel turn in 2011 and Velvet Sky in the main event.
Grade: D+
5/12/11 Impact
Opening segment: Okay Jarrett/Angle promo exchange that hyped Angle's surprise for later. Oh boy...
Madison Rayne/Tara vs. Mickie James/Miss Tessmacher: Very rushed match.
Dreamer/AJ promo: Average as heel Dreamer just didn't click.
Beer Money promo: Decent promo exchange with Matt Hardy until Matt reveals his partner at Sacrifice- Chris Harris. Interesting though Harris looks like he did as Braden Walker...
Suicide vs. Sangriento: Solid match.
Foley/Immortal promo: Not good as he reveals Chyna as Angle's surprise. Yes, Chyna.
Abyss vs. Crimson vs. Samoa Joe: Bad match.
#1 contendership battle royal: Pretty good with Anderson winning.
Very mediocre show. Outside of the main event the action wasn't much and I don't know what they were thinking with Chyna as she hasn't been relevant in YEARS.
Grade: C-
5/19/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very good opening segment.
Sarita/Rosita/Madison Rayne vs. Mickie James/Tara/Miss Tessmacher: Not a great match.
Kazarian vs. Abyss: Abyss wins the X Division title in a good match.
Samoa Joe vs. Amazing Red: Squash.
AJ/Dreamer segment: Okay at best as I couldn't buy Dreamer as a heel.
Angle/Jarrett segment: This was good to build their Slammiversary match.
Matt Hardy/Eric Bischoff vs. Generation Me: Bad match with Bischoff pinning Max Buck CLEAN.
Velvet Sky vs. Angelina Love/Winter: Velvet wins a very bad handicap match.
Flair/Roode segment: Very good promo segment.
Final segment: Sting cuts a good promo until Anderson attacks him while dressed as "surfer" Sting.
Not a great show... the promos were mostly good but the matches were terrible and the X Division looked weak in their matches. Not good for the first "wrestling matters" show.
Grade: C-
5/26/11 Impact
AJ Styles/Christopher Daniels vs. Bully Ray/Tommy Dreamer: Pretty good match.
Scorpion Sitdown: Anderson, dressed as surfer Sting, interviews Disco Inferno. Not a great segment as it gave off late WCW vibes.
Velvet/ODB promo: Very bad promo exchange as it featured all the typical language degrading women and neither are the best promos in general.
Jeff Jarrett vs. Matt Morgan: Not a great match.
Promo segment: Foley is revealed as a network executive and he makes Abyss vs. Kendrick for the X Division title later. Good segment.
Mickie James vs. Winter: Solid match.
Abyss vs. Brian Kendrick: Not a great match.
Gunner vs. Eric Young: Gunner does the fingerpoke of doom to EY and loses by rollup when he goes to pin him. Bad segment due to redoing one of the key factors in WCW going out of business and booking Gunner to get outsmarted by Eric Young while being portrayed as a threat.
Kurt Angle vs. Rob Van Dam: Very good main event.
Not a good show for the second "wrestling matters" episode.
Grade: C-
6/2/11 Impact
Opening segment: A very bad ODB/Velvet brawl.
Immortal promo: This was pretty good due to them exchanging with Beer Money and Alex Shelley.
Matt Hardy vs. Crimson: Not a great match.
Angelina Love vs. Miss Tessmacher: Not a great match.
Mr. Anderson vs. Eric Young: Anderson loses to EY in a bad match, who was dressed up as Great Muta. Not the way to build your title challenger.
Kazarian vs. Brian Kendrick: Very good match that was interupted by Abyss.
AJ/Ray promo: Very good promo exchange.
Jeff Jarrett/Scott Steiner vs. Kurt Angle/Matt Morgan: Decent main event.
Not a great show... weak matches and very bad booking.
Grade: C-
6/9/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very bad Sting/Hogan/Anderson promo exchange.
Winter/Angelina Love vs. Mickie James/Tara: Decent match.
Mexican America vs. James Storm/Alex Shelley: Solid match.
Jarrett/Angle promo: Very serious exchange between the two hyping their Slammiversary match.
Rob Van Dam vs. Bully Ray: Good match.
ODB vs. Velvet Sky: Bad match.
Sting/Eric Young vs. Gunner/Mr. Anderson: Very bad main event with Gunner getting the pin on Sting. Yes, Gunner pinned the champ.
Very mediocre show. There were more highlights than the last few weeks, but having Anderson pinned by Eric Young and Sting pinned by Gunner heading into their WORLD TITLE MATCH is just terrible booking. That's the equivalent of the people in the WWE title feud losing to Santino and Mason Ryan heading into their PPV match. Who'd want to buy the PPV for their match when they lost to comedy jobbers and rookies heading into their match? Just terrible.
Grade: C
6/16/11 Impact
Opening segment: Solid promo exchange featuring Anderson and... Gunner. A match is made between them too.
Hernandez vs. Devon: Not a great match.
Angle/Jarrett promo: Very good as expected.
Kid Kash vs. Jimmy Rave vs. Austin Aries: Very solid match.
Velvet Sky/Miss Tessmacher vs. Sarita/Rosita: Not a great match.
Rob Van Dam vs. Samoa Joe: Solid match.
Gunner vs. Mr. Anderson: Not a great match.
Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett: Very good parking lot brawl with Jarrett losing and going to Mexico, writing him off TV.
Much better than the last month or so worth of shows but many of the problems still existed.
Grade: B-
6/30/11 Impact
Opening segment: Your typical Hogan promo, involving Anderson and then Sting, though this featured "Joker" Sting, which was very different.
Devon vs. Samoa Joe: Good match outside of Devon getting the clean win.
Matt Bentley vs. Jimmy Yang vs. Low Ki: Solid match.
Mickie James/Tara/Miss Tessmacher vs. Winter/Angelina Love/Madison Rayne: Solid elimination match.
AJ/Daniels contract signing: Very good contract signing that also made AJ/Daniels/Lynn/RVD for next week.
Gunner vs. AJ Styles: Good match but with Gunner winning after them hyping AJ/Daniels as a dream match. Terrible booking.
Promo exchange: Very solid Mexican America/British Invasion promo exchange.
Scott Steiner vs. Sting: Bad main event.
Solid show again, though Joe losing to Devon and AJ losing to Gunner is beyond idiotic.
Grade: B-
7/14/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very bad opening promo putting over Anderson joining Immortal.
Bobby Roode vs. Samoa Joe vs. D'Angelo Dinero: Solid match despite the screwy finish and Joe still having no BFG series points.
Austin Aries vs. Shannon Moore: Solid match outside of Aries needing a weapon to beat Shannon Moore.
Tara vs. Madison Rayne: Solid match.
Angle promo: This was a decent promo announcing that he's after the world title.
Mexican America vs. British Invasion: Solid match.
Sting vs. Mr. Anderson: Weak main event with Sting winning back the belt after they made a big deal about Anderson joining Immortal. Terrible booking.
Some good wrestling on this show, but the booking was just terrible.
Grade: C
7/21/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very mediocre promo exchange that made the main event.
Rob Van Dam vs. Scott Steiner: Okay match.
Mickie/Velvet promo: Very mediocre promo exchange until Winter and Angelina interrupted.
Sarita/Rosita vs. Tara/Miss Tessmacher: Decent match with Tara and Tessmacher winning the KO tag titles.
AJ Styles vs. Gunner vs. Matt Morgan vs. Samoa Joe: Decent ladder match.
Brian Kendrick vs. Alex Shelley: Solid X Division title match.
Beer Money/Mexican America promo: Very solid actually.
Mickie James vs. Velvet Sky: No match as this was just a brawl since it never got started.
Mr. Anderson/Bully Ray vs. Sting/Kurt Angle: Very mediocre main event as it only lasted four minutes.
Very mediocre episode, mainly because of the STILL stale main event scene.
Grade: C-
7/28/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very solid Hogan/Angle promo exchange.
Rob Van Dam vs. Gunner: Decent match.
Aries/Shelley/Kendrick promo: Very good except for Kendrick's schtick.
Crimson vs. Bully Ray: Weak match with Crimson winning after hitting one move while being worked on by Bully the whole match.
Winter vs. Tara: Solid match.
Abyss vs. Brian Kendrick: An Ultimate X match that was mostly angle as Abyss can't climb the cables. Kendrick wins.
Velvet/ODB promo: Very bad and mainly full of cuss words with little substance
Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson: Very good cage match main event.
Solid show, mostly because of the better booking.
Grade: B
8/4/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very good promo exchange between Anderson and Bully Ray.
Madison Rayne vs. Miss Tessmacher: Not a great match.
Devon vs. AJ Styles: Good match though Devon beating AJ with a rollup in 4 minutes is bad booking.
Samoa Joe vs. D'Angelo Dinero: Very boring match with Joe getting -10 points in the BFG series.
Hernandez vs. Robert Roode: Very good street fight.
Austin Aries vs. Alex Shelley: Very good match.
Rob Van Dam/Crimson vs. Scott Steiner/Gunner: Very dull main event.
Angle/Sting contract signing: Okay at best... good mic work though not nearly enough conflict for a contract signing.
Very average show... maybe a little below as it was very boring and the "Janetty" of Team 3D beating the face of TNA in 4 minutes is just stupid.
Grade: C-
8/11/11 Impact
Opening segment: Not very good as Anderson's kicked out of Immortal WEEKS after joining it.
Mickie James vs. Madison Rayne: Very short and "eh" match.
Brian Kendrick vs. Robbie E: This was more of an angle than a match.
Beer Money vs. AJ Styles/Rob Van Dam vs. Devon/D'Angelo Dinero: Very good match.
Angle promo: Angle explains why he turned heel... which didn't make a whole lot of sense as he aligned with Hogan, who is in the same stable as Jeff and Karen.
Tara/Brooke Tessmacher vs. ODB/Jackie: Another match that was more about the angle around it.
Jarrett promo: He brings out two Mexican landscapers and proceeds to mock their culture while they speak with stereotypical Mexican accents. Bad segment.
Gunner vs. Bully Ray vs. Scott Steiner vs. Crimson: Dull main event with Crimson overcoming the odds against most of Immortal.
Very angle-driven show that didn't work well at all.
Grade: D-
8/18/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Sting/Flair promo.
Devon vs. Scott Steiner: Weak match.
X Division gauntlet: Very good with Aries becoming #1 contender.
Mickie James vs. ODB: Solid match.
Rob Van Dam vs. AJ Styles: Solid match.
Angle/Crimson promo: Decent at best as Crimson's push just feels forced.
Beer Money vs. Mexican America: Solid main event.
Very solid show after a few weak shows. Very little BS, if any.
Grade: B+
8/25/11 Impact
Opening segment: Another decent Angle/Crimson promo.
Angelina Love/Sarita/Rosita vs. Velvet Sky/ODB/Jacqueline: More of an angle than a good match.
Kid Kash vs. Jesse Sorensen: Solid match.
Rob Van Dam vs. D'Angelo Dinero: Solid match.
Sting/Flair promo: This was as awesome as last week.
AJ/Daniels promo: This was solid though they're starting to wrestle each other way too much.
Fourtune vs. Immortal: Good FCA match, though AJ got pinned by Bully after the announcement of another roud of AJ/Daniels. Bad booking.
Kurt Angle vs. Crimson: Decent main event where Crimson gets his leg broken to write him out of the BFG series and to protect his streak.
Another solid show.
Grade: B+
9/1/11 Impact
Opening segment: Your typical Hogan/Sting promo.
Rob Van Dam vs. Gunner: Solid match.
Bischoff promo: This was just to announce Karen as head of the KOs instead of Traci.
Austin Aries/Kid Kash vs. Brian Kendrick/Jesse Sorensen: Solid match.
Mickie James vs. Winter: Good KO title match outside of Mickie winning it back right after Winter won it from her.
Morgan/Joe segment: Very good with Joe destroying Morgan.
AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels: Very good match.
Kurt Angle vs. Sting: Good main event.
Very solid Impact on the road.
Grade: B+
9/8/11 Impact
Opening segment: Your typical Anderson/Sting promo.
British Invasion vs. Devon/D'Angelo Dinero: Decent match.
BFG Series segment: Very solid promo exchange to hype the main event.
Eric Young vs. Robbie E: Bad TV title match.
Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson: Solid match.
Angelina Love/Winter vs. Mickie James/Velvet Sky: Solid match.
Aries/Kendrick promo: Solid outside of Kendrick's Warrior-esque schtick.
Gunner vs. Bully Ray vs. Bobby Roode vs. James Storm: Solid main event.
Another very good Impact and TNA's slowly moving away from the WCW 2000 booking that was prevalent a few months ago.
Grade: A-
9/15/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Sting/Flair promo exchange that made the main event.
Mexican America vs. Devon/D'Angelo Dinero/Tara/Miss Tessmacher: Not a great match.
Fourtune segment: Good segment that put over Roode as the #1 contender and made Roode vs. Kazarian for later.
Velvet Sky vs. Angelina Love: Not a great match.
Samoa Joe vs. Matt Morgan: Not a great match.
Bobby Roode vs. Kazarian: Good match with Roode retaining his title shot.
Sting vs. Ric Flair: Unfortunately, it was a bad match.
Subpar episode to start the BFG build.
Grade: C-
9/22/11 Impact
Opening segment: Not a great promo exchange between Sting and Hogan.
Mickie James vs. Miss Tessmacher: Pretty good match.
Austin Aries vs. Jesse Sorensen: Solid match.
Angle/Roode/Storm segment: Very good promo exchange that made the main event.
Mr. Anderson vs. Bully Ray/Jerry Lynn: Solid handicap match.
AJ/Daniels segment: Very good promo exchange between the two.
Kurt Angle vs. James Storm: Very good main event.
Pretty good Impact.
Grade: B+
9/29/11 Impact
Opening segment: Good promo exchange to build the AJ/Roode match.
Kid Kash vs. Jesse Sorensen vs. Alex Shelley vs. Zema Ion vs. Brian Kendrick: Good #1 contender's ladder match with Kendrick winning.
Jarrett/Kazarian segment: Good promo exchange that resulted in Gunner attacking Kazarian.
Hernandez vs. Jesse Neal: No match as Mexican America attacked Ink Inc. and spraypainted "MA" on them. Good segment.
Madison Rayne vs. Tara: Not much of a match as it was more about Madison flirting with Earl Hebner.
Crimson/Joe segment: Good promo exchange between the two.
D'Angelo Dinero vs. Mr. Anderson: Pretty good match.
Bobby Roode vs. AJ Styles: Very good match with Roode retaining his title shot.
Final segment: Hogan announces his "retirement" in a good promo.
Very good Impact.
Grade: A
10/6/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Beer Money promo to hype thrir match against each other.
Kazarian vs. Gunner: Pretty good match because Kazarian carried it.
Anderson/Ray promo: Very good promo exchange between the two.
Mickie James/Velvet Sky vs. Winter/Madison Rayne: Pretty solid knockouts match.
Bischoff/Hardy promo: Pretty good promo exchange that ends with Bischoff getting the Twist Of Fate.
Crimson vs. Samoa Joe: Very boring match.
James Storm vs. Bobby Roode: Very good match.
Final segment: A very good Sting/Hogan promo exchange.
Very good show. Good matches and excellent BFG build.
Grade: A
10/13/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Angle/Roode promo exchange.
AJ Styles/Rob Van Dam vs. Jerry Lynn/Christopher Daniels: Very solid match.
Samoa Joe vs. Matt Morgan: Very rushed match.
Mexican America/Ink Inc. promo: Okay promo exchange... nothing terrible, nothing great.
Austin Aries/Kid Kash vs. Brian Kendrick/Jesse Sorensen: Very solid match.
Knockouts segment: Karen Jarrett gives a motivational speech to the KO title match competitors and bullies Velvet until a catfight starts. Good sement.
Mr. Anderson vs. Scott Steiner: Not a great match.
Bobby Roode vs. Jeff Jarrett/Gunner: Pretty good handicap match.
Sting/Hogan contract signing: Very good segment.
Another very good show.
Grade: B
10/20/11 Impact
Opening segment: Parts of it were good like the Storm part but it lasted 45 MINUTES.
Winter/Angelina Love vs. Tara/Brooke Tessmacher: Pretty decent match.
Jarrett/Hardy segment: Pretty good promo exchange between the two.
Abyss vs. Gunner: Bad match and Gunner cut a bad promo before it too.
Velvet promo: Velvet cut a solid promo until Karen came out, sent out Madison Rayne to teach her a lesson, and swerved her with Gail Kim instead. Good segment.
Bischoff/Hogan promo: Not very good as it introduces Bischoff's son as a major character and he hasn't done anything to earn TV time yet.
Kurt Angle vs. James Storm: While the match only lasted one minute, a TNA original won the world title and the celebration and Storm's promo really put over the win.
VERY hit/miss show. While it wasn't as terrible as many said, it was a clear step down from the last several weeks of shows.
Grade: C
10/27/11 Impact
Opening segment: Good promo exchange that made Roode/Joe for #1 contendership, despite Joe losing nearly every match this year.
Rob Van Dam vs. Christopher Daniels: Solid match.
Gail Kim vs. Tara: Basically an extended squash following a mediocre promo from Gail.
Robbie E vs. Eric Young: A one minute TV title match with Young retaining.
Bischoff promo: Not very good as it pushed the storyline involving his son, which reeks of nepotism.
Jeff Hardy vs. Bully Ray: Solid match.
Bobby Roode vs. Samoa Joe: Good match with Roode becoming #1 contender.
Final segment: Very bad segment involving Garett Bischoff to close the show. Yes, Garett closed the show over Roode and Joe.
Another mediocre episode. Way too much focus on Garett Bischoff.
Grade: C-
11/3/11 Impact
Opening segment: Good Roode/Storm promo exchange to build the main event.
Gail Kim/Madison Rayne vs. Tara/Miss Tessmacher: Good match with Gail/Madison winning the KO tag titles.
Garett/Eric segment: Bad promo exchange as Garett isn't ready for a huge push at all.
Jesse Sorensen vs. Austin Aries: Good match with Sorensen winning and gaining #1 contendership.
Robbie E/Ronnie segment: Bad promo exchange that put Ronnie in a match next week.
Bully Ray/Jeff Jarrett vs. Jeff Hardy/Mr. Anderson: Solid match.
Morgan/Crimson segment: Decent promo exchange to build their Turning Point match.
Bobby Roode vs. James Storm: Very good TNA title match with Roode winning and turning heel, despite it being convoluted booking.
Very good show. Great story progression, lots of good wrestling, and made Roode champ in a role that he's a natural in.
Grade: B+
11/10/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Roode promo.
Crimson vs. D'Angelo Dinero: Not a great match.
Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff: Terrible match.
Jesse Sorensen vs. Zema Ion: Very rushed match and Kid Kash cuts a great promo on Sorensen afterwards.
Mickie James/Velvet Sky vs. Gail Kim/Madison Rayne: Very average match.
EricYoung/Ronnie vs. Robbie E/Robbie T: Not a great match.
AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels: Good match, though it was ANOTHER AJ/Daniels match.
Jeff Hardy/Abyss/Mr. Anderson vs. Bully Ray/Scott Steiner/Jeff Jarrett: Solid match.
Bobby Roode vs. James Storm: This was all angle and rightfully so, though AJ got a title shot despite barely being involved in Roode's storyline and the match was made last minute.
Not a great show, as everything until the AJ/Daniels match was very pedestrian outside of Roode's promo.
Grade: C-
11/17/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Roode/Storm/AJ promo exchange.
Robbie E vs. Devon: Not a great match.
Austin Aries/Kid Kash vs. Brian Kendrick/Jesse Sorensen: Pretty good tag match.
Knockouts Gauntlet: Very good match with Mickie winning #1 contendership.
Karen/Hardy segment: Good promo exchange.
Crimson/Matt Morgan vs. Mexican America: Bad match with Morgan/Crimson winning the belts.
Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff: Bad match with Garett winning again.
Final segment: Very good Storm/AJ promo exchange that featured the return of Kurt Angle.
Decent show after a PPV.
Grade: B
11/24/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Storm/Angle promo exchange to hype the main event elimination match.
Matt Morgan/Crimson vs. Mexican America: Squash.
Knockouts segment: Good promo exchange to make the Thanksgiving thong Thunder match.
Angelina Love/Winter/Madison Rayne vs. Velvet Sky/Tara/Miss Tessmacher: Good match for the gimmick, in which the point of it was to be degrading for storyline purposes.
Hardy/Jarrett segment: Good promo exchange between the two.
Eric Young vs. Robbie E: Not a great match with Robbie T wearing the turkey suit after the match.
AJ Styles/Mr. Anderson/Jeff Hardy/Rob Van Dam vs. Jeff Jarrett/Bully Ray/Bobby Roode/Christopher Daniels: Very good elimination main event.
Pretty good show outside of the turkey suit stuff.
Grade: B
12/1/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Roode/Sting/AJ promo exchange.
Ink Inc. vs. Mexican America vs. Pope/Devon: Decent match.
Aries/Kash promo: Very good as expected.
Mickie James vs. ODB: Very good streetfight.
Storm interview: Very good.
Robbie E vs. Rob Van Dam: Solid TV title match with Robbie retaining.
Bobby Roode vs. AJ Styles vs. Jeff Hardy: Very good main event.
Excellent show with good matches and good Final Resolution build.
Grade: A
12/8/11 Impact
Opening segment: Very good Roode/Sting promo exchange.
Samoa Joe vs. Abyss: Okay match.
Promo exchange: Very solid between Pope/Devon and Crimson/Morgan to hype their match.
Mickie James vs. Madison Rayne: Solid match.
Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff: Terrible match.
Storm/Angle promo: Very good.
Gail Kim vs. Traci Brooks: Decent match.
AJ Styles/Jeff Hardy vs. Jeff Jarrett/Bobby Roode: Good main event.
Very solid show outside of Gunner/Bischoff.
Grade: B+
12/15/11 Impact
Bobby Roode vs. AJ Styles: Very good opener with Roode retaining the title.
Abyss/Scott Steiner vs. Hernandez/Robbie T: Bad match.
Angle/Sting promo: Very good.
Zema Ion vs. Anthony Nese: Good match.
Gunner vs. Jesse Neal: All angle.
Hardy/Bully promo: Very good promo exchange that made the main event.
Samoa Joe/Magnus vs. Robbie E/Doug Williams: Solid match.
Devon/Pope promo: Very bad segment involving Devon's kids.
Madison Rayne vs. Traci Brooks: Decent match.
Jeff Hardy vs. Bully Ray: Solid main event.
Very solid show with good wrestling all night.
Grade: B
12/22/11 Impact
Opening segment: Good Hardy/Roode/Bully Ray promo exchange that made the main event.
AJ Styles/Kazarian vs. Rob Van Dam/Christopher Daniels: Pretty good match.
Zema Ion vs. Anthony Nese: Good match for the 2nd match in the best of three series with Nese winning.
Tara vs. Miss Tessmacher: Very bad match.
Storm/Angle segment: Good promo exchange between the two.
Eric Young/ODB vs. Shannon Moore/Anarquia: Bad match.
Bobby Roode/Bully Ray vs. Jeff Hardy/Sting: Solid streetfight main event.
Solid show here. Good matches and feud progression.
Grade: B
12/29/11 Impact
Opening segment: Surprisingly bad Madison/Sting promo exchange because of the raised voices, though it made the main event.
Abyss/Scott Steiner vs. AJ Styles/Kazarian: Not a great match.
Abyss/Ray segment: A good segment that made Abyss vs. Bully Ray at Genesis.
Zema Ion vs. Anthony Nese: Good final match out of the series with Zema getting the title shot.
Gunner vs. Douglas Williams: More of an angle than a match.
Roode segment: Good promo exchange between him and his wife to get him more over as a heel.
Samoa Joe/Magnus vs. Eric Young/ODB: Bad match.
Kurt Angle vs. Rob Van Dam: Good match.
Gail Kim vs. Mickie James: Very good main event with Gail retaining the KO title.
Very average show bordering on decent. The second hour was better than the first.
Grade: B-
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